That is it. Not much retail traffic. Maybe she was working that night. MAGAt hat on backwards.coupla years back, I lived a stone’s throw from the holesale distributor.
The handicapped slot is a nice touch. Good to know they’re servicing the disabled market.That is it. Not much retail traffic. Maybe she was working that night. MAGAt hat on backwards.
for her to notice it? yeah...I’d need to be hanged.
no. Hanging produces a reliable physiological response even while the mind is in a bad place.for her to notice it? yeah...
i'm so disappointed that cousin eddy turned out like this.
No. Asphyxiation produces that effect, hanging produces a broken neck...if done Hanging produces a reliable physiological response even while the mind is in a bad place.
the drop innovation is relatively recent.No. Asphyxiation produces that effect, hanging produces a broken neck...if done properly.
Actually I created a bunch of AI drawings of the fat fuck - should have NFT those.
But they are straight nightmare fuel . I got worse ones.
Relieving Red Hat morons of their cat food money seems easy these days.
so basically mccarthy is saying that because mcturkeyneck didn't let him play his fucked up games and let the entire country go into financial free fall, so that a few republicans could hold the rest of the nation hostage with their idiotic demands, he's going to get even when he has a chance?
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i just smile and ignore them, and keep saying what the fuck ever i feel like saying...i've even had to tell that to a couple of people that got kind of pushy about it..."It's what the fuck ever i feel like saying today, if you don't like it, i don't fucking care."I want to see a few..please? Consider it holiday gift..btw Merry Christmas, Budz
Around Colorado way I say Happy Holidays because of my East Coast ways auto then I add Merry Christmas..'whichever you prefer' and someone who I do business with corrected me 'it's Merry Christmas'..'well I know how to turn a stinker of a conversation around most people just wish you well..'Merry Christmas to you to __________'.
it seems pretty self explanatory to me. it's a claim that their deity made everything that ever was, is, or will be...whether we see those things or not.Side Conversation.
The thing about God is there is a line where it says 'he's maker of all that is seen and unseen'.
I always wondered what they meant by unseen.
Back to South Park Meme..
it seems pretty self explanatory to me. it's a claim that their deity made everything that ever was, is, or will be...whether we see those things or not.
that is all a bunch of horseshit, of course, as religion is nothing but a tool thought up by a few to control much larger crowds of people, from the first primitive priests, all the way up to the pope. religion is a scam to control stupid gullible people and relieve them of as much of their cash as possible.
the fuckers don't even pay taxes...remind you of anyone?
View attachment 5241232
it seems pretty self explanatory to me. it's a claim that their deity made everything that ever was, is, or will be...whether we see those things or not.
that is all a bunch of horseshit, of course, as religion is nothing but a tool thought up by a few to control much larger crowds of people, from the first primitive priests, all the way up to the pope. religion is a scam to control stupid gullible people and relieve them of as much of their cash as possible.
the fuckers don't even pay taxes...remind you of anyone?
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