Male flowers before 12/12?


Active Member
Hey guys. I have 7 plants about 7 weeks into veg at 18/6 light and one of them is starting to show, what i believe, is very obvious male sex organs on the top 2 nodes. Groups of "seed shaped", pod-like flowers unlike what i've seen before on my females. This is only my second grow and my first were luckily all 3 females so I haven't seen one with my own eyes but seen PLENTY of close ups online.

Before i kill it...I'm wondering if this is possible to tell this early. I haven't switched to 12/12 yet. Incidentally none of my other plants are showing these organs, only the green "strings" from the nodes but too hard to tell of those are just the leaves sprouting or female organs.

The one i suspect to be male is also the largest.

My concern is that it will pollenate the females...but i don't want to kill a perfectly good plant if this could be a false positive. Thanks guys.

If you need more info let me know. sorry no pics, my camera will not take a picture that close but I'll try again and post if successful.


New Member
I have had this happen before...I had some white widow that had vegged about 4-5 weeks and when I was moving them to the flower room I noticed one had balls. I have heard it was the strain, but I threw it away. it's really hard to throw a healthy plant away.


Well-Known Member
hey guys. I have 7 plants about 7 weeks into veg at 18/6 light and one of them is starting to show, what i believe, is very obvious male sex organs on the top 2 nodes. Groups of "seed shaped", pod-like flowers unlike what i've seen before on my females. This is only my second grow and my first were luckily all 3 females so i haven't seen one with my own eyes but seen plenty of close ups online.

Before i kill it...i'm wondering if this is possible to tell this early. I haven't switched to 12/12 yet. Incidentally none of my other plants are showing these organs, only the green "strings" from the nodes but too hard to tell of those are just the leaves sprouting or female organs.

The one i suspect to be male is also the largest.

My concern is that it will pollenate the females...but i don't want to kill a perfectly good plant if this could be a false positive. Thanks guys.

If you need more info let me know. Sorry no pics, my camera will not take a picture that close but i'll try again and post if successful.

it is quite normal to have what you cal pre-flowers right around the 4th week of veg and can usually tell the sex of each plant above the fourth node without switching to 12/12 i have currently came to discover that males usually do result larger than females and their flowers mature faster as well.

So it prolly is male


Active Member
If you need more info let me know. sorry no pics, my camera will not take a picture that close but I'll try again and post if successful.
Try to put your camera in "Macro" mode, most cameras have it and it's meant for close up shots, it will focus in a lot better. It's usually on the main dial or button on your camera, you just switch it on.


Active Member
Go to know. Thanks for all the replies!

Can you smoke males at this stage and get any sort of buzz?

Should i just kill it now, what else can you do with them besides use for fathers?


Well-Known Member
go to know. Thanks for all the replies!

Can you smoke males at this stage and get any sort of buzz?

Should i just kill it now, what else can you do with them besides use for fathers?

just kill it no thc it wont get you high at all do away with it before those pollen sacs open and fertilize your female flowers


New Member
Go to know. Thanks for all the replies!

Can you smoke males at this stage and get any sort of buzz?

Should i just kill it now, what else can you do with them besides use for fathers?
I tried smoking a male and it gave me a killer headache....and no high.:confused: