Computer Thread

Text to image AI. Free sign up but I haven't figured it out yet. don't think you get unlimited stuff for free.

edit: ok it is pretty cool

View attachment 5214713

It is really cool and fascinating. I have a whole thread devoted to it. My buddy somehow took the raw engine or whatnot and removed the censor. He has generated some crazy shit lol. But yeah, somehow this is the future, I just can't figure out how to make money from it lol.
FWIW, Intuit (Turbotax, Quckbooks, CreditKarma, Mint) has a large online community forum. May have some answers for stuff if you're looking. (Mint is a free budget, investment, banking, tracking account aggregation tool that I've used since their beginning.) I'm as paranoid as the next guy but have never worried about entering info in Mint.

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Anyone wanna buy a mint condition ROG Zephryus Duo gaming laptop with an Intel core i9-10980, 1080p 300hz refresh rate primary screen with a secondary 4K touchpad screen?

It has an Nvidia GeForce 2080 RTX Super Max-Q graphics card, and 32gb of DDR4 (3200MHz) with a max capacity of 48gb, 2TB of storage.
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Anyone wanna buy a mint condition ROG Zephryus Duo gaming laptop with an Intel core i9-10980, 1080p 300hz refresh rate primary screen with a secondary 4K touchpad screen?

It has an Nvidia GeForce 2080 RTX Super Max-Q graphics card, and 32gb of DDR4 (3200MHz) with a max capacity of 48gb, 2TB of storage.

That's a damn nice laptop. It's tempting but I have a ROG G703VI I bought in 2017 I never use. I payed $3499 for it.
That's a damn nice laptop. It's tempting but I have a ROG G703VI I bought in 2017 I never use. I payed $3499 for it.
It is a damned nice laptop. I have a friend with way too much money who gave it to me in November for my birthday…he upgraded to the Zephryus Duo 16 with the GeForce RTX 3080… sometimes I think he has more money than sense.

But this laptop is wasted on me. If I game, I’m a console gamer, and I don’t need a productivity laptop for work either. This laptop would be amazing for either.
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I decided to pull the ROG out and make sure it was all up to date. Then I decided to upgrade to Windows 11 and ran into that damn "Not Compatible" crap. So I added the registry key, downloaded the Windows 11 ISO, mounted it, and started setup. Went off without a hitch and it's now running Windows 11 and is current with all updates. Back into the laptop bag.

The 17.3 inch screen sure is nice but it's a heavy beast for sure. I like the lighted keyboard and the logo lights up on back as well. It's purple in the photo but changes color. I was at a bar once after I got it and everyone that walked by stopped and said "What the hell is that?" Most people have never seen a laptop that high end. They shit when they found out how much it cost.


Anyone played around with OpenAI ChatGpt?
here's a link to an instructional video about this software that will make people even fucking stupider than they already are...not one student will ever write their own papers again...just what we needed, even fucking stupider high school and college graduates.
trust Evol Muck to make a tool DESIGNED for cheating students...
here's a link to an instructional video about this software that will make people even fucking stupider than they already are...not one student will ever write their own papers again...just what we needed, even fucking stupider high school and college graduates.
trust Evol Muck to make a tool DESIGNED for cheating students...

I have an interest in AI and machine learning. I haven't watched any videos or anything about GPTChat. I read an article about it and followed a link to what they call the "Playground". It wasn't what I thought it was the "OpenAi" had me thinking it was open source AI software. It isn't open source. and it's cloud based

Pricing and usage
GPT-3 is made available to developers by OpenAI via its OpenAI API service, which is a cloud-based application programming interface with usage-based pricing.

Did some digging around and found some open source machine learning engines. I've been setting things up in a VM. Should make for a late night tonight. This shit is complicated and I haven't worked with anything at this level for awhile. I've forgotten a lot of things I need to know.
I have an interest in AI and machine learning. I haven't watched any videos or anything about GPTChat. I read an article about it and followed a link to what they call the "Playground". It wasn't what I thought it was the "OpenAi" had me thinking it was open source AI software. It isn't open source. and it's cloud based

Pricing and usage
GPT-3 is made available to developers by OpenAI via its OpenAI API service, which is a cloud-based application programming interface with usage-based pricing.

