Examples of GOP Leadership

Do Tell....because i was under the impression that the confederacy firing on fort Sumter in South Carolina was what started the civil war...
of course, slavery, states rights, economic policy, and cultural values had something to do with it as well...but i never heard that burning a witch had anything to do with it.

That's because you're focusing on the wrong word. They had a picnic because it was only supposed to be one day..put on their Sunday best- didn't turn out that way.

So it was Bull Run- my bad.
I consider this poor fact checking, they leave out a LOT of context, the programs the republicans would cut to balance the budget are all social programs that help poor people and minorities...so sure, the republicans have offered solutions...that fuck over everyone but white people with money...

But if they knew about it in Pigeon Forge they might want it in Pigeon Forge.
what is darkly humorous about the Georgia maneuver is that some of the majority Republicans are complaining about “selective prosecution” because low-level marijuana possession cases are not being pursued. It’s the usual hypocrisy with a faint faux-Christian odor about it. After all, that marijuana stuff makes people worship Satan and Taco Bellzebub.
Taco Beelzebub - an instant classic, but ‘Bell-ze-bub’(ba) or the joke won’t travel far. May it live long & prosper! And, I really must say, If *I* haven’t taken an interest in “Satan” by now, I never, ever will…but, see, it’s my allergy to Christianity. Satan’s a major NPC in a game I refuse to play; I refuse to play it, because I solemnly disapprove of virtually every part of it. I’m cool w/ Jesus, we go way back - but the rest of it should have been driven out of the temple as well.

That would not be a “Christian” assessment, but may I remind that Jesus was NOT a Christian (and given the history of “Christianity”, and the gospels, he never would have become one)?

And yes, Georgia as a hidden slave empire is all about keeping all demographics in their proper & appropriate places - and yes, that means keeping the privileges and the limitations. Hidden bit of history: in the jim-crow shakeoff of emancipation, Georgia came up with a carefully engineered electoral system they called the ‘county unit system’, and its purpose was to ensure that the rural white power structure remained in place. I won’t try to explain it, it’s vicious convoluted, & it was WAY over 50 years ago - but my first YEAR of high school was all about learning the DETAILS of the county unit system. They may or may not have been proud of it, but they did think it was important

That was the last year there was any sort of civics or constitutional or governmental orientation or instruction toor information provided in school.

(No, they didn’t tell me it was designed to keep de-facto slavery in place…but they didn’t have to: I’d had my eyes open for quite a while where race was concerned: the civil rights movement wasn’t making news yet, lynchings were rareER but not uncommon, and causal, ad-hoc violence in various forms could be seen on the street, being dished out generally at random, every day.
that’s ‘cause they still think THEY’re christians…living, breathing examples of the one Socratic maxim I actually agree with: the one about the unexamined life not being worth living (virtually impossible to live *with*, too)…which underscores the presence of “the devout” on so many cautionary lists: or as my mother used to say, “God said it, I believe it, *THAT* settles it!”
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That's because you're focusing on the wrong word. They had a picnic because it was only supposed to be one day..put on their Sunday best- didn't turn out that way.

So it was Bull Run- my bad.
Verily, a host of bull was run that day @ Manassas (Pokehowa: “ass over teakettle”)
But if they knew about it in Pigeon Forge they might want it in Pigeon Forge.
I generally don't give a shit what the rednecks here want. I already know what they want. More tourist money. That is their reason for breathing, to seperate as much money from tourist as they possibly can, while still leaving them enough to get a significant distance from here before they run out of gas. Anything else is insignificant to them, and only matters in that it may effect how much tourist money they can acquire...
Fortunately, it doesn't matter what they want, or anyone else wants...what matters is who wins the negotiations in Washington, and i don't see the republicans being able to stick together long enough to win anything. If they refuse to cooperate in meaningful negotiations, THEY will be responsible for tanking the US economy, and probably the world economy...they will be international pariahs, who's political careers will finally die the deaths they deserve. If they do cooperate with meaningful negotiations, they will still be seen as the party that hates women, children, minorities, senior citizens, lqbtq people, the handicapped, the military, and democracy...because those are the places they're going to try to hack the budget to death in...
The republicans would rather cut EVERY social spending program in the entire country than to raise taxes at all on the ultra wealthy and big business, and i'm pretty sure that's not going to fly with Biden or any of the other democrats.
Taco Beelzebub - an instant classic, but ‘Bell-ze-bub’(ba) or the joke won’t travel far. May it live long & prosper! And, I really must say, If *I* haven’t taken an interest in “Satan” by now, I never, ever will…but, see, it’s my allergy to Christianity. Satan’s a major NPC in a game I refuse to play; I refuse to play it, because I solemnly disapprove of virtually every part of it. I’m cool w/ Jesus, we go way back - but the rest of it should have been driven out of the temple as well.

That would not be a “Christian” assessment, but may I remind that Jesus was NOT a Christian (and given the history of “Christianity”, and the gospels, he never would have become one)?

And yes, Georgia as a hidden slave empire is all about keeping all demographics in their proper & appropriate places - and yes, that means keeping the privileges and the limitations. Hidden bit of history: in the jim-crow shakeoff of emancipation, Georgia came up with a carefully engineered electoral system they called the ‘county unit system’, and its purpose was to ensure that the rural white power structure remained in place. I won’t try to explain it, it’s vicious convoluted, & it was WAY over 50 years ago - but my first YEAR of high school was all about learning the DETAILS of the county unit system. They may or may not have been proud of it, but they did think it was important

That was the last year there was any sort of civics or constitutional or governmental orientation or instruction toor information provided in school.

(No, they didn’t tell me it was designed to keep de-facto slavery in place…but they didn’t have to: I’d had my eyes open for quite a while where race was concerned: the civil rights movement wasn’t making news yet, lynchings were rareER but not uncommon, and causal, ad-hoc violence in various forms could be seen on the street, being dished out generally at random, every day.

that’s ‘cause they still think THEY’re christians…living, breathing examples of the one Socratic maxim I actually agree with: the one about the unexamined life not being worth living (virtually impossible to live *with*, too)…which underscores the presence of “the devout” on so many cautionary lists: or as my mother used to say, “God said it, I believe it, *THAT* settles it!”
Once you’ve made peace with the shockingly circular argument that the Bible is the true Word because it says it is … similarly fractured logic from the ostensibly Bible-friendly party isn’t a problem.

If anything, the devout gravitate to the familiarity of the siege mentality drilled into them by the pastors: the myth of being élite troops in the ever-critical war against the forces of godless rationality.
A slap on the wrist so far but at least admitting to lying for Trump.

Trump attorney admits misrepresenting evidence of election fraud
Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who represented former President Trump, admitted in court that she made various misrepresentations on social media and major television appearances about the 2020 presidential election, leading a judge to issue a public censure on Wednesday.

Ellis, who was part of the former president’s efforts to challenge the legitimacy of his election loss, admitted to 10 misrepresentations about the election results, including statements made on Twitter and television programs on Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC and Newsmax.

“The parties agree that Respondent, through her conduct, undermined the American public’s confidence in the presidential election, violating her duty of candor to the public,” Bryon Large, Colorado’s presiding disciplinary judge, wrote in his opinion.

Ellis and the state’s judicial discipline office last month stipulated to the misconduct and concurred that it warranted the censure, court documents show. Ellis agreed to pay $224 in connection with the censure, and Large signed off on the filing on Wednesday.

The misrepresentations include a number of false claims, including Ellis suggesting the election was “stolen” during multiple television appearances and that Trump “actually won in a landslide.”

All of the stipulated statements took place between November 13, 2020, and December 22, 2020. The list includes misrepresentations promoted during appearances on Fox News’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” MSNBC’s “The Ari Melber Show,” Newsmax’s “Spicer & Co” and “Greg Kelly Reports” as well as Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria.”

Ellis agreed that her statements violated Colorado’s Rules of Professional Conduct, which prohibits lawyers from engaging in dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.

The 65 Project, a nonprofit group that targets lawyers who bring lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results, first filed the bar complaint against Ellis last March.

“[T]he year it took to reach this outcome highlights the need for revamped and revitalized disciplinary process,” The 65 Project Managing Director Michael Teter said in a statement.

