My greatest F-up was my own doing. Back in the dark times I heard a ghetto bird hovering right in front of my house, just a few hundred yards away. It stayed there a while then flew off. A few days later it returned and was slowly patrolling the area. My thoughts this time where... awe fuck last time it was doing recon and must have imaged me and now it's back to oversee the raid. I was super cautious back then. I dumped all my scraps off a river bridge at 2AM, triple bagged my other grow trash and tossed small bags out in random places. With that mindset I also had an evidence destroyer. A large grinder that hooked up to the sink, that would grind up a grow into a slurry to be flushed.
So the second time I saw the helicopter I figured they wear watching for the rats to scatter, so I didn't wait long to grind up my two grow areas.
After the dead was done I waited....and waited....and waited, but the man never came for me. I still felt I did the right thing since I had been made.
A few days later I noticed a F-250 boot up a fogger and mister all the swamp area in front of my house. After a bit of research I found a web page for Norfolk Mosquito control and found out they use trucks to fog adults and helicopters to drop larvacide......and at that moment I felt like a complete fucking toolshed.