Just gonna chillax for the next 7-10 days and water only when they are dry… we’ll see where we are after that. I do think challenges from my synthetic grow have jaded my approach to organics. But I clearly just gotta chill tf out.
Still much to learn. So it goes.
If these work themselves through this and pan out alright then that will be great. If they don’t, we learn and move on.
Also! THOUGHT OF SOMETHING I MAY HAVE NOT STRESSED WHEN I SHARED THE EARLIER INFO. I have used a fair amount up PH down to keep the PH a bit under 7. Never a ton per watering but have used it regularly. Could this be the missing variable? They would have been small; but sounds like they were unnecessary, swings in PH. Idk
Best thing you can do. That is the thing with these systems, you have to leave the control in the hands of the biology. I tried a blended approach, adding organic soluble nutrients and it fucked things up so badly. I once did an entire run and got 8g per a plant. Hard one to learn but that is part of the process. Look the trick here is to still have a guiding hand but rather than focusing on what you think the plant needs, focus on what you can add to the soil to improve its ability to make the nutrients the plant might want. Once that shift takes place you will see that your focus becomes more aligned to soil than to the plant.
I use a variation of 20+ inputs over the plants entire lifecycle. Included in there are pro-biotics, bacteria and fungi inoculations, ferments, amino acids, humic, fulvic and tea's (both sprouts and compost). That does not include foliar that I like to add from Korean Natural Farming. I split these into 4 week cycles. Some I add once in a 4 week cycle and other bi-weekly. So I am always involved in the way my soil is growing.
Its not to say that you just build the soil and that is that. Yes I feel like the results you get from that will be good, don't get me wrong but I feel like there are ways for you to understand what these things do in your soil and how that links to the metabolic processes that the plant goes through that will maximize the production of terpenes and result in a high yielding, trichrome rich pleasure that I get to indulge in everyday that gives me just what I need to get my shit going.
You have the right attitude. The recipe for success is journaling. In these systems, you have to focus on what you are doing in detail. I recorded everything I added, what amounts they were in and what volumes they were added into the soil. Through a process of elimination you get the hang of what works and what does not. Unlike the synthetic game were you just measure Ph and PPM and you are good to go, organics gives you the space to explore different recipes and see where that takes you. Sometimes it will take you down a road of deficiencies and maybe, if you work hard enough, you hit the motherload. That sweet spot and once you have it, you have it, just make sure you write it down so you can repeat it.