Well-Known Member
If deep geothermal is found successful over the next half a dozen years, it will finish natural gas and most oil production, oil companies will shift focus and leverage their knowledge and expertise to get in on the new energy business. Alberta depends on oil and that makes it vulnerable to global, political, environmental and technological forces.
A local dentist up here built his own clinic and it uses geothermal but I'm not sure to what extent. Shitty dentist, nice clinic tho I go out of town for better and cheaper dental work.
I've lived thru a few boom and bust cycles here starting with the energy wars back around 1980 when I was driving cab in Calgary. 'Turn off the taps and let Ottawa freeze in the dark!' was the cry of the day. Trudeau the elder started PetroCan then and we called it, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Rips Off Canada. I still never buy from them.

The oil companies knew back in the 60s that excess fossil fuel use would lead to a climate disaster eventually and if they had of had any sense they would have invested heavily in alternate energy sources but I bet if they had tried investers would have voted that down in favour of short term profit. None blinder than those that refuse to see.