1000 watt MH/HPS advice?

You do need a little borax(1ppm) with maxibloom and strain dependent maybe some extra calcium and magnesium. But otherwise a solid fertilizer. I like masterblend a bit better, but once I figured what I was short on made the maxibloom work

I don't bother with boron never had any issue at all just like many others using just straight MaxiBloom and nothing else. There are trace amounts of boron in tap water, soil, etc... It's not going to hurt to add it but it's not necessary and you'll notice no difference in plant growth if you don't add it.
Halloa! I am planning to use 1000watt bulb with a fan cooling reflector setup for 1.5m x 1.5m size tent with five plants. Any pro tips? My first time with so high wattage bulb.
Ditch the 1000 watt anchor pick up a name brand 600-700 watt led never look back. Thats a 4-10 table in a 8-12 room in a unheated garage in maine with 1400 watts of led no extra heat needed need to vent to keep temps below 90. Dont tell me leds dont throw a bunch of heat.


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Offset the need for heat with a fan running to push the HPS heat away.

There's no shortcuts one way or another.

No there isn't. But the heat is being recycled. I've done the numbers and switching to an LED would cost money that would take years to recover with absolutely no benefit. The only thing I would be able to do is say I'm running an LED light. I wouldn't be growing better weed or saving money. It would take 4 years to recover anything spent on an LED and then I'd have to run a heater 24/7 in the winter vs just 12 hours during the lights off portion of the day. And the heat from the HID running 12 hours that I vent into the garage heats the garage and some of that heat remains throughout the day so that when the heater is running it's not at full power.

I've been through the numbers many times. Using an HID is the most economical way to grow the way my setup is and others growing under similar circumstances with climate, power costs, etc...
No there isn't. But the heat is being recycled. I've done the numbers and switching to an LED would cost money that would take years to recover with absolutely no benefit. The only thing I would be able to do is say I'm running an LED light. I wouldn't be growing better weed or saving money. It would take 4 years to recover anything spent on an LED and then I'd have to run a heater 24/7 in the winter vs just 12 hours during the lights off portion of the day. And the heat from the HID running 12 hours that I vent into the garage heats the garage and some of that heat remains throughout the day so that when the heater is running it's not at full power.

I've been through the numbers many times. Using an HID is the most economical way to grow the way my setup is and others growing under similar circumstances with climate, power costs, etc...
I run 1400 watts of led in a unheated garage, I use to run 2000 watt of hps an have to vent when lights were on now the vent only runs a few minutes each hr, So saving 30% right off the top 20% more on the harvest no extra heat? The dehuy makes plenty of heat lights out just like when i was running hps.
I run 1400 watts of led in a unheated garage, I use to run 2000 watt of hps an have to vent when lights were on now the vent only runs a few minutes each hr, So saving 30% right off the top 20% more on the harvest no extra heat? The dehuy makes plenty of heat lights out just like when i was running hps.

I don't see where you get the 30% and 20% numbers. I'm guessing the 30% is power savings but I don't know where the 20% on harvest is coming from. Even with a 30% savings on power for the light it would still take me years to recover any savings with LEDs. I vent continuously right back into the garage. What does the amount of venting have to do with it?

It just seems everyone is always trying to convince people that they need to go to LED. It might be more modern tech but for many any argument people have for switching is insignificant and doesn't justify buying a new light just to have an LED. I keep hearing the same arguments but none of them are compelling enough to go out and spend $500 to get to the same place. I'd be out $500 and end up no better off. That's not a good financial strategy. By the time I recoup that money I'd have a 5 year old light. What then? Buy the next latest and greatest because one exists?

I don't do things that way. I spend money when it makes financial sense or I have no choice. I just recently upgraded my Samsung S7 phone which was 6 years old. Not because it made sense but because I was forced to do so as the model I had was not 5G capable and would no longer be supported by my phone carrier. That phone performed the use I needed and more. Some people upgrade phones yearly because they have to have the latest. The same thing with some growers. They have to have that newest light. The one at the top of the charts in specs. Some of us don't care about that stuff and use our equipment and devices until they break and need to be replaced or are no longer supported and can't be used.
I don't see where you get the 30% and 20% numbers. I'm guessing the 30% is power savings but I don't know where the 20% on harvest is coming from. Even with a 30% savings on power for the light it would still take me years to recover any savings with LEDs. I vent continuously right back into the garage. What does the amount of venting have to do with it?

