Well-Known Member
I looked online for a critique of Youtube Premium. I wanted to see what almost $150 a year gets.
Imagine my surprise when there was no real difference in available content.
Oddly, I found more than one writeup along the lines of “why Youtube premium is worth every penny”. It reduced to convenience features like less ads and being able to play music with little maintenance. No important stuff like being able to binge Gilligan.
It sure does not sound like a value proposition to me, when I can’t even find old movie/tv content on the Tube. How long does it take for media copyrights to expire anyway? Like, Disney.
(add) how the pintail duck do they get a 95-year copyright?? Shidd ain right.
It ties into my earlier rant about free markets being anything but free.
I can't keep up with the content from my Telus satellite TV service which is my only option as we can't get cable here. Nor can we get internet over phone or optic cable so when a wireless service came along in 2012 we upgraded from dial-up then. I upgraded our wireless about a year ago but we still only get about 1meg download speed unless I want to get the business service for about twice as much and it's almost $100/mth now as is sat TV.
Lots of great content on many of the streaming services but not enough hours in my day to waste money on them. I donate monthly to PBS so I could get some DVDs I wanted and that was over a year ago and I haven't watched them yet. Gives me access to their streaming service called Pasport but I haven't watched anything on it as the same shows come with the sat TV service. Need to cancel that I think. It's $10/mth US but shows on my MC as $14Can. I do watch it a lot so may just lower my donation to $5US a month.
If I need to learn to do something like car repair I prefer a website with print and pictures for instruction or the Haynes manual I bought for my car than a video tho I have recorded a few things off Utube for later watching.
It can be tough to be an analog guy in a digital world.