Police Interactions.

I don't claim to know the % of good/bad,professional/unprofessional,humane/inhumane ratios nationwide of police,I'd bet that those committing repulsive atrocities via the public are in the minority.Those individuals who take pride and try hard to plant seeds of goodwill in their respective communities and give respect to get respect are back at square one every time this shit happens. It takes special people to witness the ugly side of humanity on a daily basis and maintain impartiality,professional standards,and humanity all while experiencing things on the dark side day in and day out. Obviously there are not enough of them to fully staff police depts. across the country.
There is a code -- the blue code of silence -- that enable bad apples and denies justice to their victims. So, yeah, what you said is true -- about being exposed to vile people affects a an otherwise good person. But what are the corrective mechanisms? The blue code of silence causes survivor bias that shifts the force ever farther toward vile. The vile people are protected and remain while people who can no longer stand it leave, leading to a cycle that favors those who do not observe rules and regulations designed to prevent police corruption and brutality. There is a lack of impartiality, professionalism, standards and humanity in the blue code of silence. It turns our police forces into criminal gangs.

This, I believe is why any externally driven attempts to reform the police system will fail. It's why we need to change the structure of our police forces. We don't fewer men with guns who are trained to act with deadly force and more people trained to act without deadly force to contain the majority of situations that call for empathy and understanding. For example, we don't need men with guns to respond to a non-violent person experiencing drug induced psychosis.
Did I look for a solution, Roger? Give me a break.

Thanks for the link, it was 1996.

I gave you a sad face for not knowing reality.
reality has always been that some things are hard, but you have to do them anyway. i know it isn't easy to leave an abusive person, especially one with the connections a cop has, but it has been done, continues to be done, and will be done in the future...that is reality, too
The problem is a severe lack of accountability in Policing (across the globe) which has more to do with the cost of compensating victims of Narcissistic Police abuse. Serving officers don't particularly want to have their pension funds used as a compensation pool either.

A service built on trust 'Team Healthy', with a willingness to change, and a willingness to compensate victims as they would want to be themselves, is the only way to go. Plus giving the Narcissists the elbow. The alternative is more of the same, for example where Metropolitan Police Officers think its okay to uphold complaints based upon technicalities which bare no resemblamce to the crimes being reported. Ending the internal investigation, and potentially creating an enemy in the process who may or not see them all as targets, because they all stand as one.

The us and them mentality has to go. There are no outsiders to the service, they are your own citizens that are being arrested, and you may need them in the trench with you one day. The Police job is also to teach, not punish. There are one heck of a lot of warmongers in the services globally. I've been that teenager covered in police bruises sitting in prison not understanding how the heck I got into that situation. Where metal food trays are provided to knock each others teeth out at lunch with. When what I really needed was some responsibility, a mans wage, and a little moral psychology to explain exactly what was wrong with stealing from the Council.

Put a gun in a mans hand and he will want to shoot it at some person place or thing. Put a gun in a malignant Narcissists hand and he will shoot every person place and thing at the first opportunity, all safe and protected by his unnaccountable job role.
Cellphones and cameras have done more for black folks rights and to bust hate and stupidity, than government legislation, though more of that is required for hate crimes and those at civil war with America. Cameras are corrupt cops biggest enemies and bust bigots and bullies daily.

Yeah they dont like cameras, not just cops but people in government positions. This guy is entertaining https://www.youtube.com/@LongIslandAudit
you would think if they keep using the same place to do the shit, some local activist would go out and hide some cameras, catch them in the act with irrefutable proof.
The city I live in has had very little controversy w/this shit and it has become very multi-cultural the last 20+ years,the mill beatings were predominently in the 70's-80's era,since the 90's the police dept has sought and attained accredited status,which depts. must meet many requirements. I'm not "out there" like my younger days and local news is a shadow of itself w/local newspaper now a shell of itself. That said for a city of 86K things are in better shape here than many other cities in terms of gun violence and relative safety day to day. This is not a "rose colored glasses" take,I'm just saying on the scale of things happening in the US it could be worse here.
reality has always been that some things are hard, but you have to do them anyway. i know it isn't easy to leave an abusive person, especially one with the connections a cop has, but it has been done, continues to be done, and will be done in the future...that is reality, too

This sounds like Pigeon Forge Bootstrap that I should have been pulling up- we live in different worlds you and I.
There is a code -- the blue code of silence -- that enable bad apples and denies justice to their victims. So, yeah, what you said is true -- about being exposed to vile people affects a an otherwise good person. But what are the corrective mechanisms? The blue code of silence causes survivor bias that shifts the force ever farther toward vile. The vile people are protected and remain while people who can no longer stand it leave, leading to a cycle that favors those who do not observe rules and regulations designed to prevent police corruption and brutality. There is a lack of impartiality, professionalism, standards and humanity in the blue code of silence. It turns our police forces into criminal gangs.