It just seems everyone is always trying to convince people that they need to go to LED. It might be more modern tech but for many any argument people have for switching is insignificant and doesn't justify buying a new light just to have an LED. I keep hearing the same arguments but none of them are compelling enough to go out and spend $500 to get to the same place. I'd be out $500 and end up no better off. That's not a good financial strategy. By the time I recoup that money I'd have a 5 year old light. What then? Buy the next latest and greatest because one exists?

I don't do things that way. I spend money when it makes financial sense or I have no choice. I just recently upgraded my Samsung S7 phone which was 6 years old. Not because it made sense but because I was forced to do so as the model I had was not 5G capable and would no longer be supported by my phone carrier. That phone performed the use I needed and more. Some people upgrade phones yearly because they have to have the latest. The same thing with some growers. They have to have that newest light. The one at the top of the charts in specs. Some of us don't care about that stuff and use our equipment and devices until they break and need to be replaced or are no longer supported and can't be used.
You dont see 30% less power an 20% more yeild as a good thing? Every one I know is dumping old school lights cant even sell them but hey hope ya happy with the the mag ballast an ya old I phone I have been running my leds for a yr now no more replacing bulbs an ballast shit right there thats another saving 4-5 hundred a yr
You dont see 30% less power an 20% more yeild? Every one I know is dumping old school lights cant even sell them but hey hope ya happy with the the mag ballast an ya old I phone I have been running my leds for a yr now no more replacing bulbs an ballast shit right there thats a saving 4-5 hundred a yr

Why would I need more yield when I'm already giving at least half of what I grow away? That's' still no compelling reason for spending more money.

Lights cost $15 a piece. I go through one each indoor grow season. Todays electronic ballasts are just as reliable as today's LED light fixtures and last for years. What's there to replace other than a bulb once yearly? There is no way in hell I'd save 4-5 hundred a year. I only spend maybe half that a year as it is for everything, Electricity, grow media, fertilizer, etc...

Like I said, it makes absolutely no financial sense for myself and others like me to spend money on changing lights. If you have a larger operation and are selling that's going to be a different story. But you still haven't provided any reason why it would make financial sense or any other reason for me to go out and buy a new light.

And yes I'm happy with what I'm pulling from my HID and that old phone I was using did everything I needed it to do. I was forced to buy a new phone and it doesn't make better calls or send better texts. I'm not forced to buy another light and I'm not going to because it's not going to make anything better in such a way as to justify spending money. I'm still looking at ways to spend less money.

"Because" isn't in my list of reasons for doing things.

I don't care to keep beating a dead horse. I'm growing not spending and doing just great as it is.
Wow so LED make pot that doesn’t stink?

I was referring to heat issues. But yeah, I love pot that stinks and have no problem with my grow room odors. If somebody is in my place that shouldn't be I have a strategic positioning system of plug-in air fresheners that keep it at bay..

Also, my building reeks of it. It really is evident in NY that everybody's smoking wherever now..
I was referring to heat issues. But yeah, I love pot that stinks and have no problem with my grow room odors. If somebody is in my place that shouldn't be I have a strategic positioning system of plug-in air fresheners that keep it at bay..

Also, my building reeks of it. It really is evident in NY that everybody's smoking wherever now..
Ah I got ya. Nice I bet they don’t work at all but whatever makes you feel better lol. If your anything like me you probably don’t realize how bad it actually smells, every now and then I get comments about the smell when I’m positive there is none.
No, I get comments when I don't use them. When I use them it's not enough to notice and I've asked the same people... trust me, been through it. Its nice being in a building where people are always smoking in the event someone enters and does have a keen sense of smell.. they'd likely assume it's just from smoking... even though i rarely smoke... strange huh...
Why would I need more yield when I'm already giving at least half of what I grow away? That's' still no compelling reason for spending more money.

