Terrorism in North Carolina?

That’s a little nuts

I would agree with you, if you were right, but you're wrong.

It makes sense to have electricity generation diverse. If it's centralized it's more vulnerable.

I thought you guys liked diversity and buzz words like "local","sustainable" and sat around eating kale all day. Why do you hate kale ?
I would agree with you, if you were right, but you're wrong.

It makes sense to have electricity generation diverse. If it's centralized it's more vulnerable.

I thought you guys liked diversity and buzz words like "local","sustainable" and sat around eating kale all day. Why do you hate kale ?

Centralized as in Texas being on it's own grid so when there is a problem they have no options? Or centralized as in the rest of the United States where there are regions that span multiple states so that if an issue occurs in one location power can be brought in from others?
I am not jumping to any conclusions on which flavor of crazy caused this terrorist attack on our infrastructure. I am not sure that it really matters at the end of the day. But I would bet the influence on whatever asshole it was that did this does matter, and is a very clear through line to the overall shit we are working through.

This was calculated..a regular person wouldn't know what to hit.. J6 2020, was the practice- they want Civil War and to shoot and bomb things.
I dont see why they dont have security cameras around the whole place. Makes no sense to not intensely monitor vital infrastructure.

Because typically you wouldn't have the skill. That which was done to the grid, was done by experience for maximum effect to cause fear and chaos.

Rural out that way need electricity for water pump..no heat, water or electricity in December.

When Mohammed Atta (9/11 architect) lived in Coral Springs Florida he tried to gain access to our water treatment plant..they had security cameras and caught him. That changed the way business was done there. They put up razor wire, security patrol and you couldn't go near the place..they used to have a lobby you could pay your water bill..no more. They have a mailbox far from the building outside fencing and I believe it's posted that you're not allowed within certain distance of the fence itself.
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This was calculated..a regular person wouldn't know what to hit.. J6 2020, was the practice- they want Civil War and to shoot and bomb things.
i would like to say the same, but until there is some more proof, i won't assign blame. there are a lot of crazy fuckers out there, and not every crazy fucker is a magat...although, every magat IS a crazy fucker...funny how shit works like that, eh? :lol:
Because typically you wouldn't have the skill. That which was done to the grid, was done by experience for maximum effect to cause fear and chaos.

Rural out that way need electricity for water pump..no heat, water or electricity in December.

When Mohammed Atta (9/11 architect) lived in Coral Springs Florida he tried to gain access to our water treatment plant..they had security cameras and caught him. That changed the way business was done there. They put up razor wire, security patrol and you couldn't go near the place..they used to have a lobby you could pay your water bill..no more. They have a mailbox far from the building outside fencing and I believe it's posted that you're not allowed within certain distance of the fence itself.
good, ALL infrastructure should be as well or better protected.
This was calculated..a regular person wouldn't know what to hit.. J6 2020, was the practice- they want Civil War and to shoot and bomb things.

Who's they? Which one of the disparate unorganized entities? There are many of them. And while we're at it you can't rule out groups like Antifa that proven that have they are willing to commit acts such as these.
i would like to say the same, but until there is some more proof, i won't assign blame. there are a lot of crazy fuckers out there, and not every crazy fucker is a magat...although, every magat IS a crazy fucker...funny how shit works like that, eh? :lol:

Are you holding out for ISIS or the Taliban?:lol:
good, ALL infrastructure should be as well or better protected.

But it's not..it literally took someone who wasn't asleep at the wheel and had eyes on him..do you see how vulnerable we are? I've been saying the last week or two a solar flare could knock out our grid which would cause fear and chaos- that's when we die..no phone, no TV, no cash machine, no gas, no internet..stores will be looted..we will all die.

We can't control what the sun does from circumstances millions of years ago, but we can control this.

I feel this to be bad news and I may be wrong- with this I'd love to be.
[Centralized as in Texas being on it's own grid so when there is a problem they have no options? Or centralized as in the rest of the United States where there are regions that span multiple states so that if an issue occurs in one location power can be brought in from others?

No, decentralized as in private people generate power close to where it will be used. That's my preference. Like gardening for food. Why not produce power and food close to where it will be consumed ?
But it's not..it literally took someone who wasn't asleep at the wheel and had eyes on him..do you see how vulnerable we are? I've been saying the last week or two a solar flare could knock out our grid which would cause fear and chaos- that's when we die..no phone, no TV, no cash machine, no gas..stores will be looted..we will all die.

Calm down. Take a deep breath. You'll be okay.

Read a book, by flash light.
Who's they? Which one of the disparate unorganized entities? There are many of them. And while we're at it you can't rule out groups like Antifa that proven that have they are willing to commit acts such as these.

Ask the OP?
Are there any animal research facilities in the area that the disruption of power affected?

The Associated Press reported this week that the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, shadowy radical environmental groups, took responsibility for some of the attacks

Chelsea D. Gerlach, 28, was arrested Wednesday in Portland, Ore., in connection with an attack on a Bonneville Power Administration high-tension electric line tower about 25 miles east of Bend on the night of Dec. 30, 1999.

But it's not..it literally took someone who wasn't asleep at the wheel and had eyes on him..do you see how vulnerable we are? I've been saying the last week or two a solar flare could knock out our grid which would cause fear and chaos- that's when we die..no phone, no TV, no cash machine, no gas, no internet..stores will be looted..we will all die.
well, that is two separate issues. hardening a system to something like solar flares or an emp pulse is expensive and only rarely required. most things can simply be rebooted after that kind of event, although many items would have to be replaced. most vehicles could be repaired after an emp pulse by the replacement of two components, which wouldn't be damaged sitting on shelves waiting to be used.
as far as a flare knocking out the national power grid, it's extemely unlikely that would ever happen, the atmosphere blocks an incredible amount of that energy, and the grid is at least partially hardened, and the most of the parts are large and robust, and not likely to be burnt out by the miniscule amount of power a solar flare could impart to them. a flare big enough to do that would cause a lot more immediate and bigger problems, like perhaps stripping a large hole in the ozone...
and the national guard would be in place in all major cities within a day, and smaller cities and towns within a few days, until repairs were made.
this is life, some will riot, most won't...those that do, will be dealt with afterwards.