Average Cost of TC

Kami Samurai

Well-Known Member
What is the average cost of tissue culture per strain with cleaning? In AZ it’s 800$ a cultivar, wondering if there is more affordable options?
I gotta ask, what do you use cannabis tissue culture for?
Anything from propagation to trying to remove certain pathogens on cuts i know theres also the embryo rescue technique to it too where they can take old seeds that wont pop normally long as theres a few cells left intact in em and bring it back from there basically it has its place and once its costs come down these new techniques will become more common in the coming decades one would think
You could buy everything needed to do it yourself and continue with minimal cost after that. It's not very difficult if you have the equipment which is easily purchased for less than $800.

Nice man see its more affordable than i thought already
In case any of my cultivars have any diseases and such and to revitalize heirloom strains I’ve been bringing out of CA. Diseases mostly. I was talking to someone who said there is no guarantee that TC can remove a vroid, is this true? I haven’t had my time into doing personal research since I pictured Petri dishes and flow hoods. HEPA filters didn’t think it was something I could easily get in to. Like growing mushrooms. It’s bothersome since they charge an extra 200$ per cultivar here for the service.
In case any of my cultivars have any diseases and such and to revitalize heirloom strains I’ve been bringing out of CA. Diseases mostly. I was talking to someone who said there is no guarantee that TC can remove a vroid, is this true? I haven’t had my time into doing personal research since I pictured Petri dishes and flow hoods. HEPA filters didn’t think it was something I could easily get in to. Like growing mushrooms. It’s bothersome since they charge an extra 200$ per cultivar here for the service.
It cant remove everything just some things far as ive heard it and its still early days as far as Cannabis and viroids are concerned we only know so much right now but this coupled with getting a old tired cut outside under the sun if possible after tissue culture might help too lots of folks reccomend it to help revitalize it a bit
Nice man see its more affordable than i thought already

You can get a kit for $275

Microclone kit for tissue culture of medicinal cannabis and fiber hemp. Kit will grow up to 500 clones.

In case any of my cultivars have any diseases and such and to revitalize heirloom strains I’ve been bringing out of CA. Diseases mostly. I was talking to someone who said there is no guarantee that TC can remove a vroid, is this true? I haven’t had my time into doing personal research since I pictured Petri dishes and flow hoods. HEPA filters didn’t think it was something I could easily get in to. Like growing mushrooms. It’s bothersome since they charge an extra 200$ per cultivar here for the service.
That's true, there is no guarantee. Apical meristem tissue culture can usually eliminate viruses, because the apical meristem is made up of new undifferentiated cells, which usually have not yet been infected by the virus within the plant.
You can get a kit for $275

Microclone kit for tissue culture of medicinal cannabis and fiber hemp. Kit will grow up to 500 clones.

You're going to want a tissue culture hood if you are serious about tissue culture, which is at least double the price of that kit, on the low end.
You're going to want a tissue culture hood if you are serious about tissue culture, which is at least double the price of that kit, on the low end.

You can buy the fan/hepa filter unit and then just use a tote. They sell them for $180 on ebay but you could easily make your own. Fans are $20 and the Hepa filter is $20-30. You can get a 30x lighted magnifier for $30. There's tons of instructions online for making your own hood. It doesn't have to cost a ton of money.


You can buy the fan/hepa filter unit and then just use a tote. They sell them for $180 on ebay but you could easily make your own. Fans are $20 and the Hepa filter is $20-30. You can get a 30x lighted magnifier for $30. There's tons of instructions online for making your own hood. It doesn't have to cost a ton of money.

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That looks like it would work to me! Unfortunately I just don't have steady enough hands for TC.
You can buy the fan/hepa filter unit and then just use a tote. They sell them for $180 on ebay but you could easily make your own. Fans are $20 and the Hepa filter is $20-30. You can get a 30x lighted magnifier for $30. There's tons of instructions online for making your own hood. It doesn't have to cost a ton of money.

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Thank awesome man, thank you for taking the time to share this. I’m going to go through all these videos when I get home. I ordered a buch of HLVd test so I find out tamaro. Have to find out if a revegged mother plant would be a good candidate for a TC or is it not necessary.
That looks like it would work to me! Unfortunately I just don't have steady enough hands for TC.

If you're really serious about TC you'd probably want something nicer but for a small time cannabis grower that isn't doing it for a job but for occasional use it's really all you need.

I've been procrastinating for a long time but I'm going to get something going in the next year. But I said that a couple years ago. :mrgreen:

I really don't have a need for it with cannabis but I'd like to start playing around with other plants like Orchids.