Ventilation/heat problem


Well-Known Member
I have problems with the temperature inside my growbox, i have 2 cfls and 2 fluorescent 15 watt tubes on 18/6 (my plants still on veg) and temperature have reached 100+ Farenheit . I know this is not healthy for my ladies. So far i have a 80mm computer fan that i use as exhaust and still the temperature dosent go down. I am guessing i need an intake fan as well but i need something small,quiet and that cools decently. Any suggestions?

My set up is:

My grox box dimensions are 3ft tall, 2 ft wide and 1 ft in lenght.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
do you have an opening for fresh air to come in to the box. a passive intake should be enough. if not then you need a bigger exhaust fan and maybe a bigger passive intake.


Well-Known Member
well i have a like a small opening for air to come in around the middle of my box, its about 1 inch diameter. And for the exhaust fan its this one:

Im thinking of buying this one: for fresh air to come in the box and put it in that 1 inch diameter opening in the middle of the box, ill take pictures.


Well-Known Member
Well here are the pics of the ladies and my fan. That big fan to the right of the box is not going to be a permanent fan for the box, i just put it in to attempt to cool the box down, but still the temps are 95 degrees Farenheit exactly. That small fan is this one:

I am planing to buy this bigger fan: for air intake.

I will make the exhaust hole a little bigger and the intake hole the same size of the fan as soon as fan gets to me.



Well-Known Member
Should i buy a mini AC system for that 3x2x1 box? and if so can you please post websites where i could find one?