Examples of GOP Leadership

Maybe he will have picked the one who will send him away for life and during sentencing Donald will blurt out in rage, "we had a deal"! :lol:
I would by buying some kind of ice cream topped with sticky sweat stuff (hard to decide which, maybe strawberry and chocolate syrup) and a spinkling of nuts.
I would by buying some kind of ice cream topped with sticky sweat stuff (hard to decide which, maybe strawberry and chocolate syrup) and a spinkling of nuts.
Maybe they will give him two scoops of ice cream on his grub tray if he rats someone out that day.
The Onion, 14 years ago they predicted the future and the republican party, they had yet to experience Trump, it was a simpler time... The no values voters have since found their man.

'No Values Voters' Search For Most Evil Candidate

884,039 views Jul 15, 2008
Both candidates are stepping up their efforts to attract crucial 'no values voters' by abusing animals and murdering the elderly.
Herschel can't even manage his own affairs much less those of state, southern sharecroppers got a better deal FFS!

Is there anybody less qualified for the US Senate than Herschel FKN Walker OMG, I can't rectify these Southern states where 100'000 fill a football stadium to cheer for their 75-80% black football team to the point of tears in defeat and the second they get home hate these people,WHAT's UP?
Is there anybody less qualified for the US Senate than Herschel FKN Walker OMG, I can't rectify these Southern states where 100'000 fill a football stadium to cheer for their 75-80% black football team to the point of tears in defeat and the second they get home hate these people,WHAT's UP?
he always voted Neigh

Is there anybody less qualified for the US Senate than Herschel FKN Walker OMG, I can't rectify these Southern states where 100'000 fill a football stadium to cheer for their 75-80% black football team to the point of tears in defeat and the second they get home hate these people,WHAT's UP?
Irony is one of the things I've noticed about Trump and those who would follow him, they are conflicted people, their experience and the larger society tells them one thing, and their conditioning and tribe tells them another. No wonder they are at war with themselves now and with America in general. They don't vote for MTG because she's the smartest one in the county, they do it to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in real good!
Irony is one of the things I've noticed about Trump and those who would follow him, they are conflicted people, their experience and the larger society tells them one thing, and their conditioning and tribe tells them another. No wonder they are at war with themselves now and with America in general. They don't vote for MTG because she's the smartest one in the county, they do it to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in real good!
Yeah, sad,Kinzinger and Cheney only 2 patriots in Rep party to put country before party
Irony is one of the things I've noticed about Trump and those who would follow him, they are conflicted people, their experience and the larger society tells them one thing, and their conditioning and tribe tells them another. No wonder they are at war with themselves now and with America in general. They don't vote for MTG because she's the smartest one in the county, they do it to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in real good!
they DO vote for her because she's smarter than them. you don't live here, and make a lot of suppositions...
i have to go to her district at least 3 or 4 times a year, and as hard to believe as it might be, she's smarter than most of them. she is, of course, a motherfucking idiot, which just points out the utter stupidity of most people, especially people in the south east. i hope that i am proof that there are exceptions to the rule, but warm weather seems to draw stupid white people, look at florida and texas, the two reddest states in the union, and probably the two warmest...and stupidest...
they DO vote for her because she's smarter than them. you don't live here, and make a lot of suppositions...
i have to go to her district at least 3 or 4 times a year, and as hard to believe as it might be, she's smarter than most of them. she is, of course, a motherfucking idiot, which just points out the utter stupidity of most people, especially people in the south east. i hope that i am proof that there are exceptions to the rule, but warm weather seems to draw stupid white people, look at florida and texas, the two reddest states in the union, and probably the two warmest...and stupidest...
I don't accept the mass stupidity theory! Unless there is something in the water like lead and a lot of it!
I don't accept the mass stupidity theory! Unless there is something in the water like lead and a lot of it!
i don't have a real rational explanation, if i did, we could probably come up for a cure for stupidity, or at least republicanism...
and there are certainly a lot of red dots on the map in other parts of the country, but the south east is a solid bar of red with a few purple polka dots...
the south east is also not an educational oasis...
i don't see very many green or blue spots in florida at all, and 90%+ in texas are clustered around the bigger cities.
there are educated people in the south, but they're a lot fewer and further between than in the north, the north east in particular.
and the level of poorly educated coincides almost perfectly with the distribution of republicans...
the more blue and green dots you see on the first map, the less red you'll see on the second map...
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i don't have a real rational explanation, if i did, we could probably come up for a cure for stupidity, or at least republicanism...
and there are certainly a lot of red dots on the map in other parts of the country, but the south east is a solid bar of red with a few purple polka dots...
the south east is also not an educational oasis...
i don't see very many green or blue spots in florida at all, and 90%+ in texas are clustered around the bigger cities.
there are educated people in the south, but they're a lot fewer and further between than in the north, the north east in particular.
and the level of poorly educated coincides almost perfectly with the distribution of republicans...
The urban rural divide is a bit of a mystery, it might be explained by their different information sources, but many small and medium towns and surrounding rural areas are fairly well connected. It's hard to tell in some places because gerrymandering distorts things so much. I do know if majority actually ruled in America these people would swaller real hard and accept it as they do everywhere else. In the south you have the equivalent of the war in Ukraine fought during the civil war, only the Ukrainians lost. The resentment was multigenerational with horse shit, rationalizations, state's rights and statues erected in the 1920s. It devolved into a successful terrorist organization for a hundred years and the KKK spread to all corners of America before it died, more or less. When America won the civil war, it reabsorbed the poison back in, in its aftermath and has been paying the price ever since. The north won the war, but the south won the peace.
A real patriot this guy, did Donald return the money or donate it a charity, or did he knowingly keep Russian money? Only the best people, and one wonders why Moscow Mitch has the nickname. This guy worked for the republican majority leader in the senate and was busted for funneling Russian money to Trump after working for another close Russian ally in the senate who opposes Ukraine in the current war. Got it. The NRA and other pardoned republican losers were busted for funneling Russian money to Trump too. No collusion though.
