Question: Do any of you catch crap from your doctors about pot?
I did get a lot of pushback from doctors over the years when I asked them to sign me up for medpot here in northern Alberta then after asking our latest local doc on a visit for something else he told me that the mental hospital he interned at in South Africa most of the people were in there because the smoked it.
I asked him if he didn't think maybe they smoked it to quiet the voices in their heads. The next summer about 8 years ago I went out to Peachland, BC to help my mom downsize and sell or give away to charity a lot of her stuff. No dispensaries here so went to check one out that was just opening and teh owner turned me on to a doc in Vernon that worked out of a walk-in clinic and would sign me up but get there an hour before opening or wait hours to see him. Did that the next day and just had to fill out some forms then come back another time to see him. Have to have a relationship with the doc before he can legally sign.
Went back a couple days later and had to wait an hour then we talked a bit as he was filling out the form. I told him I couldn't get med pot in Alberta and wanted mostly CBD strains. He asked about use and was happy with my long history of pot use as it saved him a half hour teaching this old fart new tricks. Then I asked about grams per day hoping to get 5 so I could legally grow 25 plants indoors and he showed me the form already filled out for 8. Bonus!
I had to go out again the next year for mom's 90th b-day party with relatives from all over showing up so called ahead to find out that doc worked at a pot clinic now and it was $250 to get a year's membership. After finding out I was low income they knocked $100 off but I had to go to my family doc to get a note about any conditions he was treating me for to be able to get the permit. Depression and arthritis. So went to see the same doc that refused me to get that note. He looked over my form from the other doc and said he'd sign for me but only if I didn't tell my friends to ask him too or he'd cut me off. He was leaving in two hours not to return for a year as he was going back to school to upgrade his surgery skills. He didn't have any forms so I had to race home and find one on the web then race back and he filled it out for the 8g/day.
He left the province to BC but still signs for me and was doing for the wife at 6g/day too but she's dropped hers as the liver tumours turned out to be fatty deposits. She was never much of a toker nor drinks so only took RSO for that. But she has glaucoma as well so I just made her a #2 cap with the hi-cbd oil about 1/4 the dose I take and filled the cap with MCT oil. Her shoulder is real bad and our nurse practitioner said the scan we went to the city for last Monday shows it's arthritis so this shit should help cause it sure does mine.
My first med form from Vernon didn't cost a cent as was billed to my Alberta medical as unspecified visits. No charge for any of the subsequent ones either.
This new nurse practitioner is gung-ho about using pot as meds if it works and even supports my micro-dosing 'shrooms for depression which I no longer have. She knows the doc that signs and put in the request for us then he faxed them to her. Docs or NPs have to take a pot education course before they are good to sign and not many do here and I refuse to use a Skype doc as a matter of principle. Plus I was always too broke.
I've still never filed with Hellth Canaduh to grow medically but do anyway.