Old School Skunk, who's found it???

So I'm smoking on some of this Heime Cheeba skunk right now, and here's the deal- I went in wanting to hate it... but actually, it's pretty good. Not $500 good, and it isn't RKS, not even close, but it is skunky for modern stuff... and sort of taste like a toilet... but not intensely so. Very, very comparable to Bodhi's Hashplant D. Overall, I'd say HPD has a bit more of a "puppy breath" tone, and this is a touch more sour... but it's very similar.
The high is like a good, classic, indica dom type effect. Super mellow, spacey and stupid, with slight body numbing. I could see this being something I bought in a time before dispensaries.
Good, but still not RKS. It doesn't have the ass-blasting, gas attack reek of the old RKS.
I had two females from AG seeds Skunk #1 and they tasted like the smell of an old toilet...not appealing and little effect on body or head. It was a yielder though of solid dense buds if that is your thing. Finished in 9/10 weeks.
Just started whole pack of Sterling Skunk repo by csi. just ran grape soda skunk bc1 by meangene and all you get is grapey/lime skunk. Hopar Valley Selection #2 isn't skunky but is damn sure pungent like a chemical smell. reminded me of something like chem or tk maybe.

let the hunt continue...
Just started whole pack of Sterling Skunk repo by csi. just ran grape soda skunk bc1 by meangene and all you get is grapey/lime skunk. Hopar Valley Selection #2 isn't skunky but is damn sure pungent like a chemical smell. reminded me of something like chem or tk maybe.

let the hunt continue...
Show some of that grape soda skunk bc1. I have always wanted to see mean gene gear,
I had two females from AG seeds Skunk #1 and they tasted like the smell of an old toilet...not appealing and little effect on body or head. It was a yielder though of solid dense buds if that is your thing. Finished in 9/10 weeks.
Hey, you know, there's probably a bigger market for toilet stuff than people think. If someone were to lock it down, they could call their strain something like, "potty mouth", and probably sell it no problem.
Hey, you know, there's probably a bigger market for toilet stuff than people think. If someone were to lock it down, they could call their strain something like, "potty mouth", and probably sell it no problem.
If your name is indicative of your region then I'm sure the people have adapted their tastes while they live amongst the homeless, I bet those sf folk would love Toilet terps
Hey, you know, there's probably a bigger market for toilet stuff than people think. If someone were to lock it down, they could call their strain something like, "potty mouth", and probably sell it no problem.
Poddy mouth already exists. Humboldt seed company.

my sparkle face from twenty20. If you wanna believe it or not. Has that skunk spray smell. I just bucked into grove bags. First time opening the bag to try a flower and it reaks of skunk. Even my buddy from up north came in and asked if I was using that nasty body spray that reminded him of a skunk. Not rks. The other smell. Like Spray. Not pungent loud. But loud enough. I’m wondering if crossing a classic og with her. What would that do.
Show some of that grape soda skunk bc1. I have always wanted to see mean gene gear,

sadly i didn't take any photos but the bud looks just like the photo he put on ig of it. very stable line, all plants looked the same moreless. very short slow growing plants. taste and smells just like the name says grape soda skunk. sadly it does have a cbd content as in 1:1 more or less idk . the buzz is mellow nothing strong. i gave it away as idc much for cbd effects. would be a good breeding strain i bet. but the smell/taste is amazing, remind me of drinking a grape soda pop soaked in skunk.
The line that people refer to now as Roadkill, was just called KB, Kine Bud, Skunk, Green Bud, etc until the forums used the term roadkill to describe the flavor.

This line was bred for commercial interests south of the boarder in the late late 70's / early 80's. It was meant to allow organized Mexican growers to achieve multiple crops per year without building massive light deprivation greenhouses at a time where it wouldn't be possible. So, how would this be possible? Ruderalis genetics.

That is the missing link that no one has pinned as one of the main contributors to the skunk aroma. Mexican x Ruderalis, possibly with some middle eastern genetics (Pakistani, Afghani, etc) then stabilized a few generation until the autoflower/photosensitive trait was locked into the line.

