Random Jabber Jibber thread

We can thank China for these birds. How they can blend in to grasses and weeds and become invisible is a mystery to me.

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We had phesant running around in the woods behide us for years when i was a kid.. the roosters can get abit annoying.. in fact the few birds that were in the woods were all roosters that escaped a game farm like 10 miles away.. they lived out there for years and slowly died off.. it was kind of sad when there was only one calling for his buddies but no call backs.. those fuckers were so annoying though..

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We had phesant running around in the woods behide us for years when i was a kid.. the roosters can get abit annoying.. in fact the few birds that were in the woods were all roosters that escaped a game farm like 10 miles away.. they lived out there for years and slowly died of.. it was kind of sad when there was only one calling for his buddies but no call backs.. those fuckers were so annoying though..
I had one "come back to life" in my hunting vest once. That was fun.
Don't want to make a big deal out of it or anything but just got this email from some Russian chick saying her and her friend saw my profile pic and they are ready to party All I got to do is provide some of my info to make sure I'm not law enforcement. Hells yeah. I think I'm going to have a busy Xmas. Bitches love emails.
I always get nigerian princes...

Its not fair.. lol
I had one "come back to life" in my hunting vest once. That was fun.
I had a super honker do that. Cruising by Hamden sloughs. Got him, got the dog, got the waders on. Goose hobbled in a island of cat tails. Im walking in 4.5 ft water golden is dog paddling next to me. I point he gets it. Ring the shit out if neck throw it in back of jeep. Half way to my cabin starts flailing around throwing blood on the windows. Pull over ring him again. Giant geese get 20lb and 6ft wingspan. Two ribeye breasts, charcoal and plum wood, rubbed, rare/med rare. That was a good day.
Man oh man, she is soooo damn lucky...
She was an amazing alternate to a decorated Marine Vet that served our country. Have fun playing basketball while people whom fought for your ability to do so is protected by incarcerated heros being illegeally incarcerated for twice the time.
The lady's in Seattle and won't be back until Thursday. Party starts at eight.


..amazing the amount of noise a few thousand geese make when flying over..
John Audubon once described a mile wide flock of Passenger Pigeons that darkened the sun and was so loud, you couldn't hear someone standing next to you shouting at the top of their lungs. He estimated there were more than a billion birds in the flock. On September 1, 1914, Martha, the last known Passenger Pigeon, died in the Cincinnati Zoo.
Had one of the coolest, strangest things happen to me last night. Was taking the dog for our usual night walk and for some unknown reason I decided to shine my flashlight on the side of my house. And caught this thing just perched like some crazy nightstalker assassin. Don't think I've ever seen one in the wild. I don't know, thought it was pretty fucking cool.

Had one of the coolest, strangest things happen to me last night. Was taking the dog for our usual night walk and for some unknown reason I decided to shine my flashlight on the side of my house. And caught this thing just perched like some crazy nightstalker assassin. Don't think I've ever seen one in the wild. I don't know, thought it was pretty fucking cool.

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Is that a horned owl? I 've never seen one in the wild either.