Remedies/preventing bugs eating veggies in outside vert garden


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Bug/Beetle prevention.
Our Greenstalk is starting to grow veggies but many of the plants have small holes in the leaves from Beetles or other plant eating species. Any remedies suggestions now or for a next rounds of seeds?
Bug/Beetle prevention.
Our Greenstalk is starting to grow veggies but many of the plants have small holes in the from Beetles or other plant eating species. Any remedies suggestions now or for a next rounds of seeds?

Don't grow outside but my buddy does and he uses an organic insecticide.
Search for local heirloom genetics at the farmers market or classifieds. IME non native genetics seem to much better at attracting pests. Otherwise just like pheno hunting cannabis pop a bunch of seeds and keep/cross/breed the resilient plants, repeat season after season and your plants should thrive.
The beetles I normally hand remove and then for organic sprays you have stuff like lost coast plant therapy and pure crop #1 I've used lost coast it works ok as a preventive.
Bug/Beetle prevention.
Our Greenstalk is starting to grow veggies but many of the plants have small holes in the leaves from Beetles or other plant eating species. Any remedies suggestions now or for a next rounds of seeds?

I've had great luck spraying with a DE slurry will dirty up leaves , it comes off. Works great with bugs that exoskeletons. I dot use this during flowering. It killed all in 1 day except for one who touched it out through night !
There are several ways to control beetles and other pests that may be damaging your plants. You can try the following remedies if they work.
Natural way - Neem is an organic insecticide that can be effective against many pests. Just mix neem oil with water and spray it on the plants as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Embrace polyculture - Try practicing growing different varieties side by side.
Cover your plants - Covering your plants with netting can help prevent pests from getting to them in the first place.

Special Note - I am writing this in the morning time, and these are the only things(mentioned above remedies) that strike in my mind.

Anyways, thanks.
I find need oil to be safe and effective for handling established problems. Always like to release a few predators befor the start of the growing seadon
The asiatic brown beetles, they feed at night as do the earwigs. I go out after dark with one of those headlamps and a red cup with about a half inch of water and eight drops of any dishwashing detergent. That surfactant action kills them quickly and they do not escape the surface tension of the water. I'll put the cup below any one of the beatles (not Ringo though) and a little tap with the other hand on the leaf with the beetle on it with a little practice I can get 50 for 50 in the cup. Their instinct is to drop straight down from where they are when threatened use this to your advantage. On the first night I get about 50, 30 on the second night, maybe 15 the next time and last night 4. Keep at it you will see results and you will see beautiful new growth without the chewing damage. I love neem oil I use it for flea Beatles it doesn't seem to affect the above. For the green Japanese beetles, I get them the same way in the day. I hate to admit this but it's very satisfying to watch them squirm in their pool of death. If you saw the damage they do in my garden you'd agree with me.