Gun control is coming

yeah, see? Everyone says shit like I'm crazy, I'm whatever...but have i ever once said shit to you over deleting one of my posts? or locking out my ability to reply to a thread or two? Maybe I'm a kid, i blow off steam and then move on, and all the polite adult assholes come back at you with death threats.
so, who are the crazy ones?
you do whine a little bit you move on

crazy ones always get banned I don’t engage if you send me a death threat etc I just ban
Hmm can’t that specific person but I remember last guy was from politics very mad
ahh different looser then, thats for deleteing that one that i reported will think harder now when reporting didnt know you got that kind of abuse
This year the US is seeing over 2 mass shootings each day and many never make the news. Mass shootings defined by 4 or more people killed or wounded in one shooting.

Make it law that everyone has to pack heat and get it all over with in a year. Once all the gun nuts have killed each other off the survivors can vote in people to get sensible gun laws passed.

I'm kinda pissed that I have to spend a day in a class to get a new gun permit for rifles I've owned for over 40 years and can legally own as long as they stay in the house. Without the permit I can't even buy ammo and can't find anyone with a permit to buy it for me. I want to take a couple to the cabin this year so gotta get legal first. Around $200 to take the class and pay for the paperwork to get the permit. and have to get the wife to sign off that she's cool about me having guns. lol Spousal protection tho so I'm not pissed about that. Lot of assholes out there that shouldn't have guns.

Well, that course was required 40 years ago when you first got them, so a training course was probably a good ideal, and probably a whole lot cheaper lol. But yup $200 seems a lot :(. Gotta pay the guy that teaches it, the room to hold it, and the books so I guess it’s legit.
Well, that course was required 40 years ago when you first got them, so a training course was probably a good ideal, and probably a whole lot cheaper lol. But yup $200 seems a lot :(. Gotta pay the guy that teaches it, the room to hold it, and the books so I guess it’s legit.

There were no courses needed to buy a rifle in the 70s. The course now is $125 then you need to have a certified photo taken then there's a fee to process the paper work. I got the FAC years ago but it expired. I got gun handling training as a young teen in both our local Rod & Gun club then again in Sea Cadets plus took a handgun training course in my 30s. Have owned guns since I was 8 and got a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas.

I wish they still had the old Possession Only permit that let you buy ammo for what you had but couldn't buy guns without the FAC. No course just $20 for 5 or maybe 10 years.

The worst part is I have to get up early for the class at 9. :D

Some people should be more concerned about their posting behaviors on other sites that get screenshotted and make their way there to Riu

Because those are their true colors of whom they really are

than being concerned about my “impact statements” because I said Mayo
Is this directed at me? I hardly have time for what i post on this site let alone another.

Nor do I gaf enough to whine on another site this. Goddamn
Same type of people/men who scream in my inboxes and say how they’re gunna kill me rape me etc

how I need to be curb stomped

just another day at Riu

glad I won’t be raising my son like my majority of the men I deal with here
I'm sorry that you are getting that kind of treatment.

Something has revved up people with toxic personalities, mostly men. I don't get it. What could they possibly get out of doing something like that. Other than a whack from the banhammer.
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There were no courses needed to buy a rifle in the 70s. The course now is $125 then you need to have a certified photo taken then there's a fee to process the paper work. I got the FAC years ago but it expired. I got gun handling training as a young teen in both our local Rod & Gun club then again in Sea Cadets plus took a handgun training course in my 30s. Have owned guns since I was 8 and got a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas.

I wish they still had the old Possession Only permit that let you buy ammo for what you had but couldn't buy guns without the FAC. No course just $20 for 5 or maybe 10 years.

The worst part is I have to get up early for the class at 9. :D

Sorry I was confusing the required courses. I was required to take a hunting safety course when I got my licence at 15 in Ontario. I’ve had to take two over the years and paid for 3 kids :(.
Sorry I was confusing the required courses. I was required to take a hunting safety course when I got my licence at 15 in Ontario. I’ve had to take two over the years and paid for 3 kids :(.

No prob. You'd think an old fart like me could just be grandfathered in with the past permits I've had or at least be able to challenge the test. I bought the manual from a guy who taught the course 10 years ago and he gave me a cheat sheet but after talking for a while at his house he said he'd just sign the paper work for me if he could without maybe getting in shit. He said half these guys that take the course he wouldn't want to go hunting with. Open book and if you have half a brain and can read you'll pass no problem. But some people shouldn't be allowed to use a paring knife. :)

My dad ended WWII as the chief gunnery officer on destroyers in WWII and taught me all the basic gun safety you really need to know when I got a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas when I was 8. We set up a box full of newspapers with a target on the front and plinked away in the rec room downstairs. Sheet of plywood behind the box. :)

Debating if I want to take the hunter's course but doubt I'd go hunting. After WWIII I'll just shoot whatever critter wanders through the fields around my house or thru the yard. ;) Plenty of white tail and moose drop by every so often. Even a black bear in the field behind us and they don't usually wander far from the river. Plenty of elk down by the river too.

No prob. You'd think an old fart like me could just be grandfathered in with the past permits I've had or at least be able to challenge the test. I bought the manual from a guy who taught the course 10 years ago and he gave me a cheat sheet but after talking for a while at his house he said he'd just sign the paper work for me if he could without maybe getting in shit. He said half these guys that take the course he wouldn't want to go hunting with. Open book and if you have half a brain and can read you'll pass no problem. But some people shouldn't be allowed to use a paring knife. :)

My dad ended WWII as the chief gunnery officer on destroyers in WWII and taught me all the basic gun safety you really need to know when I got a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas when I was 8. We set up a box full of newspapers with a target on the front and plinked away in the rec room downstairs. Sheet of plywood behind the box. :)

Debating if I want to take the hunter's course but doubt I'd go hunting. After WWIII I'll just shoot whatever critter wanders through the fields around my house or thru the yard. ;) Plenty of white tail and moose drop by every so often. Even a black bear in the field behind us and they don't usually wander far from the river. Plenty of elk down by the river too.

The good thing IMO is not necessarily the actual training but I have seen a few fail lol. It’s the time and the commitment to do it, that weeds out the impulse buyers for nefarious reasons. My FAC is expired so I need to jump through a few hoops as well :(.
The good thing IMO is not necessarily the actual training but I have seen a few fail lol. It’s the time and the commitment to do it, that weeds out the impulse buyers for nefarious reasons. My FAC is expired so I need to jump through a few hoops as well :(.

It's a PAL now. I don't even know what that means. lol

I do know a guy with a sweet .270 wanting only 600 for it but my old .303 is plenty good enough. I could always nail a milk jug full of water at 100yds with iron sights and I won't shooting that distance poaching a deer in my yard. That 180gr soft nose blows up the jugs real good. :)

It's a PAL now. I don't even know what that means. lol

I do know a guy with a sweet .270 wanting only 600 for it but my old .303 is plenty good enough. I could always nail a milk jug full of water at 100yds with iron sights and I won't shooting that distance poaching a deer in my yard. That 180gr soft nose blows up the jugs real good. :)

Oh well I need that renewed then lol.
It's a PAL now. I don't even know what that means. lol

I do know a guy with a sweet .270 wanting only 600 for it but my old .303 is plenty good enough. I could always nail a milk jug full of water at 100yds with iron sights and I won't shooting that distance poaching a deer in my yard. That 180gr soft nose blows up the jugs real good. :)

I’ve got both and 303 is fine for shorter range hunting deer. The 270 will reach out and touch things. My days of buying guns is passed and now I’m wondering what to do with all of them :(. It’s time to liquidate I guess, kids don’t want them. Sad as some were my grandfathers and dads :(.
I'm sorry that you are getting that kind of treatment.

Something has revved up people with toxic personalities, mostly men. I don't get it. What could they possibly get out of doing something like that. Other than a whack from the banhammer.
why do white men go on rampages killing people, their wives, why are almost all serial killers white men

I dont think we'll have the "reasoning" for them or what they possibily get out of it, its their fragility ,
I doubt it.
There was a group of them running their sucks over that knock off forum.
It was a little disappointing but true colors were indeed shown.
True colors get shown here, there have a ton of people very racist towards Chinese people specifically in and including our advertisers but according to some people here those are "just jokes" and not reality.