questions and concerns, please help!


Active Member

hmmmm, okay so my 'fake' leaves already died and fell off but now my actual leaves are withering, turning yellowish and one leave has yellow spots :/ why is that?

my plant hasn't grown in a couple of days, and idk why!

also i'm leaving to go on vacation from dec 20th to january 1st, so it makes me unable to water my plants, what should i do?! do you think those aquaglobe shits you see on those infomerials actually work? :/

i'm on a 24 hr 40 watt flourescent light cycle right now, and i'm using a little bit of nutes [ fox farm ] , maybe it's not ready yet - i'm waiting for some dolomite to come in the mail because i'm using miracle gro soil with those fertballs >:[ is that the problem?

i planted it nov 2, when will i be able to tell it's sex and when should i change the light cycle? thanks so much to all that help !!! <3 i know i've read most of this info before, but i'm kinda lazy to re research again


Well-Known Member
It either sounds like your burning them up with the nutes....or you could just be neglecting the PH of the water


Well-Known Member
Looks like nute burn. The Miracle Grow soil already has nutes in it... and then when you ADD nutes (especially for a young plant), you're likely gonna get nute burn. Flush the soil and don't give any nutes for a few weeks.

You're gonna be gone for 11 days? Thats not good. I'm pretty sure that your plant will need to be watered within that time... you may come back to a dead or dying plant unless you can come up with a way to supply your plant with water while you're gone. I've never tried the aqua globes... so I don't know how well they work.

You could wait a week or two and hope that it gives you some pre-flowers to determine the sex... but not all plants do that. You may have to wait until you switch to 12/12 to find out its sex. You should switch to 12/12 once the plant is about 1 and a half to 2 feet tall.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
i dont know if you just watered it, but they look overwaterred. i wouldnt worry about those lowest leaves anyway. also, do you spray them when the lights are on? i heard taht can burn it a bit


Well-Known Member
first of all ill discuss your plant.
is the MG soil your using a time release fert soil? Most likely it says that on the bag somewhere. if this is the case then your plants are probably suffering from being overfed. MG soil releases fert over time which in combination with the ones you were adding were too much. You should flush your soil to remove all the nutes. next time dont use maricle grow. this is why its to hated on the forum. That should let the plant start growing again soon and keep the leaves from yellowing.

also i would reccommend getting a PH tester. This will help you make sure that your plants arent being under or overfed again.

now for the vaca. this is a problem alot of people seem to be facing. There is usually always an aqua globe thread on the front page. from what ive read, aquaglobes are bogus. They dump all the water into the plants within a day or two, are easily breakable, and they take oxygen out of the soil. There are some other alternatives people have suggested such as water bottles flipped upside down with a hole in the top or a hampster water bottle.

if it was me? i would probably just find a plant sitter. you have to be very careful with this though because people have come back and their "friends" have smoked all their harvest before. make sure you get someone you can trust not to kill or smoke your plants. make sure you pay him handsomely come harvest time as well

as for the sexing of the plant, plants usually show somewhere around 3 weeks. it can be quicker or longer. id say its taking your plant a little longer because of the shock it was in. it should start showing after it starts growing again

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Whoooooooo slow down chief you dont know about PH............Ok 1st you need to get a ph tester (from a pool supply store, hydro store, fish store,.....etc.) You can get the electric tester which is what i use or you can get the old fashion cheap old little plastic containers that you just put your water in and just add some of the dye they provide then match it up to the table that the give you..................Now When you make your nutes and everything done......Check the ph of the water......When growing marijuana in soil the pH of the soil should be between 6.5 and 7.0. So after you check the water and lets say the ph is at 7.5 what we need is a nutrient buffer i use whats called mad farmers ph up and ph down. if its at 7.5 obviously you will need ph down. add just a little then test again and if its within region your good to go. The main reason for balancing out your ph is so that your plant will accept the nutes. and if they dont accept it they will start to die because they need nutes such as potassium and nitrogen...etc.


Active Member
i dont know if you just watered it, but they look overwaterred. i wouldnt worry about those lowest leaves anyway. also, do you spray them when the lights are on? i heard taht can burn it a bit
yeah, i just watered it and i spray it with the lights on sometimes, lol - well, thanks!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Your soil looks too wet. Do you allow it to dry before you re-water? If you dont use a lot of nutes, its overwatered. If kept wet you get root rot and that causes the wilting. Its the #1 problem new growers have. That and over-nuting. Let your soil dry. Pick the pot up before you are ready to re-water. If it does not feel light it is Not time to water. Its a weed so the soil needs to dry a little before you re-water. When you go on vacation use the Wick System. You put a piece of rope in a bucket of water and the rope transfers the water to the pot slowly. I dont know all the details but its in the FAqs. Good Luck!


Active Member
Whoooooooo slow down chief you dont know about PH............Ok 1st you need to get a ph tester (from a pool supply store, hydro store, fish store,.....etc.) You can get the electric tester which is what i use or you can get the old fashion cheap old little plastic containers that you just put your water in and just add some of the dye they provide then match it up to the table that the give you..................Now When you make your nutes and everything done......Check the ph of the water......When growing marijuana in soil the pH of the soil should be between 6.5 and 7.0. So after you check the water and lets say the ph is at 7.5 what we need is a nutrient buffer i use whats called mad farmers ph up and ph down. if its at 7.5 obviously you will need ph down. add just a little then test again and if its within region your good to go. The main reason for balancing out your ph is so that your plant will accept the nutes. and if they dont accept it they will start to die because they need nutes such as potassium and nitrogen...etc.
haha oh okay thanks! i'm gonna go out and buy a PH test, asap and yeah i heard about the aquaglobes, haha!


Active Member
first of all ill discuss your plant.
is the MG soil your using a time release fert soil? Most likely it says that on the bag somewhere. if this is the case then your plants are probably suffering from being overfed. MG soil releases fert over time which in combination with the ones you were adding were too much. You should flush your soil to remove all the nutes. next time dont use maricle grow. this is why its to hated on the forum. That should let the plant start growing again soon and keep the leaves from yellowing.

also i would reccommend getting a PH tester. This will help you make sure that your plants arent being under or overfed again.

now for the vaca. this is a problem alot of people seem to be facing. There is usually always an aqua globe thread on the front page. from what ive read, aquaglobes are bogus. They dump all the water into the plants within a day or two, are easily breakable, and they take oxygen out of the soil. There are some other alternatives people have suggested such as water bottles flipped upside down with a hole in the top or a hampster water bottle.

if it was me? i would probably just find a plant sitter. you have to be very careful with this though because people have come back and their "friends" have smoked all their harvest before. make sure you get someone you can trust not to kill or smoke your plants. make sure you pay him handsomely come harvest time as well

as for the sexing of the plant, plants usually show somewhere around 3 weeks. it can be quicker or longer. id say its taking your plant a little longer because of the shock it was in. it should start showing after it starts growing again

hope this helps
yeah thanks it definitely helped, hmmm i don't know if that plant sitter idea will work, but i'll flush the soil, and try again ... just water it a lot to flush it right?