Well-Known Member
Check chewy they have aquarium dosers that are pretty much same thing as the blue labs ones at a fraction of the price. They make them with 4 dosers in one unit so you can rig up all kinds of stuff or just the single doser. I think they are like 35 bucks
I think the brand is jebao and the 2 channel is 60 bucks. I know there is other brands and a single channel one out there
JEBAO Multi-Channel Aquarium Auto Dosing Pump, 2 Channel -
Buy Jebao Multi-Channel Aquarium Auto Dosing Pump, 2 Channel at FREE shipping and the BEST customer service!
Awesome! Will look into those. Not saying I would never spend 400$ on growing stuff when I spent a few grand on useless junk, I just would hold off on it.
Hold off on it to find it is possibly another hydro label as an excuse to mark up the tag. I was just worried about it being a packaged cost, like you need another 200$ to keep it maintained and still turns to junk after year 1 or 3.
At the least I would want top notch accuracy I can sleep on.