This, I believe is why any externally driven attempts to reform the police system will fail. It's why we need to change the structure of our police forces. We don't fewer men with guns who are trained to act with deadly force and more people trained to act without deadly force to contain the majority of situations that call for empathy and understanding. For example, we don't need men with guns to respond to a non-violent person experiencing drug induced psychosis.
Yeah,your right on about the code,I mean the pole video shows late arriving cops just minding their business,hear no evil see no evil,a catch 22 situation for cops. Most cops are in a situation that they probably conclude "I'm good w/my own actions",and look the other way regarding troubling behavior of others. To point fingers or call out indiscretions results in being on a island w/slow arriving back up. We've discussed this all yrs. back w/the Serpico analogy,it's a blurry distinction between whistleblower and rat,and has to be agonizing for honest officers witnessing brutality and corruption. Putting myself in these shoes,going to a stressful,dangerous job,seeing human behavior at it's darkest,could be fighting for my life at any moment,working w/ people abusing their authority but having to count on them at the same time if duty calls. What a mental beat down,have a good day at work. A few years of that,while needing to provide for a family and it can be understood why many cops spin their service weapon on the coffee table w/a bottle of whiskey.
This sounds like Pigeon Forge Bootstrap that I should have been pulling up- we live in different worlds you and I.
so what do you want? our society is fucked up...has been for a long time, and will continue to be for an even longer time.
there are organizations now that can and will help women out of abusive situations. even if there weren't when you were dealing with it.
there is also one person required to take action in an abusive situation...the person being abused has to get the fuck up and leave.
sorry if i sound unsympathetic, i am sympathetic, no one should have to deal with an abusive partner, but i am unsympathetic to anyone who stays in an abusive relationship.
Think this would have happened with a white kid? Who called the cops for refusing to play kickball? What was his "crime" that he needed to be violently arrested. Taking 10 year old's out of school in cuffs and all the kids happen to be black, the UN should investigate these assholes and try them in the Hague, if America can't do better than this bullshit.

He was treated as a prisoner at school FFS, in prison if you don't comply that's what happens to you. Schools are suppose to help and support kids, not pull this kind of bullshit off on them. Did this happen to you in school for skipping classes, or not wanting to play a sport?

Pretty ironic that both cops and government schools are funded by threats of violence against people who'd prefer not to use and pay for their "services". Now they're tag teaming some kid who's basically an unwilling captive to their fuckery.

Not wanting to play? Yes, that should be a choice. Neither cops or government schools can help or support kids if the first thing they do is say to the kids parents, "pay up bitches or we'll beat your kid and steal your house if you don't".

Any racist implications may be interesting, valid even, but the bigger problem is the color blind nature of the denial of consent for serfs of all colors embedded in these systemically coercive institutions of indoctrination and violence based control.
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Pretty ironic that both cops and government schools are funded by threats of violence against people who'd prefer not to use and pay for their "services". Now they're tag teaming some kid who's basically an unwilling captive to their fuckery.

Not wanting to play? Yes, that should be a choice. Neither cops or government schools can help or support kids if the first thing they do is say to the kids parents, "pay up bitches" or we'll beat your kid and steal your house if you don't".

Any racist implications may be interesting, valid even, but the bigger problem is the color blind nature of the denial of consent for serfs of all colors embedded in these systemically coercive institutions of indoctrination and violence based control.

Dodgeball was most dreaded; last to be picked, first to have the opposite team bully do a windup for a part of my body. If you didn't wish to participate you had to have some doctor note. I never got one so I had to participate. Brutality perpetuated upon me, even the gym teacher would laugh- that made it okay. It was 1970.
Dodgeball was most dreaded; last to be picked, first to have the opposite team bully do a windup for a part of my body. If you didn't wish to participate you had to have some doctor note. I never got one so I had to participate. Brutality perpetuated upon me, even the gym teacher would laugh- that made it okay.

Sorry you had to experience that.
i am unsympathetic to anyone who stays in an abusive relationship.

