Why would I not take my girls outside in nice weather

OBX Guy 61

OK so this is a question that I suppose the answer is going to be why would I not, but it never hurts to get some feedback. Below you will see my cabinet nursery. I know it looks pretty bad compared to what other people do but hey, it is working and it is all I got. I live in coastal North Carolina and the weather is the bomb right now warm and sunny and I’m thinking why would I not take all my girls outside to soak up some good sunshine when it is nice and bring them back inside as the day cools off.

Do you guys have any thoughts on this?BE6EAA90-43AF-4F0C-B0C6-7BB19B0FD444.jpeg04592D8F-0040-40FF-A22C-259CEAF10221.jpegCBAEC442-BD06-4125-BC57-FEAD2640621B.jpeg486BBAE3-E2D4-4325-8710-0B6D36F75060.jpeg9DF725A0-7348-427A-831B-91ACE33CAF31.jpeg1E1B9259-9454-43ED-930A-B77E5252170C.jpeg
cleanleness is paramount when you first start growing, takeing plants outdoors is an open invatation to pests and air bourn diseases.
with pests and mold

I was super lucky last year or it’s just the environment. Only a trace of PM and no pests. My backyard is pretty wild too.
saying that, your terracotta pots have been wethered so much, the frost has caused them to chip off bits around the edges, so there an open invitation to both,
are you growing in a tent?
what plans do you have for them, will they eventualy be going outdoors?
with pests and mold

I was super lucky last year or it’s just the environment. Only a trace of PM and no pests. My backyard is pretty wild too.
a lot depends on luck and area you grow in, ive had whole grows decend into chaos with numerous bugs n diseases, then ive had other grows where i take them in and put them back in at night dayly. and nothing bad has happened to them.
strain makes a differance too
I do that to my mother plants a couple times a week. I'm in So-Cal, it doesn't hurt them. I think the wind makes them stronger than a fan does. Plus I save a few pennies on shutting down fan and lights. The only thing that could give you pause, would be that you have them in a clean environment, and depending on what is around outside, your girls could pick up some pests. Two environments doubles your chance of picking up bugs.
As others have mentioned pests are the biggest issue. Once you bring them indoors fighting them becomes more difficult. The other thing is you have to harden them off slowly before just putting them in direct sunlight or they'll get burned. Takes at least a couple days to a week before they're ready to soak up the sun full strength.
You have a few weeks to ponder the issue. They are to young and tender yet. I do it every year with my onion tomatoes and peppers. He is going to have to do something for room . I think you started to soon. Your plants are going to be pretty big by the middle of May.
He's growing in soil so they won't get big to quick .On the other hand if it was coco he would have 2-3 foot monsters come May.
He's growing in soil so they won't get big to quick .On the other hand if it was coco he would have 2-3 foot monsters come May.
I will be growing outside guerrilla. Digging a hole, putting one of those coco baskets for hanging plants in the hole and then back fill with Mother Earth groundswell. Check in a month and then July and then October.
I live in Coastal NC and ag center moved planting up by almost a month. Warmest Feb ever here and expected to continue that way. Last frost here is March 14 on average. So in the ground April 1 - 15. We will see.
You have a few weeks to ponder the issue. They are to young and tender yet. I do it every year with my onion tomatoes and peppers. He is going to have to do something for room . I think you started to soon. Your plants are going to be pretty big by the middle of May.
Last year just germed and then in the pot and outside. Went well and did not start until June, was my first time. Fingers crossed.
The problem with full-time outside is that the days are too short. Your photos will start to flower. In addition the shorter days equals less sun. So you are not operating in the best conditions. You will have to do something because if you do your thing they will not be fitting in you cabinets. I start putting out the middle of May. Over the years I discovered that there was little difference between the middle of May and plants put in as late as the first week of June.
if you intend to put them outside eventually, this is a great idea but personally, I think it’s a bad idea if they are not going to be outside that being said Just set them out by a window for a few hours a few times first in direct light and ease them into it. be careful of bug damage. 10% of bug damage on the leaves equals 50% slower growth.