More classified documents found at Biden house

It's weird that you would post obvious misinformation like that, since this is what he said in the OP:

He’s been claiming Biden is being treated differently than trump and claiming there are similarities all along in other threads.

Nice try,

It seems each day that more and more classified documents are found in Bidens possession. This can't be good politically for Biden. There are night and day differences between the Biden and Trump cases but there are more and more similarities as time goes on.

So it has been reported that there was more classified documents found at the Biden residence over the weekend. Biden case and trump's case are looking more similar every day. But I forgot that that there is nothing to see there.

But Biden should be treated the same way and be penalized if after the investigation is complete he has broken the law.

So he wants to say trump was irresponsible and mishandled classified documents but now that the shoe is on the other foot there is nothing to see. I don't buy it.

So why has there not been a thorough search of Biden residence. Seems like we need the fbi to go in and search the residence to make sure all classified documents are turned over. This comes after the white house released a statement saying the search was over and all classified documents were turned over. What a shame for a president to be so hypocritical.
He’s been claiming Biden is being treated differently than trump and claiming there are similarities all along in other threads.

Nice try, cupcake.
I'm trying to understand why every "quote" that you posted links back to post 1 of this thread we are currently in.
It's possible Biden will be deemed mentally unable to stand trial.

Before anyone can say, "but but Trump", I'd just like to point out many people who rightfully malign Trump, took his advice on getting an experimental jab. Not much difference between Biden and Trump, except Trump's wife isn't wearing a dress made from an old floral couch cover.

And the guy never watches cable news.
I actually watched news nation this morning just to see if cable news had changed. News nation isn't so bad in my opinion. I am going to learn how to post links then I will be able to contribute more. But I must say that before this morning I haven't watched cable news in probably 4 or 5 years.
For the purpose of saving time I started with that post and copied and pasted the other quotes to that post.

They are his quotes, feel free to check them yourself.
I'm not going to search for all of them, but I was curious as to the context of the quotes. Removing the links to the actual quotes themselves seemed suspect.
It's possible Biden will be deemed mentally unable to stand trial.

Before anyone can say, "but but Trump", I'd just like to point out many people who rightfully malign Trump, took his advice on getting an experimental jab. Not much difference between Biden and Trump, except Trump's wife isn't wearing a dress made from an old floral couch cover.

View attachment 5251842
I don’t see much difference other than the whole drag queen angleF22C6249-6694-4882-8DA1-2C544DFB19D6.jpeg
But respect for hand size
I'm not going to search for all of them, but I was curious as to the context of the quotes. Removing the links to the actual quotes themselves seemed suspect.


Like I said, check his posts yourself, it’s not that hard to do.

They are his words and they refute your claim that I am posting “obvious misinformation” when I pointed out what he is doing.

This gets confusing..Curly Howard was my favorite.
Curly is Moe's brother, and so is Shemp. Larry was their buddy.
so it was moe and Shemp first, then they added Larry. Shemp thought he could go solo, so they replaced him with Curly.
Curly had a stroke in 1947 and Shemp returned, now that the team was more successful, stayed for about 8 years, then had a heart attack and died.
the studio replaced him with Joe Besser, who was a popular comedian at the time, and they made the last 16 short films together.
Joe DeRita came about 3 years later when they got a gig on television. they stayed together for 12 years before retiring, making 6 movies, and hundreds of television appearances, as well as appearing at many events across the country. they were the highest paid act in the country at the time...
so now you know way too much about the three stooges...