Anyone in the US having issues with getting soil, nutrients, etc at your local hydro shops?

Someday man. I can't wait. BC decriminalized it first years ago. We're just a little behind.

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Ya man. Truthfully I hate legalization and I love it at the same time. Things are just alot diff now. Back in the day if you needed some cash you could hustle and make some. Not really the case anymore. Lots of herb floating around though.
It's those southern states you guys have that hold you back from anything fun. Booze, weed, gambling....
Been to Tennessee, drove from Memphis to Nashville and back. That was .. an experience.
Bought a .8 off some guy smoking at a bus stop for 25 bucks. He was so paranoid too. Lol I showed him my phone and how I can order weed online to my door. Nearly blew his lid clean off.
Most people said 'i can get you aderol, cocaine, etc etc. Not weed though.'
Nope, all good here as well. In fact my local hydro shop just expanded their floor space & they always give me like 5 or 10% off my visits.
Also Lowe’s miracle grow performance organic is a nice base I’ve used. Cheap, effective, nice pre crushed meal mix, breathable.
Costco had huuuge bags of that last year. Bought one to see what it was all about. Went back for more and they were sold out. It was fine. I added perlite just because.
My local shop still gets all their nutes, but they did get denied service from a bank from doing buissiness with a nutrient company "involved with marijuana cultivation". He responded by asking if they do buissiness with their parent company, who's name I'm forgetting, but they supply general use fertilizer for Home depot and the like. He was absolutely furious, so he changed banks, but his new bank has a fee for processing cash deposits.

The world is fucked.
It's the "vice" fee. All marginalized groups get it. Adult entertainment folks etc. We're a puritanical country literally founded by tight azz puritans. The founding fathers were not church crazed puritans but damn near everyone else was. We still deal with that legacy today.
It's the "vice" fee. All marginalized groups get it. Adult entertainment folks etc. We're a puritanical country literally founded by tight azz puritans. The founding fathers were not church crazed puritans but damn near everyone else was. We still deal with that legacy today.
Also, banks are private entities. They can deny anyone service for any reason, which should scare people. Same with payment processors.
I had to go to a few different places to get the right inputs for my new tent last week, two hydro places and the local worm castings guy. Wasn't really a problem but I couldn't get it all at one place.
Ya man. Truthfully I hate legalization and I love it at the same time. Things are just alot diff now. Back in the day if you needed some cash you could hustle and make some. Not really the case anymore. Lots of herb floating around though.
It's those southern states you guys have that hold you back from anything fun. Booze, weed, gambling....
Been to Tennessee, drove from Memphis to Nashville and back. That was .. an experience.
Bought a .8 off some guy smoking at a bus stop for 25 bucks. He was so paranoid too. Lol I showed him my phone and how I can order weed online to my door. Nearly blew his lid clean off.
Most people said 'i can get you aderol, cocaine, etc etc. Not weed though.'

Can confirm TENNESSEE, especially the Eastern part still has cannabis as schedule 1. Even in towns that share a border with Virginia, like Bristol, which is split by the state line, half the city is recreationally legal, the other half will tase you.
If you are doing organic soil, why aren’t you reusing it?
Its not true living/no till. I use bio bizz liquid nutes. I have reused it before but I have to manualy sift through every bit of soil to get the majority of the roots out and its just not really worth it. If I had equipment to do it would be a different story. But Ive always had the best results with a refresh on the soil.