What did you consumer fucks buy today?

This one would pair well with it.
i was looking at ampeg ams the other day, great to have some feedback about the quality, one thing missing from amazon or ebay, a decent sound bite so you can actualy hear the amp. would make for much better sales.
I just made a devastating purchase from Rei. 3 pairs of Patagonia active hipster underwear accidentally shipped to my old address in California! I could cry. I was on the waiting list to get them for 2 months . I updated my billing but not my address. I caught the mistake 8 hours after payment and started a chat ….they said they fixed it on the back end but I have my doubts . I am such a fuck up. Used my Rei points as well.

That's why you look for dumble's. Lol
My dream amp lol. I seen your 5150 post. When I bought the blues jr I actually went for this amp 20220905_111240.jpg... I was ready lol. Watched about a thousand videos and decided to check out a blues jr just because affordable fender tweed why not.. didn't go back to the 5150. Lol. Im thinking about getting the little mini head to run into my Scarlett though. Also grabbed this for 10 bucks and it works. Still not sure if it's usable though. 16780142123282990975134131186160.jpg
I like making noise too lol
Bought a magic drinking shirt, has charms that protect you from bad alcohol spirits, falling down or passing out. :o
All the other drunks are going to be so jealous.

Also doesn't need a tie for formal occasions.

My dream amp lol. I seen your 5150 post. When I bought the blues jr I actually went for this amp View attachment 5266943... I was ready lol. Watched about a thousand videos and decided to check out a blues jr just because affordable fender tweed why not.. didn't go back to the 5150. Lol. Im thinking about getting the little mini head to run into my Scarlett though. Also grabbed this for 10 bucks and it works. Still not sure if it's usable though. View attachment 5266947
View attachment 5266949
I like making noise too lol
Yea the 5150 is an absolute beast. Great amp for rock and metal. I wouldn't get it for playing a more traditional blues though. You could probably pull it off, but it's not what it was designed for.

I dig the korg! My first multi effects processor was a Korg ax30g...


I didn't understand emulators at the time I bought it, and I was disappointed at first when my buddy kept telling me "it doesn't have the tube tone". I kept messing around with it, and it ended up being pretty decent as a introduction to multi effects and amp modeling. It was the mid 90s, and most the music coming out at the time, imo, had shitty tone anyways. Lol