Did some digging around and found some open source machine learning engines. I've been setting things up in a VM. Should make for a late night tonight. This shit is complicated and I haven't worked with anything at this level for awhile. I've forgotten a lot of things I need to know.
the task of building the software could be very interesting, but the possible uses for fuckery are concerning. we really can't afford to let kids be dumber than we are, they're going to have to save themselves and their children from our stupidity.
and i wouldn't expect anything that muck has ever had a hand in to be open source...he has a fetish for hiding his incompetence.
the task of building the software could be very interesting, but the possible uses for fuckery are concerning. we really can't afford to let kids be dumber than we are, they're going to have to save themselves and their children from our stupidity.
and i wouldn't expect anything that muck has ever had a hand in to be open source...he has a fetish for hiding his incompetence.

I ended up going with Apache Mahout because it was the only open source project that is still being somewhat maintained. It's over a decade old with the last commit to the code being 2 years ago. But it's free and a useful tool and entry point into what I want to learn.

Mahout is still just a tool. Data is what it's used with. AI and Machine Learning is much more than just being able to get computer code or a term paper. The uses are many.

One thing is for sure. The more I get into this stuff the more overwhelming it becomes. I'm going to have to set a schedule like I'm going to school and stick to it everyday. An hour for each topic. Fortunately there are so many resources available online you can learn whatever you need to.

Apache Mahout is an open source project to create scalable, machine learning algorithms. Mahout operates in addition to Hadoop, which allows you to apply the concept of machine learning via a selection of Mahout algorithms to distributed computing via Hadoop. Mahout's core algorithms include recommendation mining, clustering, classification, and frequent item-set mining.

The goal of the Apache Mahout™ project is to build an environment for quickly creating scalable, performant machine learning applications.

If you're a TurboTax user, you may want to keep an eye on offerings thru Amazon. I got 2022 Deluxe, Fed & State disc for $44.99 and Amex offered another -15% ($6.75) if I used accumulated reward points (another $9.23 off). Total was $31.69.

The technology is amazing but it's got limitations.

I used it to create some C# code. It wouldn't compile. It's not 100% accurate by any means. I was just playing around with it but it's nothing I'll use for any project I'm working on.

Stack Overflow banned ChatGPT generated code as it was being used by some to answer questions others had and quite often it was wrong. Those posting answers they generated from Chat GPT are often not proficient enough in coding to identify any flaws in the code.

To those that don't know what Stack Overflow is it's a community of coders where people share information, ask questions, etc... about coding. It's like this site but it's for programmers not cannabis growers.

The mods over there have been working overtime cleaning up all the ChatGPT stuff.

"asking a question about code produced by CGPT is fine. Not sure why you’d want to, but it is not banned. ChatGPT is not a programmer or a mathematician, it doesn’t use logic to construct code but is based on statistics. That rarely produces code that is actually fit for purpose."

Overall, because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking or looking for correct answers.

The primary problem is that while the answers which ChatGPT produces have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like they might be good and the answers are very easy to produce.

The technology is amazing but it's got limitations.

I used it to create some C# code. It wouldn't compile. It's not 100% accurate by any means. I was just playing around with it but it's nothing I'll use for any project I'm working on.

Stack Overflow banned ChatGPT generated code as it was being used by some to answer questions others had and quite often it was wrong. Those posting answers they generated from Chat GPT are often not proficient enough in coding to identify any flaws in the code.

To those that don't know what Stack Overflow is it's a community of coders where people share information, ask questions, etc... about coding. It's like this site but it's for programmers not cannabis growers.

The mods over there have been working overtime cleaning up all the ChatGPT stuff.

"asking a question about code produced by CGPT is fine. Not sure why you’d want to, but it is not banned. ChatGPT is not a programmer or a mathematician, it doesn’t use logic to construct code but is based on statistics. That rarely produces code that is actually fit for purpose."

Overall, because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking or looking for correct answers.

The primary problem is that while the answers which ChatGPT produces have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like they might be good and the answers are very easy to produce.

it is also pretty new. can you imagine after a decade's machine learning?
And yeah there are leavels of code...I oncewatched a video by an old guy on a C++ script he was explaining... it was like this guy was around when they dark code was created... it didn;t even look like anything I was familiar with...
he'd use things like > instead of long verbose print commands etc.

Fucker really humbled me in a few minutes....
I seem to have saved it....
I say fucker as he has some pretty toxic polital things to drop in between.
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