I just can't

Apparently if you use a telescope to view the horizon you can see beyond the "curve", the official explanation is you're seeing a reflection in the atmosphere (atmospheric refraction).
Apparently if you use a telescope to view the horizon you can see beyond the "curve", the official explanation is you're seeing a reflection in the atmosphere (atmospheric refraction).
The problem is that fact is simply not true. I couldn’t even find someone dumb enough to think it with a google search. On military ships there are always several people with various optics. The person on the flying bridge better see something coming over the horizon before the OOD. Doesn’t matter who has a telescope, big eyes or binoculars. The OOD knows something’s ther from radar but should still never see it first because the flying bridge is higher. This is a truth that I have witnessed over and over for years.
The problem is that fact is simply not true. I couldn’t even find someone dumb enough to think it with a google search. On military ships there are always several people with various optics. The person on the flying bridge better see something coming over the horizon before the OOD. Doesn’t matter who has a telescope, big eyes or binoculars. The OOD knows something’s ther from radar but should still never see it first because the flying bridge is higher. This is a truth that I have witnessed over and over for years.
I'm not wrong. Sometimes an object can be seen below the horizon. Its a fact. Call it what you want, but you can see over a curve with a telescope when conditions are right.

If you ask me, I would say there is a superior mirage going on at all times, and is actually what makes the ships disappear, and even the sun to begin with.
Did you type atmospheric refraction into Google?

No, but I didn’t need to, I know what it is. I’m not nearly as stupid as some people in this discussion. I have witnessed myself with my own eyes that you are incorrect about using one type of optics vs another seeing further over the horizon at the same time, which was your original fact that I disputed Now you try and change your facts, confuse the issue with garbage ideas, whatever until you end up sounding as dumb as you are. If conditions are perfect you can get some refraction, but It is not going to happen every time or even often. If you bothered to check your own facts rather than cutting and pasting internet BS you would know that. I think I’ll let myself out now, this discussion is beyond ignorance and just plain childish. Bye!
"In fact, with a Fata Morgana it can be hard to say which individual segment of the mirage is real and which is not real: when a real ship is out of sight because it is below the horizon line, a Fata Morgana can cause the image of it to be elevated, and then everything which is seen by the observer is a mirage. On the other hand, if the real ship is still above the horizon, the image of it can be duplicated many times and elaborately distorted by a Fata Morgana."
Actually ,with atmospheric lensing,one can see over the horizon in certain conditions.I have seen it myself when the bay is calm and sunny.The image was very close to what I see crossing the bridge except there is an "empty" bit between the image and the ground,so the buildings connection to the ground cannot be seen.Happens when Floridians see Cuba ,and Alaskans see Russia.
So if I look in a mirror did I create a teleportation device and move myself the exact distance I was from the mirror? No. You didn’t see the actual object, you saw a reflection or false image. How hard is that to grasp? The object is not actually there, and your arguments about a flat earth are crap. Give it up. Put down the pipe or joint. You’ve had enough already.
It keeps your head up in space in science fiction la la land, why they use up all the resources to build bases right under your feet, with artificial suns and everything. Nukes are a hoax too, and they tricked us into building their batteries for them. They just carpet bombed and blew up massive amounts of TNT with phosphorous during the tests to make it appear bright ,and keep people in fear of nuclear war, which will never happen. Each nuke powers an underground condo for like 100 years. There are only so many known nuclear warheads, and each belongs to an elite family.

Go ahead and keep slaving day to day so the blood sucking lizard people can use most of your energy to build an underground empire, that they can live in for a long time with all their biotech "space" suits/gear/bases we made for them, while they wipe the population down to roughly 500k over the course of a decade or so.

At only 10 miles away, the target would be 66.6 feet below the curvature.

That's true only if you were perfectly eye level with the water, and the target was a leaf floating on the water.

But if a rail gun is 40 feet above the water, and the target is 10 miles away, only about 4 ft of the target is below the curvature.