Mystery's Bedroom Grow - 12/12 Journal.


Well-Known Member
Different strains can take longer to show sex than others. All 3 of my strains showed sex within 48 hours of cutting the light back to 12/12. I'm on day 5 of flowering and i've now got white hairs at every node.


Well-Known Member
Thats tight, I hope I have at least one more female out of 4 plants. Good odds right? Hopefully mine will show on the 5th day or before


Well-Known Member
Well I have 2 males as of now, and 2 females. 2 of undeterminded sex.

Whats the least amount of yield I will get with 2 females.
3x3 area
400 watt hps
my ff nutes?

Thanks guys

Heres the males:cuss:



Junior Creatologist
Im doin a similar setup, only i stripped the material off my tent and replaced it with panda film and mylar due to offgassing problems with hydrohuts that were turning my babies into yellow bullshit, lol.

Anyways, i got 8 plants growin in a 2x4x5 tent, with a 600w digigreenhouse ballast, and ran a MH for veg (30 days), and am now in the middle of week 2 of flowering. Theres only six in the tent right now, and i have two WW Sativas that are still vegging in a top cab i fabricated for my 1st grow. theyll veg for another week, n then into the tent with the rest of the ladies. Even if the WWs are at 10-12 inches when i flower, theyll still end up being 2-3 feet tall, n thats only with 2 weeks veg (not including the seedling stage of 1 week). Everything else is the EXACT same, right down to the oscilating tower fan cooling the canopy off due to higher temps, lol.

I just wanted to post real quick and let you know that your shit is lookin good man, and i hope that the rest of your plants are ladies bro. Feel free to check my shit out whenever you want -- my temps are getting high again, as i leave my growroom completely closed up all day so the mylar can help hit every part of every plant, and the canopy is so thick up top that i dont even know if the WWs are gonna get a whole lot of exposure when i put them into the tent man, lol - its fuckin crazy. 1 n a half weeks into flowering, and every single plant has hairs on every node bro. Within a week or so, youll be seeing the same thing going on with your action too.

2 BlueCheese
2 Twilight
1 Northern Soul
1 White Berry
2 WW
All feminized

what sucks is though, once you get into "the stretch", your gonna end up putting your light all the way to the top of your tent, and just hope the plants dont outgrow the space you have left, lol. Should be cool though for sure. What are temps like in there with everything closed up, and without the tower fan blowing on them?? if its high, get into pickin up some Excellofizz co2 pucks. Itll be like giving them steroids in high temp situations man :D


Well-Known Member
Well guys I've got 4 females. The sativa (mazar/bagseed sativa) is budding rapidly. The other two are shorter than the sativa, but are catching u as well, but the third runt is barely just barely starting to get hairy...


Well-Known Member
thinking of getting HPS for my spring grow. is a 400 watt enough for a 3x4 area??? Also, nice grow!!! I've been using Flouros and it's time to step it up a notch!!!


Well-Known Member
thinking of getting HPS for my spring grow. is a 400 watt enough for a 3x4 area??? Also, nice grow!!! I've been using Flouros and it's time to step it up a notch!!!
Thanks bro-
My space is 2'8"x2'8"x5'3" and its giving me great results so far..we'll just have to see. I HIGHLY suggest HPS though around 50watts per sqft.. I have a sativa thats starting to bud up nice, and im only 2 weeks into flower.. We shall see my friend

Great plants man, can I get the nut info? +rep
Sure bro,

I started in veg using 1/2tsp grow big. 2tbs Big Bloom and some super-thrive. Flowering Im giving 1/2tsp tiger bloom, 1tbs Big bloom, 15ml sweet (for flavor + scent + stickyness:cool:), and Liquid Karma (not sure dose off hand)..

I've also added some Earth Ambrosia + Earth Nectar.. They (experts) reccommed it. I dont. It made my plants look like they were done for...Literally dropping like they were starving...In the morning perky again..:?

I'll be posting pics more often.. Just waiting on buds to show u guys:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well here they are at day 20... and looking pretty good.
One of them has nute burn.. The tallest one is almost 3 feet. 2 middle ones are around 2 feet. and the shortest is 11/2ft.

How do they look guys?


Well-Known Member
they look good man, 20 days in and there looking fat. how tall are they and what kind of yeild do you think


Well-Known Member
they look good man, 20 days in and there looking fat. how tall are they and what kind of yeild do you think
Thanks bro. The tallest one is 34", two middle ones are around 24" and the shortest is 16"..
Im hopin for 4 oz of 4 plants but who knows? Im happy though because I planted 6 expecting to end up with 2.
looking good bro...were did u get ur bagseed?/what city??
Thanks man, Chicago bagseed... Hmmm prolly mex sativa from mex because its tall w/skinny leaves but damn its lookin good.. I wish I had a better ill steal my stepma's one day