OK then. Biden 2020.

i don't think he's gonna send those, Ukraine has already about 150 aircraft and parts available to them already......personally i would like to see Apache helo's on the attack...but that's just me
I'd be willing to bet that he buckles under pressure from the Military Industrial Complex.

I'd be willing to bet that he buckles under pressure from the Military Industrial Complex.

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he might, hard to say honestly, we were talking bout this in the war thread, Abrams are good don't get me wrong, but lepoards and challenger are better in that field for the time being.....meanwhile countries who are sending Lepoards can get backfilled with Abrams
he might, hard to say honestly, we were talking bout this in the war thread, Abrams are good don't get me wrong, but lepoards and challenger are better in that field for the time being.....meanwhile countries who are sending Lepoards can get backfilled with Abrams
I say just put Zalenski and Putin in a steel cage and let them duke it out until one is dead. No reason to lose anymore lives than necessary. Oops, wrong thread.
How long do you guess until we send F-16's?

Yikes! Escalation.

I'm sure that won't happen until Congress declares war. :roll:

Same old same old. I'm not part of the "we" that does that stuff.

A lot of Americans don't like Biden, they can't put their finger on why, but foxnews is often on in their house...

Some think he's senile, but these accomplishments are not those of a senile man, Joe does just fine without a teleprompter and can clearly think on his feet. I mean the last guy had trouble even reading, Joe might battle stuttering, but at least he can read and understand what he is saying. There is strong evidence that Joe is not senile, but there is strong proof that Donald is a moron and miscreant.

Biden: U.S. is seeing the ‘strongest job growth in history’ after better-than-expected jobs report

7,521 views Feb 3, 2023 #Economy #Biden #Jobs
During remarks on the better-than-expected January jobs report, President Biden said his administration has overseen “the strongest job growth in history,” adding that 12 million jobs have been created since he took office. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. economy added 517,000 jobs in the month of January.
Those stats show what industries?Every business around here I frequent still gives the short staffed or stocked excuse for their slacking. Also are people who are fired and replaced or retired and replaced counted? Or only actual new growth positions? I’m asking seriously
Those stats show what industries?Every business around here I frequent still gives the short staffed or stocked excuse for their slacking. Also are people who are fired and replaced or retired and replaced counted? Or only actual new growth positions? I’m asking seriously
Job growth in tech is slowing thanks to automation and AI a lot of suits are out of jobs. There is big demand in the service sector, people facing jobs, fast food and such. There are battery factories going up all over the country and automakers are converting to EV, then there is all that infrastructure money that hasn't even been spent yet. Getting a job should not be an issue and jobs will get better and wages will increase. America needs millions of immigrants a year to maintain it's population, Canada too, we have been letting them in and recently increased their number to make up for our population shortfall.

Restricting US immigration, restricts growth, increases inflation and causes staff shortages in the service industries like fast food with long slow lines at drive thru's. Most of the immigrants these days are Muslim or brown, as life is getting pretty good in an increasing number of places. America can't even give the dreamers who are assimilated and educated with kids and grand kids, citizenship FFS, without the right shitting it's pants in fear.

"Almost one in four people (23.0%) counted during the 2021 Census are or have been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canada. This was the highest proportion since Confederation, topping the previous record of 22.3% in 1921, and the largest proportion among G7 countries.

A higher annual level of immigration—four times higher than the United States as a percentage of its population—is a central feature of Canada's immigration system.Nov 7, 2022".
Sounds good and immigration aside that sounds like a lot of job potential to me than actual filled jobs? Besides the people building the battery plants. Tech slowing, high demand in restaurants and such, does converting to ev mean new jobs or new training?.And tbh since it was brought up I’ve been hearing alot of black Americans say they suffer the most from illegal immigration idk.
Sounds good and immigration aside that sounds like a lot of job potential to me than actual filled jobs? Besides the people building the battery plants. Tech slowing, high demand in restaurants and such, does converting to ev mean new jobs or new training?.And tbh since it was brought up I’ve been hearing alot of black Americans say they suffer the most from illegal immigration idk.
I've lived in California most of my 70 years and I cannot recall ever seeing a black person in the fields. Please post a picture of '1' if you can find it......
Sounds good and immigration aside that sounds like a lot of job potential to me than actual filled jobs? Besides the people building the battery plants. Tech slowing, high demand in restaurants and such, does converting to ev mean new jobs or new training?.And tbh since it was brought up I’ve been hearing alot of black Americans say they suffer the most from illegal immigration idk.
America has a choice, increase immigration or the economy shrinks and inflation goes up, there is an increasing demographic crunch in the developed world where women are emancipated, we don't produce enough kids. This is true of China and Japan too as well as Europe all are facing the same demographic problem. So import people from south and central America, Africa or the Middle east. Increasingly people from south east Asia don't want to come and hardly any Europeans do.

When people arrive these days they don't come by boat, the come by plane and can go back home for visits and weddings etc. They can watch TV and watch sports and read news on the internet from back home too and keep their own languages and a lot more of their culture. We live in multicultural societies these days and English is used for work mostly. People from these places are increasingly well educated too and many come to Canada to finish their education or training. It's not the ones coming across the border who you will be working for, it's the ones coming by plane.