Examples of GOP Leadership

Court rejects Republican push to end early voting in Arizona
An Arizona appeals court this week denied a GOP push to declare the state’s mail-in voting system in violation of the Arizona Constitution.

A three-judge panel affirmed a lower court’s ruling that mail-in voting does not violate the state constitution’s requirement to keep voters’ ballots secret, rejecting the arguments of the Arizona Republican Party.

“Arizona’s mail-in voting statutes ensure that voters fill out their ballot in a manner that does not disclose their vote and that voters’ choices are not later revealed,” the court ruled. “The superior court did not err in finding that these protections are sufficient to preserve secrecy in voting.”

Early voting has become commonplace in Arizona after state lawmakers in 1991 allowed voters to request early ballots for any reason. About 8 in 10 voters did so in the 2022 midterms, including those who mailed their ballot or delivered it to a dropbox.

But Arizona Republicans have increasingly attacked such methods, with the Grand Canyon State becoming an epicenter for voter fraud allegations promoted by allies of former President Trump following the 2020 presidential election.

The state GOP and Kelli Ward, the group’s chairwoman, began the legal push to block mail-in voting last year, prior to the midterms.

The party initially filed their case directly to the Arizona Supreme Court, but the court ruled in April that the lawsuit did not meet the criteria for being filed there and indicated it could instead be filed in a state trial court.

The trial court in June rejected a Democratic coalition’s arguments that the Arizona GOP did not have standing, meaning the capacity to file the suit, and that they were too late in filing their claims, but the judge ultimately denied the GOP’s arguments on the merits.

The Arizona GOP argued mail-in voting laws violate the state constitution’s Secrecy Clause, which states that “secrecy in voting shall be preserved,” because the laws do not create a restricted zone around a voter filling out a mail-in ballot.

But the appeals court panel noted that voters provide identifiable information only on the envelope containing their ballot, and the procedures are set up so that no election official is able to lawfully connect the choices on a ballot to the voter’s information on the accompanying envelope.

“These protections are adequate to ensure the preservation of secrecy in voting,” the appeals court ruled. “The legislature is free to adopt the more stringent requirements urged by Plaintiffs, but it is not constitutionally required to do so.”
Court rejects Republican push to end early voting in Arizona
An Arizona appeals court this week denied a GOP push to declare the state’s mail-in voting system in violation of the Arizona Constitution.

A three-judge panel affirmed a lower court’s ruling that mail-in voting does not violate the state constitution’s requirement to keep voters’ ballots secret, rejecting the arguments of the Arizona Republican Party.

“Arizona’s mail-in voting statutes ensure that voters fill out their ballot in a manner that does not disclose their vote and that voters’ choices are not later revealed,” the court ruled. “The superior court did not err in finding that these protections are sufficient to preserve secrecy in voting.”

Early voting has become commonplace in Arizona after state lawmakers in 1991 allowed voters to request early ballots for any reason. About 8 in 10 voters did so in the 2022 midterms, including those who mailed their ballot or delivered it to a dropbox.

But Arizona Republicans have increasingly attacked such methods, with the Grand Canyon State becoming an epicenter for voter fraud allegations promoted by allies of former President Trump following the 2020 presidential election.

The state GOP and Kelli Ward, the group’s chairwoman, began the legal push to block mail-in voting last year, prior to the midterms.

The party initially filed their case directly to the Arizona Supreme Court, but the court ruled in April that the lawsuit did not meet the criteria for being filed there and indicated it could instead be filed in a state trial court.

The trial court in June rejected a Democratic coalition’s arguments that the Arizona GOP did not have standing, meaning the capacity to file the suit, and that they were too late in filing their claims, but the judge ultimately denied the GOP’s arguments on the merits.

The Arizona GOP argued mail-in voting laws violate the state constitution’s Secrecy Clause, which states that “secrecy in voting shall be preserved,” because the laws do not create a restricted zone around a voter filling out a mail-in ballot.

But the appeals court panel noted that voters provide identifiable information only on the envelope containing their ballot, and the procedures are set up so that no election official is able to lawfully connect the choices on a ballot to the voter’s information on the accompanying envelope.

“These protections are adequate to ensure the preservation of secrecy in voting,” the appeals court ruled. “The legislature is free to adopt the more stringent requirements urged by Plaintiffs, but it is not constitutionally required to do so.”

Why are you Printer as opposed to Starman? I tried to PM you the question; rights you know. I do purchase Canadian so your Southern Cousin is.
Here is the problem we often have here, morons whipped up by foxnews either believing bullshit or spreading it anyway. Bullshit is dangerous as we have seen, it cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives to covid and it killed people and ruined many lives over J6. This place doesn't exist in isolation the problems of fascism, disinformation, lies, deception and political violence exist here too, or fuel many discussions.

