I just can't

I meant i'm building a hydro turbine setup. With a storage pond at the landing area at the top of the hill, about 1-150ft elevation above my place. Been collecting and plan on rewiring old fisher & paykel washing machine smart drive motors, and putting pelton wheels right inside the same drum too.

Gonna have 3 washing machine generators in my hydro power plant shed, and can have all 3 running when its raining a lot. I'm even going to be making my shut off valves with old drill motors and water faucets, controlled by.. nm I'll just post videos of what i'm copying, lol.

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I keep looking at peoples free energy designs using gravity alone though, and its all bogus. The gravity storage on the other hand does look pretty cool, and I could see it being something I could harness.

Say I spend a week during the summer hauling large blocks up top, and then let them go down a track one at a time the rest of the year...
Or just pony up a few $$ and get some actual electricity..

hauling stone blocks uphill - jesus, even the Egyptians did better. Sounds like Sisyphus’ little brother Grillerpus