These grows were funded and set up with the help of American counterparts, that then used the network already established by the motorcycle clubs forming across the United States to move the product. Those motorcycle groups and many other clandestine opportunists started bagseed of that skunk line, growing them outdoors across the US. In Northern California, in the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana), the South (West VA, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky) and the Northeast (Mass, Maine, Vermont) etc. Many at the time didn't realize the plants were autoflowering because they were growing them outside. That was well before people were keeping mother plants indoors. Most started seeds, grew them out, and that was that. Those that did grow them inside quickly realized they were sexually unstable and would try to auto when rootbound.

The skunk isn't around anymore because it was an autoflowering, production based seed line. It is still in Mexican bagseed, deeply buried because those same groups continued to cross in Dutch genetics into the skunky seed line as time went on, to increase production and to dull the bouquet, as the skunk aroma had become synonymous with cannabis.
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The line that people refer to now as Roadkill, was just called KB, Kine Bud, Skunk, Green Bud, etc until the forums used the term roadkill to describe the flavor.

This line was bred for commercial interests south of the boarder in the late late 70's / early 80's. It was meant to allow organized Mexican growers to achieve multiple crops per year without building massive light deprivation greenhouses at a time where it wouldn't be possible. So, how would this be possible? Ruderalis genetics.

That is the missing link that no one has pinned as one of the main contributors to the skunk aroma. Mexican x Ruderalis, possibly with some middle eastern genetics (Pakistani, Afghani, etc) then stabilized a few generation until the autoflower/photosensitive trait was locked into the line.

These grows were funded and set up with the help of American counterparts, that then used the network already established by the motorcycle clubs forming across the United States to move the product. Those motorcycle groups and many other clandestine opportunists started bagseed of that skunk line, growing them outdoors across the US. In Northern California, in the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana), the South (West VA, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky) and the Northeast (Mass, Maine, Vermont) etc. Many at the time didn't realize the plants were autoflowering because they were growing them outside. That was well before people were keeping mother plants indoors. Most started seeds, grew them out, and that was that. Those that did grow them inside quickly realized they were sexually unstable and would try to auto when rootbound.

The skunk isn't around anymore because it was an autoflowering, production based seed line. It is still in Mexican bagseed, deeply buried because those same groups continued to cross in Dutch genetics into the skunky seed line as time went on, to increase production and to dull the bouquet, as the skunk aroma had become synonymous with cannabis.
ruderalis exists or at least did in both mexico and Afghanistan so anythings possible i doubt it but who knows for sure also what your talking about alot of strains flower by default when rootbound from semi autos right up to regular photo strains sweet pink grapefruit being one there are others tho so i wouldnt read into that too much myself
Well, that is certainly an interesting new theory... Ruderalis in skunk. Not sure if that makes complete sense though. It took a long time to make Ruderalis hybrids as potent as regular period flowering varieties.
Full on ruderalis yes i agree is low potency by default there are some landraces that are semi auto that have better potency tho there more extremely photo sensitive than true autos however but i doubt there in skunk all the same
Well, that is certainly an interesting new theory... Ruderalis in skunk. Not sure if that makes complete sense though. It took a long time to make Ruderalis hybrids as potent as regular period flowering varieties.
I'm getting some GST Old School Skunk GMO Rotten Berries and Matty Cakes from AKBB...excited to see what tester comes down the pike..I saw your comment about Big Fuck and Kali Mist..but I dunno, gonna shoot the shot with GST Old School Skunk, hoping to get missiles
Mexicans were making their brink weed skunk lmfao. I’m by the border. Close enough where brick weed was all we smoked in the 90s. And no. It wasn skunk. Can’t believe I just heard that. I have millions of Mexican brick weed seeds. I guess I’m sitting on a Gold mine. Anyone wanna buy some rks packs?

All we smoked in the 90’s?

You were born in 1990 according to you from this post?

Try harder
