Outdoor winter grow


Well-Known Member
I want to throw a couple of seeds outdoors though out winter.
Ill post a couple of different strains id be willing to loose.
any idea what would handle the cold best?
I want to build a 4x2x4 frame and line that with mosquito netting for the moths.


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There is good and bad during a winter grow.

Good. Little to no bugs.

Bad. very small plants that will yield a very small amount.

I wouldn't waste any good seeds on a winter grow.
The thing is i have way too many seeds to go through and the summer here is terrible. There’s rarely a day under 90s, most are 100+ and we get alot of moth.
That’s actually why i want to do it, because of the bugs, i plan on building a frame with 2x4s and lining it with mosquito netting.
It also doesn’t get very cold here but if it does i can bring the plants in
The thing is i have way too many seeds to go through and the summer here is terrible. There’s rarely a day under 90s, most are 100+ and we get alot of moth.
That’s actually why i want to do it, because of the bugs, i plan on building a frame with 2x4s and lining it with mosquito netting.
It also doesn’t get very cold here but if it does i can bring the plants in
Sounds like my summers. I'm in Northern California. Most days are in the 90s from May until early October with weeks on end in the 110 range. My plants do really well tbh.

For bugs I clear a 30 foot radius of all vegetation from the plants and keep a strict regimen of BT for the summer. I always get ladybugs and preying Mantis egg sacks for my plants as well as all the other vegetation in the yard. It's imperative that you keep the grow area and surrounding area free of bugs.

Very rarely do I have bug issues during the summer.

But I do understand the need to see for yourself how the winter grow pans out so I will be rooting for you.

Let us know how it ends up.
You may notice fluffy airy nugs, instead of dense nugs. DLI "may" be the cause of this i cant say definitively but i have witnessed it. If you've seen larf nugs inside by the main stem, those are open and airy. That's what can happen to all of the nugs on the plant, in my experience. Again i cant support that with studies so you "may" experience that. But it's the trichomes ur after so even if the plants not pretty but it's a frosty monster, you are winning. Agree with wizzle on the bug free zone fun time...really nice perk to winter.
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so what do you mean by outdoor winter grow like youre growing in a unheated garage? or like you dug a hole into the ground x amount of feet and youre doing a underground green house?
Theyve been in watee for about 18 hours now, only 2 look cracked, ill move them into paper towells in a bit..
I would’ve preferred doing that since the get go but I didn’t have any ziplocks on hand yesterday
Well all but the slurricane popped, i think ill throw another 2 in to see germ rates on that, I bought the pack a year ago and its been stored room temp so it shouldn’t be too bad i hope
The thing is i have way too many seeds to go through and the summer here is terrible. There’s rarely a day under 90s, most are 100+ and we get alot of moth.
That’s actually why i want to do it, because of the bugs, i plan on building a frame with 2x4s and lining it with mosquito netting.
It also doesn’t get very cold here but if it does i can bring the plants in
Can you grow with the moth netting and use shade cloth to combat the high temps?
Ive done that too..
I just don’t want to spend more time than i have to on a seed that isnt viable.
use hydrogen peroxide in youre water also try takin ga piece of san paper and try rubbing the seed to make a small opening it will help seeds break thru the casing. sometimes age can make em stronger or the plant made it thicker seeds also keeping the water at room temp or aroun th 68-74 degrees willl also help.
I want to throw a couple of seeds outdoors though out winter.
Ill post a couple of different strains id be willing to loose.
any idea what would handle the cold best?
I want to build a 4x2x4 frame and line that with mosquito netting for the moths.
the creme de la chem idk if my company sells that but we have chem de la chem.