How do you feel about cops enforcing laws that require people to pay them or suffer the loss of their house if the people prefer not to use their "services" ?

Should the abused person leave their house and go to another plantation and begin over again under the exact same circumstances some place else?

How would you advise those abused people?
How do you feel about cops enforcing laws that require people to pay them or suffer the loss of their house if the people prefer not to use their "services" ?

Should the abused person leave their house and go to another plantation and begin over again under the exact same circumstances some place else?

How would you advise those abused people?

They have gear that they can drive by your house from the comfy of their patrol vehicle and tell if you're growing It's a heat signature type of detection.

They're not allowed to use it..something about Constitutional Rights..so then why do they have one? Must've come as a bonus from the tank manufacturer.
How do you feel about cops enforcing laws that require people to pay them or suffer the loss of their house if the people prefer not to use their "services" ?

Should the abused person leave their house and go to another plantation and begin over again under the exact same circumstances some place else?

How would you advise those abused people?
i feel like you aren't worth wasting time on...you know i was talking about interpersonal relationships, not your entirely fucked up wrong interpretation of...well, just about every law that was ever written, and the definitions of most terms that have anything to do with the law or politics...so back on ignore, you aren't entertaining enough any more to take off for more than one post at a time.
They have gear that they can drive by your house from the comfy of their patrol vehicle and tell if you're growing It's a heat signature type of detection.

They're not allowed to use it..something about Constitutional Rights..so then why do they have one? Must've come as a bonus from the tank manufacturer.
they have flir cameras, and they aren't ever trained in their use.
also, there are so many things that can make part of a house warmer than other parts. i have three turtles and a lizard as pets, their corner of the house is about 15 degrees warmer than the rest...they wanna see whats making that corner hot, get a warrant, and then come look at my reptiles...
They have gear that they can drive by your house from the comfy of their patrol vehicle and tell if you're growing It's a heat signature type of detection.

They're not allowed to use it..something about Constitutional Rights..so then why do they have one? Must've come as a bonus from the tank manufacturer.
LED lighting ended that, they were the nukes in the war on cannabis growing and we had em!
LED lighting ended that, they were the nukes in the war on cannabis growing and we had em!

Nice:clap: I didn't convert over I had to stop completely..I miss it a lot..always good therapy for me taking something that you held in your hand, one tiny seed you popped, grew into something glorious standing next to it too, at four feet.

Indoor-A/B bottles and Rockwool.
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they have flir cameras, and they aren't ever trained in their use.
also, there are so many things that can make part of a house warmer than other parts. i have three turtles and a lizard as pets, their corner of the house is about 15 degrees warmer than the rest...they wanna see whats making that corner hot, get a warrant, and then come look at my reptiles...

Is that lizard big enough to collar and leash? I couldn't tell from the pic. I love turtles and have bought a share for Fusa and a penguin Tehuelche. Each purchase of a share goes to their respective Conservatory Societies. The animals have GPS so I can see them in their travels. You get a cool Chrystal bracelet for share purchase.

What type of turtles do you have? I once rescued a Loggerhead- he was upside down on a road trying to get to canal. He definitely was mad but knew he'd be happy once it was over. He was. He dragged himself down into the canal. All's well that ends well!

In South Florida, 'they' set-up whole houses and have a kid inside babysitting; often whole houses in same neighborhood.
Nice:clap: I didn't convert over I had to stop completely..I miss it a lot..always good therapy for me taking something that you held in your hand, one tiny seed you popped, grew into something glorious standing next to it too, at four feet.

Indoor-A/B bottles and Rockwool.
Go to the dollar store and buy 4 globe brand 100W (16W) LED light bulbs (2400K) and mount them in fixtures on a piece of plywood. They will produce the power of one LED 100W COB running at about 60% full power, which is where many people run them. You can use a couple of 5000K ones for vegging, just snap the plastic diffuser globes off all the the bulbs. This will allow you to grow a small plant. These bulbs produce a nearly perfect spectrum for growing plants, if you want to grow a bigger plant, then just add bulbs and sockets. These bulbs have quality drivers in them too and are electrically efficient, if heat is a concern, just blow a fan across the array to keep it cool. So if you can mount a half dozen sockets inside a metal wash basin and hang it on a chain, you can have a 100+ watt (at the wall) LED grow light for not too much cash at all. The bulbs used to go for $1 each in the USA @ dollartree, but are probably close to $2 by now.