Examples of GOP Leadership

That would be enough for me to question the circumstances that put me in that position
Just a stop at a 2 convienence stores during the afternoon hours in 2 separate situations... one in OK, and the other in NM. NM was the closest I've ever came to pulling a trigger. Some dude mouthing at my car side, calling me every name in the white book. Saw my weapon, and kept mouthing. He was high on drugs, and I knew that. No need to take a man down who's not in thier right mind unless there was forward threat. He didn't know that I had a Glock 9mm with Critical Defense rounds pointed at him from 4 ft away behind my door. I was ready to double tap this mother fucker waiting on my wife to come out of the store.
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I've carried one for a long time, and never had to pull it. The pair of brass knuckles i keep in my back pocket is a different story. The enamel is worn off of them from coming out of my pocket so often...
I've carried one for a long time, and never had to pull it. The pair of brass knuckles i keep in my back pocket is a different story. The enamel is worn off of them from coming out of my pocket so often...
Brass knuckles against a weapon is like bringing a knife to a gun fight..... total respect for you tho.......Gangsssssta.
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@Roger A. Shrubber .... im old man. I can't fight....or run. I have no other choice. You never know the power of adrenaline. Who knows. You never know till it happens. I might pull a muscle it I sneeze the wrong way...and I choke on my own spit, and occasionally shart myself. NEVER trust a fart after 50.
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Hopefully nobody has to resort to any defensive measures when they're out just going about their business. I don't carry other than a stun gun occasionally and I've never had to use it. I've had some issues recently with some of the undesirables that have made my city Portland Oregon their home. In every instance I drove them off without having to get into any physical altercation. I can be a very intimidating individual and most criminals are looking for easy targets. Once they realize that you're not just just another victim most move on to easier targets.

And then always in the back of my mind I know that even though I'm not packing my lady is right behind me and she's a damn good shot.
I've trained a few women.......they really are naturally good at shooting for some reason,

I made sure that I stayed out of it other than the initial process of her getting a firearm with selection, etc... After that she went to a range and took lessons from a reliable third party. I'm no expert and even though I know how to use a firearm I have no business teaching others. I also wanted her to get the best training she could and that was not going to be from me. Plus it keeps her out of the house for a few hours a month. :mrgreen:
Herschel is essentially being treated worse than a sharecropper by Trump and the Republican party with 90% of funds going to them and 10%, or even 2% going to Herschel from fund raising for him. Herschel is basically a body without a brain.

They are divided and with Nancy watching and advising, then Donald going to prison, they might be able to fuck with the republican lunatics and assholes using the moderates from swing tight districts. Donald won't be there to call them RINOs and set his domestic terrorists upon them to backstop MTG, they will lose their artillery cover when the big gun is taken out. Jack could also bust a few magats before the session is over and make them sweat bullets in the meantime while costing them a fortune in legal fees. After he deals with Donald it will be his cronies and minions in the barrel, then elected officials after Trump's cronies and minions rat them out for deals. 2024 might see a few of the freedom caucus fighting for their freedom or they might already have lost it.

GOP civil war in House, Senate escalates as factions splinter, look for advantage

The would-be leaders of the Republican House and Senate conferences are in for some wild times as recriminations and power struggles take precedence in both chambers. In the House, the tiny majority Republicans has every faction plotting how they’ll control Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California. In the Senate, leader Mitch McConnell is under pretty much daily attack from Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the guy who blew all of the National Republican Senate Committee’s money and is still blaming McConnell for not winning the majority.

There are still five uncalled House races, but it’s looking like McCarthy will have a 222-213 majority. He needs 218 to become speaker and to pass anything, and right now, that’s in jeopardy. Two Republicans—Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Andy Biggs of Arizona—have said flat out they won’t vote for him as speaker. Two more, Reps. Matt Rosendale of Montana and Bob Good of Virginia, have signaled that they are opposed to McCarthy, but haven’t definitively said they’ll vote against him. Biggs challenged McCarthy in last week’s vote and got 31 votes.

McCarthy is clearly chasing those votes. He’s already all but promised Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia MAGA maniac, that she’ll get a coveted Oversight Committee post. He’s also vowed that he’ll kick Democrats off of committees in retaliation for the Democrats stripping Greene and Paul Gosar of committee assignments. He’ll oust Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from the Select Committee on Intelligence (which he can do because it’s not a standing committee) and Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs, which is subject to a vote of the full House. All of this is to court the maniacs.

Which leaves a fairly large group of moderate Republicans (and calling a bunch of people who didn’t agree to birth control as a right “moderate” means we need better political descriptors) feeling like they can exert some pressure of their own.

“Kevin’s not stupid,” said Rep. Dave Joyce of Ohio, leader of the Republican Governance Group. “He’s trying to add to his numbers, not destroy his base. And so I count on his political acumen to know what’s acceptable to the rank and file inside the conference.” Joyce is clearly in flattery mode with McCarthy, because he’s rarely characterized by his smarts, political or otherwise.

Two other groups, the Main Street Caucus and the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, are strategizing about how to influence him as well. The latter group has about 50 members, and while they’ve never solved any problems, they could definitely trip McCarthy up, if those 50 members can remain unified. “We just want to make the group more accountable … I mean, the whole point of our group is to stick together on the floor when we endorse bills,” Republican Brian Fitzpatrick said. He also told Politico that even Freedom Caucus members have approached him about potential alliances. Which kind of shoots the whole “problem solving” moniker to hell since the maniacs are the problem.

The Main Street Caucus of Republicans, Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska says, has nearly 90 members and is sick of the maniacs. “It’s time we flex our muscles,” he said. Last week Bacon floated the possibility that his group would work with Democrats to find a candidate for speaker, later saying the the report “mischaracterized his remarks” and that he was pro-McCarthy. So how effective his group will be in blocking the maniacs is questionable.

While McCarthy is trying to wrangle all that, McConnell has his own group of nihilists to fend off. He retained his leadership position in a secret ballot last week, with 10 members voting against him and one voting present, with Scott challenging. It’s been open warfare between McConnell and Scott and their allies for months now, each blaming the other for the fact that Republicans had such a poor showing in Senate races.

To be fair to McConnell (which tells you just how odious Scott is), there’s the fact that Scott has used his position at the NRSC for grift and is still doing it. His NRSC team just sent out another email ostensibly raising money for Herschel Walker in the Georgia runoff, but with 98% of the money going to the NRSC, 2% to “Team Rick Scott” and 2% to Walker. If the past is any guidance, a good portion of that NRSC money is going to go to Scott as well.

That fight is still on thanks to Tucker Carlson and Blake Masters, the failed Arizona GOP Senate candidate (who was viewed less favorably by voters than Roy Moore was in his failed race for the Senate in Alabama—after all the news reports that he creeped on teenaged girls when he was in his 30s). Masters blasted McConnell for his loss.

“You know what else is incompetent, Tucker? The establishment. The people who control the purse strings,” Masters said. “Had he chosen to spend money in Arizona, this race would be over. We’d be celebrating a Senate majority right now.”

As that charge results in even more national stories about the Republican civil war, more right-wing pundits take sides, raising the temperature even more.

With the Senate majority secured, Democrats are working hard to increase it by one and return Sen. Raphael Warnock in the Georgia runoff. They’re also enjoying the show. “My advice is to keep on doing what they are doing,” said Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan, who led Senate Democrats’ campaign committee to victory this cycle.
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David Frum: Another Flop From GOP Productions

50,121 views Nov 22, 2022
Conservative writers David Frum and David French join Morning Joe to discuss the misguided priorities of the incoming Republican House majority.