I just can't

Yeah, hauling ecology blocks uphill with a dozer up a cleared out road is so hard...

I like the piston gravity power battery design better. Now it all makes sense.. because I ask dumb questions, I'm even smarter now, haha.
I don't need super expensive lithium batteries anymore, or have to plan around having to fork out big time for electricity storage. I can spend 1/3 less, or even practically nothing, and recycle junk into gravity pistons.

I got power on the grid too, but its turning me into a sissy. I wanna work a little harder for my energy, lol. MY energy, not the power companies..

How long do we have to wait until they send mannequins to "space"?

They had plenty of time to install rear cameras, so we get FPS of leaving the atmosphere, and watch the earth the whole time. Better be good!
It’s amazing the incredibly far fetched and really dumb shit that Flatties come up with.
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hey why don't you jump off a building for science....either you fly or u fall....welcome to gravity

To be fair, that is not a proof of gravity though. It is only a proof that things heavier than air fall to the ground.

I don't absolutely know if gravity exists, since I can't see it, taste it, smell it, etc.

I do know that a 20 oz Estwing hammer fell to the ground and I have to climb all the way down the ladder to retrieve it. Hammers are heavier than air.

If I farted while on a ladder and the fumes were lighter than air and wafted to the heavens (truly a heavenly fart!!) it wouldn't be a proof gravity DOESN'T exist.

On second thought, if I farted methane and it was heavier than air, not because it had chunks of feces in it, which technically would be a shart and not a fart, but a real live rip roaring methane fart and it fell to the earth, it would still only be a proof that methane is heavier than air.

Point being, I can see some things which are heavier than air fall to the earth, but I can also see or demonstrate some things which are lighter than air rise AWAY from the earth.

I don't absolutely know if gravity exists or not, I do know we've been told it does and many if not most accept that on face value. Also, I think I might need to change my underwear. Oh shit!
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