They didn't know how to do it. Knowledge and intelligence are not the same. Please look up oxymoronSo they knew how to do just didn’t have the materials and tools too pull it off ? Why?
thsts an oxymoron
Agree but my statement was that we are continually learning and evolving intelligence wise. So you proved my point
Our small industrial revolution is not a big enough sample size on the timeliness of evolution I think.Speaking of quantitative intelligence, have you seen the Jordan Peterson video on Artificial intelligence. It's gonna turn everything on it head within a few years.How come everything else hit a wall. And we came equipped to do whatever we think. If not we build through intelligence something to do it for us
Agree we’re ( human brain) all equal in mental ability/capacity to start with. Experience etc determines to what level .More information is not the same as more intelligent. The same brain could be given or not given information. Take a new born from ancient Egypt to our time and they might end up a rocket engineer.
There is talk everyone will need AI to protect them from outside AI .They are already ramping up demand for defensive AI.Is it as scary as elons thoughts on AI
And Koko the Gorilla who had a kitten.When told it was hit by a car ,began to cry and grieved for days ,and discussed (by sign) the loss of the kitten.Have you seen a chimpanzee memorizing the location and order of numbers from 1-9. No way any human would be able to do it that fast. Apparently there is a trade off with our style of thinking.
The stuff of dreams is in there too.It could use cumulative intelligence from all over the world to solve our most pressing problems without partisanship.Some of that AI art is the stuff of nightmares
The argument proponents use is the analogy of us waking up one day and deciding to kill all the cats.They say it's being pushed on soo many fronts it can't be stopped.They also say the nukes we have sitting around everywhere are far more likely to kill us.Imo that means offing us. I know what your saying but are we replacing ourselves?
It won't be a fight, this thing is already smart as a college student ,it's only 1.In ten years it will be thousands of times smarter than humans.The experts predict it won't be interested in us at all. EditedIs this the next physical evolvement