No prob. You'd think an old fart like me could just be grandfathered in with the past permits I've had or at least be able to challenge the test. I bought the manual from a guy who taught the course 10 years ago and he gave me a cheat sheet but after talking for a while at his house he said he'd just sign the paper work for me if he could without maybe getting in shit. He said half these guys that take the course he wouldn't want to go hunting with. Open book and if you have half a brain and can read you'll pass no problem. But some people shouldn't be allowed to use a paring knife.
My dad ended WWII as the chief gunnery officer on destroyers in WWII and taught me all the basic gun safety you really need to know when I got a Red Ryder BB gun for Xmas when I was 8. We set up a box full of newspapers with a target on the front and plinked away in the rec room downstairs. Sheet of plywood behind the box.
Debating if I want to take the hunter's course but doubt I'd go hunting. After WWIII I'll just shoot whatever critter wanders through the fields around my house or thru the yard.

Plenty of white tail and moose drop by every so often. Even a black bear in the field behind us and they don't usually wander far from the river. Plenty of elk down by the river too.