Walnut shell, yay or nay?


Does anyone use, or have any knowledge of using walnut shells in their soil mix? I would imagine it's porosity would be a benefit. I have a few boxes lying around I use for tumbling brass cases for reloading, and am wondering if a few cups in each pot next go around might be something to try. It's untreated media of course. 20221207_154337.jpg
Does anyone use, or have any knowledge of using walnut shells in their soil mix? I would imagine it's porosity would be a benefit. I have a few boxes lying around I use for tumbling brass cases for reloading, and am wondering if a few cups in each pot next go around might be something to try. It's untreated media of course. 

Sure, why not? Might want to grind them into a meal first though, so they break down a lil faster.
Does anyone use, or have any knowledge of using walnut shells in their soil mix? I would imagine it's porosity would be a benefit. I have a few boxes lying around I use for tumbling brass cases for reloading, and am wondering if a few cups in each pot next go around might be something to try. It's untreated media of course. View attachment 5235103
That warning label looks scary. What's in it that's can cause cancer?
Sweet nickname
I gotta ask did you come up with that all by your lonesome?
And just curious where y’all hale from?
Just a little jab to our friends to the west. Something we say when we see those label's because almost everything needs that label to be sold in California. I'm from the No Coast, nothing too special about where I'm from.