Any automatic ph systems?


Well-Known Member
Are there any systems that let you specify a ph.rsnge without breaking the bank? Like if it falls below 5.5 allow it to climb back to 6.0 etc.

I thought.i read about someone using a pool system or fish tank system but can't find the thread anymore.
You mean like this?

Where you just hook up a small aqua lift pump, and restrict the flow down to a few drops with a valve or dripper nozzle on the output. Then put it on a timer, so it only drops a few times into the res each day, with PH up or down. Super cheap way to dose your res, but does need to be dialed in to work good.

Otherwise, there are plenty of articles out there on how to build a full auto digital controlled setup with Arduino parts and whatnot.
You mean like this?

Where you just hook up a small aqua lift pump, and restrict the flow down to a few drops with a valve or dripper nozzle on the output. Then put it on a timer, so it only drops a few times into the res each day, with PH up or down. Super cheap way to dose your res, but does need to be dialed in to work good.

Otherwise, there are plenty of articles out there on how to build a full auto digital controlled setup with Arduino parts and whatnot.
Yes I can't find that Arduino thread! Please link!
I still use drops. Kind of quit trusting PH meters\probes years ago, and got tired of spending more time maintaining or worrying about them and 5 more bottles of solutions than anything else.. Seen plenty of super expensive blue lab pens\probes go haywire and ruin peoples grows over the years. Not all user error either.

None of them ever calibrate exactly the same as each other either, not even 2 brand new ones side by side in the same res. Which one is true? Then you have friend bring theirs to check against the others, and its different too, haha..

Takes all but a minute do take a sample with drops, and bottles last years. I always have a few different hydro systems going, sometimes like 5-6 different ones, and no way i'm gonna fork out like $1-150 + the time to build DIY w/ arduino, let alone spend 4-500 for a ready to go blue lab or atlas setup for each individual system, lol. I know it can get advanced, with one unit and 6 probes hooked to wifi...

Always have to pull out the drops anyway in my case, so might as well stick with them for good. I love DIY builds and automation too, but choosing to stick to manual operations when it comes to tending my reservoirs. I prefer to drive manually too.. ;)
I still use drops. Kind of quit trusting PH meters\probes years ago, and got tired of spending more time maintaining or worrying about them and 5 more bottles of solutions than anything else.. Seen plenty of super expensive blue lab pens\probes go haywire and ruin peoples grows over the years. Not all user error either.

None of them ever calibrate exactly the same as each other either, not even 2 brand new ones side by side in the same res. Which one is true? Then you have friend bring theirs to check against the others, and its different too, haha..

Takes all but a minute do take a sample with drops, and bottles last years. I always have a few different hydro systems going, sometimes like 5-6 different ones, and no way i'm gonna fork out like $1-150 + the time to build DIY w/ arduino, let alone spend 4-500 for a ready to go blue lab or atlas setup for each individual system, lol. I know it can get advanced, with one unit and 6 probes hooked to wifi...

Always have to pull out the drops anyway in my case, so might as well stick with them for good. I love DIY builds and automation too, but choosing to stick to manual operations when it comes to tending my reservoirs. I prefer to drive manually too.. ;)
As much as I'd like to do daily checks the reason for doing this is so I can have a res that's 2-3 larger than my individual tubs and maybe check every 3-5 days.
I got my bluelab ph controller on eBay used for 100 bucks. Works great and the seller even put the probe in the container with liquid in it. I’ve gotten wicked good stuff off eBay.
Any probe in any brand has a life expectancy of about 12-18 months where you will need to either replace the unit or the probe (if possible). This is why I buy Hanna now, they are way more accurate, fast responding and reliable than bluelab. The phep 4 and 5 have removable, replaceable probes. Duno what happened with bluelab but they seem to have taken a dive in quality lately.
i know there is some spike ph soil meters. how good are they no idea but i guess you would just replace the sensor
how hard= copy paste. how expensive there is a link for amazon products but you can probably find cheaper on aliexpress
Was talking more about the pump system but I suppose I would just be running a bigger reserver. Have not used a soil pH meter yet but I'm to cheap to keep buying factory soil so I'll be getting one soon
for the pump when i was a kid i had a automatic watterer you can make an automatic wallplug and then use a soil dry sensor. or just a timer. i had a soil dry sensor but after 2 months the acidity of the soil had eaten the contacts and one day it just sent a signal that the soil is dry emptied my 200L inside the pot flooded the house...