New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Chicken on a stick made me capable of walking back on base at Osan more than once after bar hopping with the Black Cats.
I found a horse grazing next to the "road" in Port a Prince Haiti at around 04:00 drunk off my ass while walking back to my ship. Talked to him nice & since he had a halter on I mounted up & rode him close to the pier & then let him go. He wandered back up the mountain & a buddy later told me that he found the same one & it kicked his ass cause he bit the horses ear after seeing John Wayne do it in a movie.

I guess it pays to be nice.
Dog and horse. Horse is fucking delicious. Like why don't we eat this, do we still really use horses much delicious. Dog is OK. Kinda greasy. Only eaten in the winter months to warm the body. I wouldn't order it again. Not cuz I care about dogs. Just cuz it ain't that great.

One of our main supermarket chains had horse meat in their value burgers lol

I’d try a horse lol
One of our main supermarket chains had horse meat in their value burgers lol

I’d try a horse lol

Yeah I remember reading a new story some years back about that happening to an Aldi. The shipment was supposed to go to Spain or something. I don't think those fuckers at Aldi knew what they were missing lol.

Plenty of people in India think were heathens for eating cows. The Muslims the pork. I know the Jewish people got some diet stuff but I'm not sure.

I mean we don't eat horses because at a certain time they were much more valuable than being used as food. In my opinion not nearly as much now lol. The dogs probably along the same line that they made better warning triggers and Friends than food. But if you look at a lot of the places that eat dogs… China, Korea, Jamaica they were all very much starving at some point throughout history.
I found a horse grazing next to the "road" in Port a Prince Haiti at around 04:00 drunk off my ass while walking back to my ship. Talked to him nice & since he had a halter on I mounted up & rode him close to the pier & then let him go. He wandered back up the mountain & a buddy later told me that he found the same one & it kicked his ass cause he bit the horses ear after seeing John Wayne do it in a movie.

I guess it pays to be nice.
Depending on when you were there, Port Au Prince was a very dangerous city to be wandering around drunk.
Yep, it was then too (the late 70's). But back then I was bullet proof, wielding a blade and fearless.
Now I'm old & have an older buddy (1911), slower and more willing to use the "friend" if necessary.
That's me in a nutshell as well. I'm too old and tired to fistfight, I'm just gonna use this. Glock 10mm because a 9mm just wasn't good enough :mrgreen: . I have a couple 1911 safe queen's that only go to the range and back to the safe including my grandfather's service issue one.
That's me in a nutshell as well. I'm too old and tired to fistfight, I'm just gonna use this. Glock 10mm because a 9mm just wasn't good enough :mrgreen: . I have a couple 1911 safe queen's that only go to the range and back to the safe including my grandfather's service issue one.
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I've got a crimson trace (red) on my original 1911 but I kept the Novac sights on my lightweight commander as I really like the checkering on the grips and the front of the mag housing. She will take a full size mag (8 rnds) but I carry the first in the pipe & factory 7 in the mag. Usually have a couple extra mags in my pocket.
I've only had to "use" her once & it's a one sided story.
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