Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Okay, so - your system looks amazing, and actually quite straightforward (even do-able for someone like me.) In fact, after reading your article (I got to page 10, and got most of the info) I decided to ditch the AeroGarden plan I had and just start gathering the supplies to make your set-up.

However, I am pretty damned close to retarded when it comes to anything technical and mechanical, and I kinda wanted to avoid any disasters/fires/failures. I know you may have pointed out some of the questions I'm about to ask earlier, but it may not have been obvious (I know right, what do you have to do??) or it may have been somewhere in the 117 pages I didn't get to, so...

Everyone has to start somewhere. In a year with my system you will be a master grower.

1) as I know absolutely nothing about lights, what brand (if you don't mind telling) MH lights do you use? and I read that you use them in the veg room, but when I was searching for lights, the MH's were all in the yellow-orange spectrum, which (I could easily be wrong) I thought induced flowering. I thought you wanted blue-green for veg growth, like the HO fls.?

So long story short, brand name and bulb type?

Wattage is more important than color. You will grow a shit load more bud with a 1000W MH than a 400W HPS even though the HPS is a better color for flowering.

As far as brands are concerned Eye Hortilux and Sunmaster are the best. I run Eye Hortilux in all my HIDs. They are expensive but worth every penny!

Any HO fluorescent will work fine for clones and veg. The blue ones are better but it's not like the plants won't grow with the yellow ones.

I used cheap $7 shop lights on my clones for years and they worked great.

2) about the HPS, same thing - brand name?

Eye Hortilux Super HPS.

3) Any particular site (when you do buy from online) that you use? I know you said you like to support your local stores, but unfortunately I live in hickville hickstown America, and they dont have much except a walmart... have to go to the next town to get any hardware supplies. (HAHA)

I wish I could help you here but I buy everything local. Many of the guys here can help with some recomendations though. A simple search would be the fast solution.

I think what I was trying to ask is what temp. bulbs? 5500K, 6500K, 10,000K, or 20,000K??

I think I answered this above but let me emphasize the importance of power over color. Think of it like a car... if you put a blown hemi in your car who gives a fuck what color it is. It's going to haul ass!:mrgreen:

Light is the single most import aspect determining final yield. All your thoughts should be towards how you can have as much light as possible.

Light is right!
Wrong again color controls metobolic shit insde plants , health , flower , height and node tightness , your just fukin feedin peep miss info asshole. Sorry truth hurts a?

Nice to have you along for the ride Vdubb. I'm assuming you must drive a Volkswagon:mrgreen:. I used to have a cherry 71 VW van.

As far as mother plants go you really should take the time to read the whole thread. In it I explain how to take clones from your veg plants so you don't have to run mothers.

Have a nice day bro!:peace:

PS. I think your caps lock might be stuck....
Wrong again color controls metobolic shit insde plants , health , flower , height and node tightness , your just fukin feedin peep miss info asshole. Sorry truth hurts a?
Stinkbud, dammit, how could have overlooked the effect of color on the "metabolic shit"?
Wrong again color controls metobolic shit insde plants , health , flower , height and node tightness , your just fukin feedin peep miss info asshole. Sorry truth hurts a?

If you read the whole thread you will see that I have always recommend HPS for flower and MH or Fls for veg. I've always recommended fluorescents for the clone system.

I even explained the main advantage of Fluorescents is the short internode length. I've also talked about the advantages of HO fls over CFLs.

But like I said before, if given the choice between a 1000W MH and a 400W HPS I would pick the 1k every time.

For example check out the photo of this small 6 hole unit I have in test right now. It is growing great right now under my spare 1000W MH. This is the same light I have grown hundreds of crops with over the last 14 years.

The number one factor of plants metobolic rate is the heat of the room. The hotter it is, the faster the metabolism. At least until you reach a point that the stomata start to close. To take advantage of these kinds of metobolic rates you would need C02. Something else I highly recommend.

The health of the plant is not effected by the color of the light. My plants are just as healthy under my MH as they are under my HPS lights.

The height of a plant is a combination of many factors. Genetics is one, Sativa plants grow taller than Indica plants. The amount of light is another important factor, a 1k light will grow taller plants than a 400w regardless of the color of the light. The most important factor in height is vegative time. The longer you veg a plant the taller it will grow.

As far as internode length (during flowering) I've noticed that my MH plants actually have a shorter internode length than the same strains under the HPS lights. Before I bought my last HPS I had both the MH and HPS in the same room. The HPS plants stretched more during the intial flower stage. The plants under both lights grew like crazy!

Adding C02 made the biggest difference in internode length. Everything grew a lot more compact. It also made the stems a lot thicker.

I always recommend the Eye Hortilux Super HPS for flowering. The best MH is 110,000 lumens, HPS lights can pump out 145,000.

StinkBud's light recommedations. (most of you already know this)
4-600W HPS lights would be my number one choice for the flower room.
4 light HO fluorescent for veg.
2 light HO fluorescent for clone.

Thanks for your help friend. I'm sure someone just learned something they wouldn't have if it wern't for you bringing up some very important issues.

Have a great day!:peace:

P.S. You should read the thread...


  • 1000MH.jpg
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Funkin aye Damios, that looks sweet! Your stoked! Your system looks perfect. I can hardly wait to see all that dank bud.

The filter is a good idea. I liked the way you plumbed it. Nice solution. I would have no problem recommending this to others. Your sprayers will never plug up now.

