Canadian Stuff

If deep geothermal is found successful over the next half a dozen years, it will finish natural gas and most oil production, oil companies will shift focus and leverage their knowledge and expertise to get in on the new energy business. Alberta depends on oil and that makes it vulnerable to global, political, environmental and technological forces.

A local dentist up here built his own clinic and it uses geothermal but I'm not sure to what extent. Shitty dentist, nice clinic tho I go out of town for better and cheaper dental work.

I've lived thru a few boom and bust cycles here starting with the energy wars back around 1980 when I was driving cab in Calgary. 'Turn off the taps and let Ottawa freeze in the dark!' was the cry of the day. Trudeau the elder started PetroCan then and we called it, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Rips Off Canada. I still never buy from them. :)

The oil companies knew back in the 60s that excess fossil fuel use would lead to a climate disaster eventually and if they had of had any sense they would have invested heavily in alternate energy sources but I bet if they had tried investers would have voted that down in favour of short term profit. None blinder than those that refuse to see.

Just watching our new premier's first speech and how she's gonna help all Albertans by throwing money at us for the next 6 months. $100/mth each for me and the wife and it looks like $50/mth energy rebate which is less than 10% of our combined bills for electric and gas. For people with oil-fired furnaces that's a drop in the bucket what with diesel so expensive these days and furnace oil is just diesel without the road tax. Coloured too like purple gas for farmers.

She's just blaming Ottawa and the NDP for all our woes and now she's gonna fix it if she has to bribe every voter in the province and thanks to the oil price jump she has lots of cash in the kitty to pull that off.

Lying like a tRump or any other conservative POS. 6 months of free money then the election. Coincidence? I think not.

No taxes on lottery winnings in Canada, she gets it all, but most likely seems the kind to spread her good fortune around, before she dies. Money is not a means to happiness, but when combined with wisdom and compassion it can be, however it requires making others happy too. Money buys comfort, ease and amusement, happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves and others. Happiness also happens in the now, not in the future or past, those are just pleasant memories and thoughts.

Most people who win the lottery are no happier a year later than before they won, in many cases less so, according to psychologists who study such things. I don't think she will be one of the unhappy ones.

Long before Ponderosa, Lorne was an announcer for CBC radio during WW2, he read the news during the dark days of the war and was known as, THE VOICE OF DOOM!

Long before Bonanza you mean. The Pondrosa was the name of the ranch where their great cook and housekeeper Hop Sing worked. I never missed an episode when I was a kid. Can't believe he's been dead for 35 years.

Betty sure outlived him by a long shot.

Long before Bonanza you mean. The Pondrosa was the name of the ranch where their great cook and housekeeper Hop Sing worked. I never missed an episode when I was a kid. Can't believe he's been dead for 35 years.

Betty sure outlived him by a long shot.

I could have said Ben Cartwright too, but Bonanza was the show, if you recognize him, you know what he is famous for. Not that many Americans know he worked for the CBC reading the news during the war and was a Canadian. I always got a kick out of his nickname; radio back then was like TV today and the voice of doom read the news.
Long before Bonanza you mean. The Pondrosa was the name of the ranch where their great cook and housekeeper Hop Sing worked. I never missed an episode when I was a kid. Can't believe he's been dead for 35 years.

Betty sure outlived him by a long shot.

One of the first science lessons that i remember was on bonanza, courtesy of Hop Sing. He proved someone innocent of murder with their fingerprint, which i believe he called a Chop...said the Chinese had known about it for centuries. no idea if that is true or not, but the fact that fingerprints can identify you stuck with me since then, when i was maybe 6 or 7...
One of the first science lessons that i remember was on bonanza, courtesy of Hop Sing. He proved someone innocent of murder with their fingerprint, which i believe he called a Chop...said the Chinese had known about it for centuries. no idea if that is true or not, but the fact that fingerprints can identify you stuck with me since then, when i was maybe 6 or 7...

By 6 or 7 I was already through half of the Hardy Boy books and still have almost the whole collection. The Detective Manual was my fave and I drove the whole family nuts trying all the stuff in there. Swiped mom's makeup brushes and makeup to dust for prints all over leaving messes for her to clean up. I should see if my grandson would like them so will send a few in a box I'm putting together for him. Don't know what to get for his little sister but she loves drawing and painting so I'm sure I can find something on amazon to make her happy. My 1st Xmas since meeting them last year about now. He's just turned 13 and her 11. Missed their b-days tho. :(

Now Trudeau is going after regular centre fire rifles that have magazines that can hold more than 5 rounds. So now I'll have to send the 7 shot clip for my old bolt action .303 in and have it altered so it will only hold 5. Over 40 years ago I had to have a barrel extension soldered on the end of my M1 carbine 30cal when they changed the barrel length minimum to 18.5" and the M1 was 18.25. Cost me about $75 then and I got rid of it not long after. Actually let the cops keep it after a bit of an incident. No shots fired.

"Crack down on high-capacity magazines and require that long gun magazines capable of holding more than 5 rounds be permanently altered so that they can never hold more than 5 rounds."

Now Trudeau is going after regular centre fire rifles that have magazines that can hold more than 5 rounds. So now I'll have to send the 7 shot clip for my old bolt action .303 in and have it altered so it will only hold 5. Over 40 years ago I had to have a barrel extension soldered on the end of my M1 carbine 30cal when they changed the barrel length minimum to 18.5" and the M1 was 18.25. Cost me about $75 then and I got rid of it not long after. Actually let the cops keep it after a bit of an incident. No shots fired.

"Crack down on high-capacity magazines and require that long gun magazines capable of holding more than 5 rounds be permanently altered so that they can never hold more than 5 rounds."

If ya need any more than 5 rounds using a .303 and a scope to hunt with ya shouldn't be in the woods! It's the people in the streets hunting humans that's the concern, not those in the woods hunting for game. If it's not broke, don't fix it, if there is no problem, no problem, but obviously there is a problem. Smuggled handguns in from America cause more human deaths than all the hunters combined. It is helpful though if the lunatics were limited to killing 5 before running out of bullets, likewise, cocking and shooting slows things down, so semiauto anything needs restrictions