House+Senate = Congress
Count me in on his third-party shitty-excuse ‘campaign’, I absolutely want to SEE that shit in motion!
OF COURSE they believe it’ll work if they do it…they’ve been huffing each others’ farts FAR too long to think clearly, tho: what it would accomplish would be to split “the conservative base” into pieces too small to win - and real hostility between the shards.
That’s what happened to the Whigs, BTW: they deteriorated to the point where they could not even field a single national candidate for any office…and that was the end of them. The rest went to various spots, but a good few went to the new Republican Party when it formed.
Post-post script: that all seems inevitable to me, I’ve been tracking it for a while…but it just occurred to me that this will mean a general political and social realignment in the country. The Dems have been overstuffed with renegade Reds since Shrub, it is and has been a brake on forward motion on most fronts, just as McConnell’s dog-in-manger routine has been & continues to be a brake on forward motion…and just as the incoming agents of chaos will be as much of a brake and a distraction as they can possibly make themselves become.
Life requires motion - the alternative is to slide backward, out of control - or rot/rust in place. We’ve had 500 years’ worth of that sort of gutless choice as a nation, and it’s only helped those who needed no help; if we’re going to have a more livable society, an actual civil society, we need to adapt to what we know *now*, not to what we thought then.
it’ll likely take 100 years or more to complete the upgrades…and billionaires should not be invited to bid or bet - and ‘one dollar, one vote’ must never become the operating principle behind our decision-making, either nationally or locally. Yes, money has been slowly corrupting our legislative priorities and products since ‘reconstruction’…but ‘one dollar, one vote’ is a pretty popular point of view with those who’ve been bankrolling all of this (all those individual patsy ‘donors’ didn’t pay to set up Citizens United, or fund the ‘Federalist’(sic) Society, Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, or bus participants to the Jan6 hoedown) and so it must be kept watch for.
EEP! Doing that thing again….