When you first put in your nutes the filter will clog up fast. It will clog up enough that the water won't flow. It happened to me on my first Aero system. You have to clean it often for the first day or so. After that once a week is fine.

Also unplug your pump when you clean it. Don't ask me how I know this:roll:.

You are going to wish you had added a ball valve and garden hose adapter the first res change. It makes res changes so much easier.

Thanks for the feedback, nice to hear you like it. :) But yeah I can see what you mean with the filter, it does clog up real fast the first day or two but yeah I just figure its better than that crap getting stuck in my sprayers hah. Yeah and as for the garden hose adapter, that would have been good, after changing the rez with just the cloner and veg system I can see why you put that on there lol. I will probably put one on in the future, as for now I just move the entire rez out and move in another one that already has water in it that has sat around for a day to let chlorine evaporate, and also so I don't have to clean the rez that moment cause the new one I change out is clean already. It's a bitch, but it's just so i don't have to get down there and scrub the rez everytime I change the water. I will keep in touch and thanks again Stinkbud for everything.
Wow stink,,,you are so cool headed...I wanted to tear this idiot vdubbs headoff for being such an idiot, but after reading how you responded i was enlightened. Thanks for that.
It's a bitch, but it's just so i don't have to get down there and scrub the rez everytime I change the water. I will keep in touch and thanks again Stinkbud for everything.

I've been using Outlaw's idea of putting a large black trash bag in the res for a liner. Now I just take the bag out. I still have to clean everything else but it saves a lot of time overall.

What's cool is you can still use the bag for trash! Or your wife's face when your having sex (don't forget to take it off after).

I think he should patent the idea myself. He could call it "The Res Diaper".

I even thought of a slogan..."The Res Diaper, We keep the ass end of your grow clean".

Or how about..." Buy The Res Diaper or I'll kill your fucking dog!".

It's still a little rough around the edges...help me here guys.
I've been using Outlaw's idea of putting a large black trash bag in the res for a liner. Now I just take the bag out. I still have to clean everything else but it saves a lot of time overall.

What's cool is you can still use the bag for trash! Or your wife's face when your having sex (don't forget to take it off after).

lmao...that is a really good idea though and sounds like it would make for a lot easier clean up. I'm going to try that out tonight when I change the rez, thanks again for another great idea. :)
HygroZyme is used as a quick fix for a symptom. For example, suppose your water is too warm and you start to get some funky stuff growing. The Hygrozyme will fix the funk but won't solve the problem with the water temp.

If your water is too warm that must mean that your room is too hot. Ventilation or A/C will keep your room at the right temp. Now the water stays cool and no more funk. So it's best to solve the problem instead of fixing the symptoms.

Does that make sense?

Yes did does. :peace:
If you read the whole thread you will see that I have always recommend HPS for flower and MH or Fls for veg. I've always recommended fluorescents for the clone system.

I always recommend the Eye Hortilux Super HPS for flowering. The best MH is 110,000 lumens, HPS lights can pump out 145,000.

StinkBud's light recommedations. (most of you already know this)
4-600W HPS lights would be my number one choice for the flower room.
4 light HO fluorescent for veg.
2 light HO fluorescent for clone.

Yo Stinkbud. Just wanted to give you my thanks. What an insane system. I
was wondering if you have tried those new ceramic MH? I know they are only max. 400 right now, but look pretty promising in the red spectrum range. Anyway I like the inexpensive aero system; you have the plans down. I'm making a little system and spreading the word. peace.
Thanks for sharing Damios. Can you spell out what you did with the filter? Where did you get it and where did you put it in your system - I think I see it in one picture, but I'm not sure.


Ya the filter is only in one picture, it is the black part of the plumbing that hangs beside the rez. I got it at home depot, its just a simple pond filter, usable for up to 700-750gph I think.

Also, hey Stinkbud, bringing up the fact that the filter does get clogged, along with probably reducing flow rate, you think i could just get a stronger pump to compensate? Like I said the filter can take way over 400gph, which is what I'm using now.
Also, hey Stinkbud, bringing up the fact that the filter does get clogged, along with probably reducing flow rate, you think i could just get a stronger pump to compensate? Like I said the filter can take way over 400gph, which is what I'm using now.

I think your fine as long as you keep the filter clean. After a week all the big stuff will be filtered out and you won't have to keep cleaning it.

If I remember right the majority of the large particles would be filtered out the first few hours.

EZ-Clone sprayers actually have large holes for the water/nutes. Way bigger than any particles in the nutrients. I clean my sprayers with a toothbrush and paperclip. The paper clip is half the size of the hole.

The only thing I ever find in the sprayers is live roots. That's why I keep the sprayers in between the the net pots and not right next to them.

So I guess what I'm saying is you really don't need a filter if you use EZ-Clone sprayers. Although it won't hurt anything if you do...
I think your fine as long as you keep the filter clean. After a week all the big stuff will be filtered out and you won't have to keep cleaning it.

If I remember right the majority of the large particles would be filtered out the first few hours.

EZ-Clone sprayers actually have large holes for the water/nutes. Way bigger than any particles in the nutrients. I clean my sprayers with a toothbrush and paperclip. The paper clip is half the size of the hole.

The only thing I ever find in the sprayers is live roots. That's why I keep the sprayers in between the the net pots and not right next to them.

So I guess what I'm saying is you really don't need a filter if you use EZ-Clone sprayers. Although it won't hurt anything if you do...

K for sure, sounds good, thanks for the input.
Great thread stinky. Ever thought of using netting? instead of bread ties you will yeild more and your plants will love you