Foxnews is being sued over lies, but not for the harm they have done to America. There is truth and there are lies and the political situation in America is polarized, but in such an environment only one can prevail, just as in the civil war. One side supports the constitution and rule of law and the other does not, one offers responsible government, the other chaos, one supports America's vital allies and interests, the other consorts and cavorts with America's enemies. It is the struggle for the soul of the nation, but it looks more like a struggle between right and wrong to me, good and evil on full display! The line between good and evil cuts straight through the human heart.

Hannity confession: See smoking gun evidence as Fox chief Murdoch forced under oath

16,772 views Jan 19, 2023 #msnbc #FoxNews #seanhannity
Fox Chief Rupert Murdoch is testifying in a billion-dollar lawsuit defamation suit, accusing Murdoch and the network’s anchors of “repeatedly and knowingly” pushing false claims. Fox denies wrongdoing and argues It was reporting on newsworthy claims. MSNBC's Ari Melber reports on the legal implications of Murdoch’s testimony, and what it could mean for the future of his media empire.
Photo touting a young George Santos in drag.


Earlier today I broke the story of Eula Rochard, a Brazilian drag queen who was friends with George Santos when he lived near Rio, and who shared a photo of a young Santos dressed in drag at a 2008 event.

It’s imperative that you understand the news value of this story is not to laugh at someone dressing in drag. No, the value is that George Santos campaigned as a Trump-loving, ultra-conservative candidate and continues to align himself with far right figures who cheer-lead violence at drag events and actively cause harm to a generous and beautiful community.

I can’t tell you what exactly compelled Santos to morph himself into an entirely different person, but I can share with you what Eula had to say about her old friend. I spoke to her Wednesday by phone, along with my very generous friend who translated from Portuguese to English. The responses below are based on her translations.

Eula Rochard and George Santos met when she was already a well-known drag queen in Niterói, a city next to Rio de Janeiro where Santos also lived at the time. She says people often seek out her friendship because she’s “highly respected in town,” and she remembers becoming friends with Santos, who at the time went by Anthony (one of his many aliases) or Kitara, his drag name. “I think I met him when he was around 16 or 17-years-old,” she said. “He used to hang out in my house while his mom was playing Bingo.”

So when she saw Santos on Brazilian TV the other day, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She messaged some friends who were around during the time she knew Santos to say she thought it was him, but they all doubted her. So she dug up an old photo and posted it to her Instagram.

“The picture was taken in 2008 at the Pride Parade at Icaraí Beach in Niterói,” she says. “George had disappeared for a little while, and then returned to Brazil with a lot of money, and that was about the same time when the picture was taken.”

Eula also shared this video from a past Niterói pride parade. She’s in pink around the 2:00 minute mark, and she says Santos is the person interviewed around the 4:19 mark.

Photo touting a young George Santos in drag.

View attachment 5250557

Earlier today I broke the story of Eula Rochard, a Brazilian drag queen who was friends with George Santos when he lived near Rio, and who shared a photo of a young Santos dressed in drag at a 2008 event.

It’s imperative that you understand the news value of this story is not to laugh at someone dressing in drag. No, the value is that George Santos campaigned as a Trump-loving, ultra-conservative candidate and continues to align himself with far right figures who cheer-lead violence at drag events and actively cause harm to a generous and beautiful community.

I can’t tell you what exactly compelled Santos to morph himself into an entirely different person, but I can share with you what Eula had to say about her old friend. I spoke to her Wednesday by phone, along with my very generous friend who translated from Portuguese to English. The responses below are based on her translations.

Eula Rochard and George Santos met when she was already a well-known drag queen in Niterói, a city next to Rio de Janeiro where Santos also lived at the time. She says people often seek out her friendship because she’s “highly respected in town,” and she remembers becoming friends with Santos, who at the time went by Anthony (one of his many aliases) or Kitara, his drag name. “I think I met him when he was around 16 or 17-years-old,” she said. “He used to hang out in my house while his mom was playing Bingo.”

So when she saw Santos on Brazilian TV the other day, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She messaged some friends who were around during the time she knew Santos to say she thought it was him, but they all doubted her. So she dug up an old photo and posted it to her Instagram.

“The picture was taken in 2008 at the Pride Parade at Icaraí Beach in Niterói,” she says. “George had disappeared for a little while, and then returned to Brazil with a lot of money, and that was about the same time when the picture was taken.”