Lights cost $15 a piece. I go through one each indoor grow season. Todays electronic ballasts are just as reliable as today's LED light fixtures and last for years. What's there to replace other than a bulb once yearly? There is no way in hell I'd save 4-5 hundred a year. I only spend maybe half that a year as it is for everything, Electricity, grow media, fertilizer, etc...

Like I said, it makes absolutely no financial sense for myself and others like me to spend money on changing lights. If you have a larger operation and are selling that's going to be a different story. But you still haven't provided any reason why it would make financial sense or any other reason for me to go out and buy a new light.

And yes I'm happy with what I'm pulling from my HID and that old phone I was using did everything I needed it to do. I was forced to buy a new phone and it doesn't make better calls or send better texts. I'm not forced to buy another light and I'm not going to because it's not going to make anything better in such a way as to justify spending money. I'm still looking at ways to spend less money.

"Because" isn't in my list of reasons for doing things.

I don't care to keep beating a dead horse. I'm growing not spending and doing just great as it is.
I see where ya coming from my power runs 24kwh now an we got a 10% increase coming the first of the yr its all led here you cant give away DEs or SEs cost to much to run here.
I see where ya coming from my power runs 24kwh now an we got a 10% increase coming the first of the yr its all led here you cant give away DEs or SEs cost to much to run here.

I know the numbers add up for you and many others to switch to LED but I'm just a small time grower with a 4x4 tent and cheap electricity.

It's not that either one of us is right or wrong but there's so many variables involved regarding why we're growing, what we're looking to achieve, does the setup meet those needs, etc... I did start using an LED for the veg tent over the T5 HO fixture because the damn bulbs are now over $40 for 4 of them and the light quality diminishes significantly after about 6 months and they need to be replaced. I did the math and it made financial sense to spend $100 to purchase a 100 watt LED light for that application. I'm not against going to LED I just need a reason that makes sense to me to do it. When and if my ballast stops working

But back to the OP since they did start this thread.

Halloa! I am planning to use 1000watt bulb with a fan cooling reflector setup for 1.5m x 1.5m size tent with five plants. Any pro tips? My first time with so high wattage bulb.

That light will work in that space. You'll need an exhaust fan. A 6" fan will work fine. Your ballast should be dimmable and you might find that you can run it lower than full strength.
Use 2 separate exhaust systems, one fully independent run for your air cooled hid, this way you can drop the air temp of the room with the air cooled hood and still have a means to control humidity with the other system if needs be. With only one fan you’re only able to fully control your temperature
i have none of those problems. double wide closet. 2 led panels. 1 small fan blowing across tops of lights/drivers. no nothing, no exhaust, etc. beautiful plants.
That's pure luck though.

Some small set ups can get away with it, many can't.
Everything's about best practice to minimise problems and maximise potential.
You have to be careful not to assume what works for you would work for somebody else.

Glad it works for you though.
I know the numbers add up for you and many others to switch to LED but I'm just a small time grower with a 4x4 tent and cheap electricity.

It's not that either one of us is right or wrong but there's so many variables involved regarding why we're growing, what we're looking to achieve, does the setup meet those needs, etc... I did start using an LED for the veg tent over the T5 HO fixture because the damn bulbs are now over $40 for 4 of them and the light quality diminishes significantly after about 6 months and they need to be replaced. I did the math and it made financial sense to spend $100 to purchase a 100 watt LED light for that application. I'm not against going to LED I just need a reason that makes sense to me to do it. When and if my ballast stops working

But back to the OP since they did start this thread.

That light will work in that space. You'll need an exhaust fan. A 6" fan will work fine. Your ballast should be dimmable and you might find that you can run it lower than full strength.
Thanks for covering cost, heat and efficacy on point, still more areas where to look at when deciding between LED or HID like bringing out the best out of a strain for example thrichome rich cookies pheno, ofcourse high wattage HPS will foster a good frost but if cooltube is needed then the glass will block uv and instead of extra thrichomes that protect leafs and bud more likely results in light burn, with modern LED success is quaranteed.
Another issue would be differing in plant height like 2 out of 5 plants grow 1meter tall and 3/5 strech over 1.5meters, now you want a powerfull HPS that reaches far down with all the energy to support growth.

In the future I will invest in a LED but for this run settle with the 1000watt bulb baby :cool: