The fact that we’re traveling to other planets for research before we know our own in its entirety says something imo
we deff need to fully explore and understand our own planet b4 we mess with others. just getting our energy point re stoned would be a step in the right direction.
when you look at what we do compred to what we could accomplish if we only worked together, its no wonder that there not introduceing themself'S to us and sharteing tecnology with us. look at a simple atom (ok ,not quite so simple lol), look at what we did to/with that knollage, heres an abundance of basicly free energy, tell you what, all that posibly posative and desperatly needed energy, lets make a bomb out of it and destroy something DOH! they dont want to come and play, but why?????
we need to learn to work together and fix the planet, then maybe they will introduce us to uinimagiable pleasures, tecnology and who knows what delights the universe has to offer, quite apart from being stunningly butifll to behold through theb lense of a teliscope or just looking up at the night sky. were fucked untill then i think, unless they stepp in to stop us destroying the plaanet and ourselves, there probably waiting for us to anhialet ourselves and then use the planet as a giant gas station, re energising there ships with electromagnetic energy lol