No, my view is coming from logic.
For a person to be judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, makes sense to me.
For a person to be hired, not on the content of their "character" but on the color of their skin to fulfill a racial quota is inconsistent with the line above.
I have experienced some racism. One example was a long time ago in a sports situation and I think I handled it okay. It wasn't "systemic", it was a black guy that wanted to start trouble on an outdoor basketball court in a city I lived in as a teenager, because he was jealous I had schooled him on the court and I think he was embarrassed. He baited me with racist comments, but I let him know I didn't care which race he was, that his being an asshole had nothing to do with his race.
It seemed to satisfy the other guys there as they laughed at him and it relieved a tense situation that could have gotten ugly. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to respond with racist comments so the guys there, (predominantly black) would join him in trying to kick my ass. Pretty sure once he saw that wasn't gonna happen, he decided one on one, him against me was a bad idea.