Police Interactions.

He had a knife, so "officer safety" is surely the main concern and trumps all sense of rationality. Gonna call this one right now: "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."
I agree just not that it wouldn’t couldn’t doesn’t happen to anyone but American minorities. I not justifying these cocksuckers . I think we as a country need to come together to crush them but all this bs is keeping us focused on each other and too busy to notice the real enemies of our citizens/country and they are in the wide open to boot

I agree with the sentiment but that right side is full of bullshit. I'm good with fighting the stooges of the real enemy I guess.

Who do you think the real enemy is? Like toss a name out there, who do they fund, who do they align with?
20 more hours of video footage from the cops beating a guy to death, the level of video surveillance and cellphone video is staggering for a this incident and increasing yearly. Accountability will bring professionalism to policing and reduce abuse,> however, it needs to be backed up by federal legislation to make cops more accountable and more money to reduce their social services responsibilities and increase their training.

Let's talk about 20 more hours....
Where was this guys protests
I believe it is being addressed locally and when there is official action there is little need to protest, but some incidents have a lot of video released and instant accountability. There were some peaceful protests for some recent incidents but they were about police reform in general. Where the cops hide things and protect their guilty own, where they think they are not just the law, but above it, there will be protests, where there is rapid accountability and openness, there will be few, if any protests.

Now take Trump, when he is tried in Georgia there will be protests, by people who think he should be above the law, but they are morons with heads full of bullshit.
You heard about this incident? I never heard a thing about it until this. Do tou have a info like where and when it happened and whats up with any case?The vid was posted a yr ago and I assume some time passed before the video was put on youtube . Still haven’t seen a hing about it
Pretty sure that happened down around Phoenix. I first heard about it roughly a year ago, when the 1A auditors in the state started referencing it and throwing it at the other scumbag cops they ran into. I'm thinking the cop ended up getting away with it.
Your reply simply confirms the saying that violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

There are politicians seeking ways to improve public safety that also reduce police brutality and murder. Your broad brush statement was false and you posted a fantasy of violence against Canna for saying so.

I see you as being a potential ally in the cause of reducing police brutality but clearly you seem to have no answers other than more violence.