“It should not take 366 days to hold accountable a lawyer who, in a few short weeks of constant lies and misrepresentations, placed American democracy in such jeopardy.” Teter added. “Nor is a public censure a particularly satisfying outcome when one considers the direct line between Ms. Ellis’s deliberate actions and the attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6th.”

She was not counsel of record for any of the dozens of lawsuits the Trump campaign brought following the election, but Ellis is the latest prominent member of the then-president’s legal team to face disciplinary action.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani already had his law license suspended, and Jeffrey Clark, an attorney at the Justice Department who Trump weighed installing as attorney general to investigate the fraud claims Giuliani is now being reprimanded over, also faces disciplinary action before the board.
I generally don't give a shit what the rednecks here want. I already know what they want. More tourist money. That is their reason for breathing, to seperate as much money from tourist as they possibly can, while still leaving them enough to get a significant distance from here before they run out of gas. Anything else is insignificant to them, and only matters in that it may effect how much tourist money they can acquire...
Fortunately, it doesn't matter what they want, or anyone else wants...what matters is who wins the negotiations in Washington, and i don't see the republicans being able to stick together long enough to win anything. If they refuse to cooperate in meaningful negotiations, THEY will be responsible for tanking the US economy, and probably the world economy...they will be international pariahs, who's political careers will finally die the deaths they deserve. If they do cooperate with meaningful negotiations, they will still be seen as the party that hates women, children, minorities, senior citizens, lqbtq people, the handicapped, the military, and democracy...because those are the places they're going to try to hack the budget to death in...
The republicans would rather cut EVERY social spending program in the entire country than to raise taxes at all on the ultra wealthy and big business, and i'm pretty sure that's not going to fly with Biden or any of the other democrats.

Last time I was on South Beach 2019, I forgot to get gas before going over- it was $9/gal fuckers charging me tourista prices. The gas station also had a few side hustles..parking being one..last gas before the bridge and on sub-empty..you had to be 'let' onto gas station property with this tiny lane and someone directing traffic on the busiest corner before the causeway. I think gas was about $3/gal. Bastards:cuss:
A slap on the wrist so far but at least admitting to lying for Trump.

Trump attorney admits misrepresenting evidence of election fraud
Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who represented former President Trump, admitted in court that she made various misrepresentations on social media and major television appearances about the 2020 presidential election, leading a judge to issue a public censure on Wednesday.

Ellis, who was part of the former president’s efforts to challenge the legitimacy of his election loss, admitted to 10 misrepresentations about the election results, including statements made on Twitter and television programs on Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC and Newsmax.

“The parties agree that Respondent, through her conduct, undermined the American public’s confidence in the presidential election, violating her duty of candor to the public,” Bryon Large, Colorado’s presiding disciplinary judge, wrote in his opinion.

Ellis and the state’s judicial discipline office last month stipulated to the misconduct and concurred that it warranted the censure, court documents show. Ellis agreed to pay $224 in connection with the censure, and Large signed off on the filing on Wednesday.

The misrepresentations include a number of false claims, including Ellis suggesting the election was “stolen” during multiple television appearances and that Trump “actually won in a landslide.”

All of the stipulated statements took place between November 13, 2020, and December 22, 2020. The list includes misrepresentations promoted during appearances on Fox News’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” MSNBC’s “The Ari Melber Show,” Newsmax’s “Spicer & Co” and “Greg Kelly Reports” as well as Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria.”

Ellis agreed that her statements violated Colorado’s Rules of Professional Conduct, which prohibits lawyers from engaging in dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.

The 65 Project, a nonprofit group that targets lawyers who bring lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results, first filed the bar complaint against Ellis last March.

“[T]he year it took to reach this outcome highlights the need for revamped and revitalized disciplinary process,” The 65 Project Managing Director Michael Teter said in a statement.

“It should not take 366 days to hold accountable a lawyer who, in a few short weeks of constant lies and misrepresentations, placed American democracy in such jeopardy.” Teter added. “Nor is a public censure a particularly satisfying outcome when one considers the direct line between Ms. Ellis’s deliberate actions and the attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6th.”

