True one hitter quitter?

Velvet glove is the most recent one hitter quitter I've smoked. Gets your heart pumping and face tingling, gmo funk with some hazey lemon up front. GMOxnookies. Got that nigerian in it. Good stuff, kinda cuts that heavy meat flavor of the gmo but still leaves a good linger. I've been setting bowls of this stuff down after a hit and not going back to it for a good minute.
Its takes a couple sessions to learn a strain that well....
I have to roll up 5 solid joints to really digg into the high....
Taking notes the whole time...
Keepers vs others

Sometimes you have to roll 2 joints to smoke someone out properly...
If you got the head stash...You can smoke 3 people out /// one joint.
white lightning in Austin. 80 bucks an 8th, 2001. it was insane. i have never seen anything that strong since. my buddies still talk about it over 20 years later.

buddy grew some blueberry x dutch treat (overgrow) in 2000. one hit would lay me out on the ground, but wasn't that fun.

i had some green crack in 2014 that was one hit stuff. i grew out the seeds from that, they were not one hit stuff.

venom og bagseed, that was near 1 ruined people lives from simply a few casual puffs on a joint.
I just tried "DeathStar" ...
I started to Diss the fuck out of it...
Then I started to realize the type of high it came with...
Its mental...with 1 joint. Real Mind Candy...Lite Head Trips

2 joints...
You REALLY understand WHY "DeathStar" is an elite...
100% AURA GLOW aka The Flat Bitch!!1669248609683.png
I just tried "DeathStar" ...
I started to Diss the fuck out of it...
Then I started to realize the type of high it came with...
Its mental...with 1 joint. Real Mind Candy...Lite Head Trips

2 joints...
You REALLY understand WHY "DeathStar" is an elite...
100% AURA GLOW aka The Flat Bitch!!View attachment 5229998
I really like Deathstar
I really like Deathstar

I feel kinda shitty because I went full on Kromes White...
& Then saw Lemonatti -Fritter-Grumps-GMO - & Dirty Taxi...once it was TOO LATE..
IF I wasnt SO greedy for The White,,,I could have SMOKE REPORT all 5 of those cuttz

You, know...Help The Industry cut through some of this Hype with OFFICIAL SMOKE REPORTS by A MAJOR underground RASTA!!!!
{I just heard My own Horn}