Help Support Rollitup


Staff member
Please consider helping support Rollitup by turning off ad blocker on our website :)

We utilize ads to keep our website running and free for you, these ads also have our advertising department where companies have giveaways here for you.

Wed be happy if you considered turning off ad blocker for us
This site doesn't have many ad's so there really isn't any need to block them. Another thing many people don't realize is that some of the ad blocking extensions you can install are actually tracking your browsing habits. I'd rather deal with a few ads than have some third party software track my browsing habits.

Ads don't help when many people block them. Forum im on a little bigger than this one makes good money from username changes and VIP accounts that give a cool badge and a few small upgrades. They were leaving a lot on the table ignoring those services.
They tried that here long long ago. The Elite Rolling Society. It didn't work out. Most of us don't care for 'cool badges' and you overestimate the potential revenue from the members here.
Ads don't help when many people block them. Forum im on a little bigger than this one makes good money from username changes and VIP accounts that give a cool badge and a few small upgrades. They were leaving a lot on the table ignoring those services.

The ads we have a very non invasive, a handful of $10 doesnt add up

That is an LARGE sum of people who would constantly need to do that per month in order to equate to the 46 advertisers at min level advertising charges we have (most arent at min level), and it would create an extreme level of my time and effort to do those things. when i could get another advertiser and bring on a brand working on giveaways etc.

there are numerous other issues with name changes, but i wont go into further detail

Im not sure how it works on your other forum but it isnt worth it here.

I would go with Believe the person who is in charge of all marketing and advertising on this site that your best way to help us is to turn off ad blocker
its free to you to do that,

if you dont want too no problem.
This site doesn't have many ad's so there really isn't any need to block them. Another thing many people don't realize is that some of the ad blocking extensions you can install are actually tracking your browsing habits. I'd rather deal with a few ads than have some third party software track my browsing habits.

Do you even google or apple bro ?
This site doesn't have many ad's so there really isn't any need to block them. Another thing many people don't realize is that some of the ad blocking extensions you can install are actually tracking your browsing habits. I'd rather deal with a few ads than have some third party software track my browsing habits.

That, plus I've seen some interesting grow products.
Do you even google or apple bro ?

What does that have to do with anything? I stated a fact. Third party extensions often track you across the internet. Many people that install ad blockers don't understand that because they don't bother to read the privacy statement to know what data may or may not be collected by said ap.

My using google or not has nothing to do with anything. Plus you can change the privacy and security settings to prevent google from tracking you. I don't use Apple anything so I don't know about that. If you use Microsoft Bing you can adjust the privacy settings the same as you can with google.