Eula also shared this video from a past Niterói pride parade. She’s in pink around the 2:00 minute mark, and she says Santos is the person interviewed around the 4:19 mark.

Photo touting a young George Santos in drag.

View attachment 5250557

Earlier today I broke the story of Eula Rochard, a Brazilian drag queen who was friends with George Santos when he lived near Rio, and who shared a photo of a young Santos dressed in drag at a 2008 event.

It’s imperative that you understand the news value of this story is not to laugh at someone dressing in drag. No, the value is that George Santos campaigned as a Trump-loving, ultra-conservative candidate and continues to align himself with far right figures who cheer-lead violence at drag events and actively cause harm to a generous and beautiful community.

I can’t tell you what exactly compelled Santos to morph himself into an entirely different person, but I can share with you what Eula had to say about her old friend. I spoke to her Wednesday by phone, along with my very generous friend who translated from Portuguese to English. The responses below are based on her translations.

Eula Rochard and George Santos met when she was already a well-known drag queen in Niterói, a city next to Rio de Janeiro where Santos also lived at the time. She says people often seek out her friendship because she’s “highly respected in town,” and she remembers becoming friends with Santos, who at the time went by Anthony (one of his many aliases) or Kitara, his drag name. “I think I met him when he was around 16 or 17-years-old,” she said. “He used to hang out in my house while his mom was playing Bingo.”

So when she saw Santos on Brazilian TV the other day, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She messaged some friends who were around during the time she knew Santos to say she thought it was him, but they all doubted her. So she dug up an old photo and posted it to her Instagram.

“The picture was taken in 2008 at the Pride Parade at Icaraí Beach in Niterói,” she says. “George had disappeared for a little while, and then returned to Brazil with a lot of money, and that was about the same time when the picture was taken.”

Eula also shared this video from a past Niterói pride parade. She’s in pink around the 2:00 minute mark, and she says Santos is the person interviewed around the 4:19 mark.

I think he must watch "Catch me if you can" every day...Is it some kind of psychosis?
or is he just a fucking liar? Either way, It's kind of sickening that mcarthy not only keeps him around, he actually put the despicable little piece of shit on a committee...tell me mccarthy isn't bought and paid for by the sedition carcass.
I checked my messages, nothing from you it seems. You have me on Starman, no idea who that is.

The rocket scientist part in your signature. No, no message but it's not for lack of trying. Even other members have to PM me first or I can use an existing PM. When I try to PM, I get one or two letters of recipient name; the page will then refresh not allowing completion.

"Let’s change our behavior now. Let’s sit down. He’s the president. We’re the majority in the House. The Democrats are the majority in the Senate. And that’s exactly the way the founders designed Congress to work, find the compromise and find the commonsense compromise that puts us back onto a balanced budget," McCarthy told reporters Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

McCarthy, R-Calif., said a debt limit increase with no strings attached was "totally off the table," adding that federal retirement programs should be curtailed to save them from bankruptcy. "Let's sit down and find a place that we can protect Medicare and Social Security for the future generations. Let's put our house in order."

I do not believe one word coming out of mccarthy's shit stained mouth. I would not conceed one fucking thing to them, I would wait till the end of May, then i would instruct the mint to stamp TWO trillion dollar coins, one for this year, and one for next year, and let the motherfucking terrorist republicans rot.

"Let’s change our behavior now. Let’s sit down. He’s the president. We’re the majority in the House. The Democrats are the majority in the Senate. And that’s exactly the way the founders designed Congress to work, find the compromise and find the commonsense compromise that puts us back onto a balanced budget," McCarthy told reporters Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

McCarthy, R-Calif., said a debt limit increase with no strings attached was "totally off the table," adding that federal retirement programs should be curtailed to save them from bankruptcy. "Let's sit down and find a place that we can protect Medicare and Social Security for the future generations. Let's put our house in order."

I do not believe one word coming out of mccarthy's shit stained mouth. I would not conceed one fucking thing to them, I would wait till the end of May, then i would instruct the mint to stamp TWO trillion dollar coins, one for this year, and one for next year, and let the motherfucking terrorist republicans rot.
I think it was Ron Johnson who talked about “shoring up” Social Security (using the term exactly backwards) by reducing disbursements.
We need to hold MosCarthy’s feet to the fire and ask what tax revenue increases he is gonna propose to actually shore the program up.

I think the President needs to make a big deal of this during the upcoming SOTU. The Repugs are gonna try to pull a fast one, so this needs bright light shone on it. Talk about semi-fascism.
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