Examples of GOP Leadership

they're supposed to be numbered, but any image you post online can and will be copied, so i've often wondered at the whole nft concept.
the entire thing seems to be a way for idiots to be separated from their money to me, but at least some of them have actual, good, original art work, which might be worth something, but otherwise you have a copyable image with no value to anyone except the odd person who shares your tastes.
Isn't it the same as any other painting? Anyone could get a copy of any famous painting and the original is still the only one that is valuable. I don't get the whole NFT craze, but it's no different than any other collectible item.
Welcome to the chaos congress of 2023 with J6 and the text messages the first order of business, with Jack in the background hauling all concerned before grand juries and perhaps indictments looming. All the while Donald will be going down inflames along with his cronies and Mark Meadows will be squealing like a pig while selling them all down the river for time off, so will others at the WH.

2023 promises to be an interesting year, in the house and in the courts.

Kevin McCarthy’s Path To Speaker Is In Peril

3,717 views Dec 18, 2022 #KevinMcCarthy #TedLieu #Republicans
Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy’s speakership bid is in peril. A group of his own party are joining together to keep him from taking the gavel, and it’s tearing the GOP apart. MSNBC’s Michael Steele spoke with Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu about this Republican disarray.
It's not just their dealings with Donald and his people these republican assholes in congress have to worry about, there's another angle that can ensnare them too. Were any involved in the fake electors conspiracy as well? Sen Ron Johnson sure looks like he did in trying to deliver the fraudulent electors to Pence on the floor of congress An act in furtherance of a conspiracy). Other congress people might have been involved in their own states in this scheme too, it's not just those who signed on as fake electors, others were involved in the statehouses with setting it up and supporting it.

Once Jack starts turning over rocks, who knows what slime he will find, one rock leads to another, as one seized cellphone leads to another.
They are releasing everything to the public, the senate will take over the political part of the investigation and they will stay out of Jack's way.

Let's talk about a McCarthy quote you should remember....

Republican National Committee Spending Report LEAKS and EXPOSES massive grift

32,980 views Dec 18, 2022
Ronna McDaniel and the RNC were exposed engaging in a massive grift of donor money with spending reports leaking to the press. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports.
Ted would be a slippery one to catch, but a way for some one like Eastman to cut a deal perhaps, Ted would be worth serious time off for Mark too! :lol: He is a highly skilled psychopathic lawyer and US senator, so unless it was in his blind spot and he got impulsive and excited, I doubt he would be indicted. If Jack went after him he would need a good case and big balls, Ted is a psycho but he's a lot smarter one than Donald, though empathetically more blind than even Donald.

Good luck with that... Elon, be careful what you wish for! :lol:

Let's talk about Texas wanting to remove teens from social media....
Isn't it the same as any other painting? Anyone could get a copy of any famous painting and the original is still the only one that is valuable. I don't get the whole NFT craze, but it's no different than any other collectible item.
they apparently have some kind of blockchain metadata code on them, that is supposed to be uncopyable...
anything they say is uncopyable, will be copied. it's just a matter of when. i wouldn't be surprised if someone had already figured it out.
there are a whole bunch of bitcoin mining rigs sitting idle that seem like they would be ideal for the purpose.
Found a AI image generator - imported some keywords like FAT , XMAS , TRUMP , etc.

Got this …. Call it Holiday Haisha ( loser )

Generated a bunch of interesting images. So where’s my million dollars ???”
Maybe I should make a “ Cultist Collection. “ lol.

  • Former President Donald Trump wanted reporters to cover a private event he was hosting.
  • Advisers then had to explain why he could no longer call on a press pool for his events.
  • Advisers found reporters who happened to be working near the area for his event, the Washington Post reported.
Aides and advisers to former President Donald Trump said he had a difficult time transitioning from the White House to life as a private citizen, according to a new report from the Washington Post.

According to the Post, one example of this was when Trump wanted his team to call on a press pool — reporters who travel with presidents — for an event at Mar-a-Lago. Advisers had to break the news to Trump that this was no longer a possibility.

"We had to explain to him that he didn't have a group standing around waiting for him anymore," an unnamed former aide told the Washington Post.

The advisers ended up pulling reporters who were near Mar-a-Lago for other reasons, two sources told the Post.

Once Trump left office, he was frustrated at his downsized life, which included a smaller number of Secret Service, no access to Air Force One, and little press coverage compared to when he was president, four unnamed advisers to Trump told the Post.

Trump has spent most of his post-presidency in isolation at Mar-a-Lago, playing golf six days a week and using dinner at the club as an opportunity to revel in the attention of admiring fans who applaud his entrances and exits from the dining room.


Even Chet laughs at your loser ass …..

Far-right TV network reacts in REAL TIME to Trump's HUMILIATING major announcement

142,157 views Dec 18, 2022
Far right propaganda network Newsmax reported live on Trump's cringe 'major announcement' -- and their reaction was priceless! Meidas contributor Francis Maxwell reports.
1 PM EST Can't wait to hear Cheney.
Cheney ended up being the least significant although it was meant to emphasize our long and unique history of the peaceful transition of power. Kinzinger excellent and Raskin was perfect. Each committee member played a role in an excellent presentation IMO.

Can't wait for the headlines.