She was not counsel of record for any of the dozens of lawsuits the Trump campaign brought following the election, but Ellis is the latest prominent member of the then-president’s legal team to face disciplinary action.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani already had his law license suspended, and Jeffrey Clark, an attorney at the Justice Department who Trump weighed installing as attorney general to investigate the fraud claims Giuliani is now being reprimanded over, also faces disciplinary action before the board.

Social Media Is Not Real Life..like a Chrystal ball, it was.

MISrepresentation = mistake

DISinformation = misinformation weaponized

Ellis made no mistakes except for getting caught.

$224 is a joke and slap in the face to Colorado's citizens..I'll be taking action.

Thank you for bringing this to post.
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when Heritage complains like this, it’s a compliment. The problem emerges early with the phrase “mainstream conservative”, an extinct species.

Perhaps the problem is that conservative journalists are offended that their ideological home has separated from reason, and are abetting the disinformers and authoritarians who have commandeered every aspect of conservative culture.
Taco Beelzebub - an instant classic, but ‘Bell-ze-bub’(ba) or the joke won’t travel far. May it live long & prosper! And, I really must say, If *I* haven’t taken an interest in “Satan” by now, I never, ever will…but, see, it’s my allergy to Christianity. Satan’s a major NPC in a game I refuse to play; I refuse to play it, because I solemnly disapprove of virtually every part of it. I’m cool w/ Jesus, we go way back - but the rest of it should have been driven out of the temple as well.

That would not be a “Christian” assessment, but may I remind that Jesus was NOT a Christian (and given the history of “Christianity”, and the gospels, he never would have become one)?

And yes, Georgia as a hidden slave empire is all about keeping all demographics in their proper & appropriate places - and yes, that means keeping the privileges and the limitations. Hidden bit of history: in the jim-crow shakeoff of emancipation, Georgia came up with a carefully engineered electoral system they called the ‘county unit system’, and its purpose was to ensure that the rural white power structure remained in place. I won’t try to explain it, it’s vicious convoluted, & it was WAY over 50 years ago - but my first YEAR of high school was all about learning the DETAILS of the county unit system. They may or may not have been proud of it, but they did think it was important

That was the last year there was any sort of civics or constitutional or governmental orientation or instruction toor information provided in school.

(No, they didn’t tell me it was designed to keep de-facto slavery in place…but they didn’t have to: I’d had my eyes open for quite a while where race was concerned: the civil rights movement wasn’t making news yet, lynchings were rareER but not uncommon, and causal, ad-hoc violence in various forms could be seen on the street, being dished out generally at random, every day.

that’s ‘cause they still think THEY’re christians…living, breathing examples of the one Socratic maxim I actually agree with: the one about the unexamined life not being worth living (virtually impossible to live *with*, too)…which underscores the presence of “the devout” on so many cautionary lists: or as my mother used to say, “God said it, I believe it, *THAT* settles it!”
also “Bellzebub”. It sings a little better.
when Heritage complains like this, it’s a compliment. The problem emerges early with the phrase “mainstream conservative”, an extinct species.

Perhaps the problem is that conservative journalists are offended that their ideological home has separated from reason, and are abetting the disinformers and authoritarians who have commandeered every aspect of conservative culture.
They have cornered themselves with lunatics and fascists, they are not alone on the right, their main problem is they are riding an ideologically dead horse themselves.

'Complete bull': Franken demolishes McCarthy for Tucker’s Jan. 6 propaganda

13,448 views Mar 9, 2023 #KevinMcCarthy #TuckerCarlson #Congress
Speaker McCarthy is under fire after handing Jan. 6 footage exclusively to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has distorted the insurrection with misleading claims and edited video. Former Senator Al Franken joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber on “The Beat,” calling McCarthy’s decision “complete bull.” On the billion dollar defamation lawsuit facing Fox News, Franken says it’s “a slam dunk case.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger's last act

55,811 views Mar 9, 2023 #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #MSNBC #Politics
The Atlantic's Mark Leibovich joins Way Too Early to discuss his latest reporting on the life and career and future of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is now 75.