Compound HQ's Grows

Its about time you got a gig going! Let me guess Big & Little Enos Burdette are backing this deal?

Hey Brother its been a minute, hope you and Frog are well and enjoying life.
Yep!, and we gotta get this weed to Mississippi by morning!.. East bound and down! LOL! Good to hear from you bro! Yes, things have def settled down since we shut down the op... it was getting stressful... shitty market, too much regulation, taxes, etc. Been chilling for a few months now, and I don't think I'll have to go to this grow op but maybe 2-3 times a week. But, it'll give me something to do, and some cash in my pocket. I haven't seen it yet, ... hope I don't walk into a "House of Horrors".
Yep!, and we gotta get this weed to Mississippi by morning!.. East bound and down! LOL! Good to hear from you bro! Yes, things have def settled down since we shut down the op... it was getting stressful... shitty market, too much regulation, taxes, etc. Been chilling for a few months now, and I don't think I'll have to go to this grow op but maybe 2-3 times a week. But, it'll give me something to do, and some cash in my pocket. I haven't seen it yet, ... hope I don't walk into a "House of Horrors".
no shit!
We took a little break while the Dosi was drying (trimmers coming tomorrow), and went to Red River NM. Had a nice cabin by the roaring river, took ATV's up from 8500ft to 11,500 on advanced driver trails, scared the shit out of Paige. We were getting air off of these jumps on narrow trails with a 1000 ft drop to our right.... fun stuff! Did some river trout fishing, and I only caught one. Believe it or not, I hooked a trout right in the mouth that had been caught upstream that morning and they had filleted it, and threw it back in the river.... what are the odds???

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You need to come spend a day and I'll take you fly fishing. I have fly rigs but you'll need waders (64 degree water) Catch rainbows all day, maybe even a brown. Come during the sand bass run and you'll catch a hundred for the freezer.
Well, coming along on the Man Cave. I got the front harvest/drying/curing/office done. Everything patched up, and a fresh coat of paint. Im not really gonna furnish it out till Im all done with the Grow Room. But, I had a couple of lounging around :bigjoint:


Working on the ol' Grow Room......

I've seen it in person. What I could do with that much room! The fam wouldn't see me for days :cool:
I know right? I might just live out there. I think it's roughly 1400sq ft. Over there by that sink, Im gonna rip all that out re-route the ac drain to the outside, wall it in and put a full bathroom there. I have the old vent system up front, and it vents to the outside of the building. Im gonna install a hood so we can smoke out in there and not stink it up too bad. I just need to inline my centrifugal fan to the ducting in the attic.
But seriously, I don't know what Im gonna do with it yet. I may rent it out for weddings (over there by dads pond is a great place) and then they could have the reception in there..... or not. IDK. I got plenty of time to think about it.
Hope you're enjoying retirement. I've almost saved enough Marlboro miles to get my drone lol. Going to be some big-time fun around here once I get it.
I just flew a couple of hours out in the country today looking for my brothers dog that got out. She's like 14, half blind and been missing for about 24 hours now.... She prob ran off to die. Dogs are weird like that.
Yeppers!... Just got back from shooting inventory for a client. It's a family of Ford Dealerships. I shoot all thier stuff and upload it to thier website. Easy money. I just spent 2 hours shooting, and I'll spend another uploading, oddly enough this afternoons total was $420;)
Shooting drone footage? Cool. Can you gimme some general details of how that works? Sounds interesting.