What has been some of your most BS mishaps growing this flower?

ok Let me just say I've been of a horrible string of luck. recently, my zip ties rated at 200lbs, broke and dropped my 1000w light onto my 2 best 3-month-olds, utterly frying them to a crisp. My 1000$ LED light just ignited it's dimmer.

O.K. your turn-GO! :wall:
My worst nightmare..
Hi what digital timers do you use? They're reliable yes? Thank you!
I use a bunch of Vivosun digital timers and they work fine. Before I added more lights I used some other brand and they worked fine too. The only issues I've ever had were my fault, but in my defense most are overly complicated to program. I would occasionally bump a button while putting them back on and its light would stay on for the first night after the flip.
My greatest F-up was my own doing. Back in the dark times I heard a ghetto bird hovering right in front of my house, just a few hundred yards away. It stayed there a while then flew off. A few days later it returned and was slowly patrolling the area. My thoughts this time where... awe fuck last time it was doing recon and must have imaged me and now it's back to oversee the raid. I was super cautious back then. I dumped all my scraps off a river bridge at 2AM, triple bagged my other grow trash and tossed small bags out in random places. With that mindset I also had an evidence destroyer. A large grinder that hooked up to the sink, that would grind up a grow into a slurry to be flushed.

So the second time I saw the helicopter I figured they wear watching for the rats to scatter, so I didn't wait long to grind up my two grow areas.
After the dead was done I waited....and waited....and waited, but the man never came for me. I still felt I did the right thing since I had been made.

A few days later I noticed a F-250 boot up a fogger and mist all the swamp area in front of my house. After a bit of research I found a web page for Norfolk Mosquito control and found out they use trucks to fog adults and helicopters to drop larvacide......and at that moment I felt like a complete fucking toolshed.
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My greatest F-up was my own doing. Back in the dark times I heard a ghetto bird hovering right in front of my house, just a few hundred yards away. It stayed there a while then flew off. A few days later it returned and was slowly patrolling the area. My thoughts this time where... awe fuck last time it was doing recon and must have imaged me and now it's back to oversee the raid. I was super cautious back then. I dumped all my scraps off a river bridge at 2AM, triple bagged my other grow trash and tossed small bags out in random places. With that mindset I also had an evidence destroyer. A large grinder that hooked up to the sink, that would grind up a grow into a slurry to be flushed.

So the second time I saw the helicopter I figured they wear watching for the rats to scatter, so I didn't wait long to grind up my two grow areas.
After the dead was done I waited....and waited....and waited, but the man never came for me. I still felt I did the right thing since I had been made.

A few days later I noticed a F-250 boot up a fogger and mister all the swamp area in front of my house. After a bit of research I found a web page for Norfolk Mosquito control and found out they use trucks to fog adults and helicopters to drop larvacide......and at that moment I felt like a complete fucking toolshed.
Im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were a kid? Even if your house was glowing like a christmas tree on thermals thats not enough grounds for a raid lol. I had a buddy that used to breed reptiles, heat lamps galore. Theres other reasons for hot spots.
Kid-Young adult renting a house with a buddy/partner. Ya, I always figured there was no way to hide the exaust from HPS lamps if I ever got scanned.
I knew that was the week point, but as a renter I couldn't cut into the chimney to vent out there for a much more masked grow.
Had a gorilla grow that was boat/canoe access only. A cousin dropped me off so i could water. He proceeded to go back to my cottage and drink all my booze then pass out hard. I had to swim at night 1/2 km in my underwear to the nearest island, steal a boat (temporarily) to get back to my place only to find him on my couch bottle in hand.
Lol. At the time, me and the wife were renting our second apt and I had a 6plant grow going in the bay window with a 250w hps as additional light. I bought the stuff you put on your bathroom window to add privacy and did all the windows so you couldn't see in. Well it was about 2am when my wife starts shaking me violently in bed 'GET UP GET UP COPS ARE KICKING OUR DOOR IN!!!!' Well holy fuck sure enough there's like 5 cop cars in the driveway Cherry's blasting and prob 10 cops with their guns drawn booting in the door to the hallway. I fucking panicked and tossed every plant into garbage bags and THREW them down the stairwell out back that lead no where. It was an old way to get to the basement but later closed off. Well turns out the weird guy in the basement apt was a pedo and got busted luring a '14 year old girl.....' actually a cop... and they fucking busted him. There's nothing like the moment you think you're getting raided for a grow. Panic sets in and rational thought goes right out the door. Lol. Just about pissed myself.
I love this thread. lmao. I had done 6 or 7 years of outdoor grows and maybe 20 indoor cycles when I reconnected with an old friend who wanted to grow. His dad had several hundred acres of really good land that had a constantly flowing creek running through it so we had easy access to water. I started popping seeds and making clones in January and when ever we had time we would take in soil and additives and mix it in with the native soil. we could truck stuff in but it was pretty rough and we didn't have a 4wd so we had to pack it about a half mile past our parking area. We worked on everything for several months and after rabbits and deer got their cut we had about 125 plants. we'd go in about every week to carry water from the creek. Long story short his dad let his buddy have a gate key to hunt there. He found the plants when he was bush hogging for his shooting lanes. He wiped them out. Luckily he didn't call the cops. He missed 2- 6 foot tall mexican sativas that were probably the worst plants out of all of them. I had an 18 month old mother plant with a stalk about as thick as a red bull can that I whacked back and stuck out by the creek. He must have thought he hit a skunk when he mowed her down. There were little chunks of bud sprayed everywhere and mashed down into the ruts in the loamy sandy soil. I'm pretty sure the old fucker ran over everything a few dozen times just "to make sure" everything was totally destroyed. When we saw it all my partner turned pasty white and I felt like I was going to puke. All that work, money, time and future profit down the shitter. Me and my buddy killed a half gallon of jim beam that night. A couple of years later the old man was working down there by himself cutting down some trees. The chainsaw bounces back on him and cut into his leg rendering it useless. He had parked his truck at the top of the hill by the entrance. He crawled almost 1000 yards to his truck. Rather than drive to the hospital 5 miles away he went to the one 15 miles away because he thought he'd get better care. He pulled up to the ER honked and people came out with a stretcher. His truck was covered in blood. Staff called his wife and she drove straight up to the entrance where his truck was still sitting. When she saw the truck and entrance covered in blood she dropped dead of a heart attack. Karma is a bitch, but I thought damn that was excessive. The old man survived.
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Knocking over a freshly transplanted tray of a bunch of different strains and not knowing which label belongs to what
Or thinking you can write the labels on them later after you get high...cuz you'll remember which is which, right. I'm terrible at labeling things. I just grew an OG Kush that I thought was bubba kush until someone pointed out it looked funny and I realized I mislabeled it and I had given the bubba to a friend by mistake.
My very first attempt at growing was a fail at every point. No knowledge. Crappy space. HPS light designed for security. Tried to grow a sativa in coco in a tiny space. I scrapped the whole thing a few days after this pic.


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