what's your favourite marijuana movie?


Well-Known Member
thanx again guys, i think i've seen every marijuana movie going. unless someone got any more


Well-Known Member
Just watched Pineapple Express, this is a must. go download it and watch it now. soooooooo funny


New Member
For me its blow, mr johnny depp, always makes me shed a tear at the end when he dreams of seeing his daughter in prison but she fades away and he was only dreaming, sad, top film, another is Layer cake Mr Danny craig, in the hole film he never once gives his name, (very clever i thought).
Another to see is Human traffic Mr john simm and Danny dier, they arrange a top uk night out in wales with much drug taking has a few good speacil guests pop up, top film for a night in, a must for a night on the herb.


Well-Known Member
half bake is prob my favorite... pineapple express is fucking hilarious too

gota love how movies exaggerate... sometimes its funny... sometimes pisses me off


Well-Known Member
have anny of you guys seen smiley face??? it prettyfunny kinda pisses you off cuz of how high the girl is but kinda makes you higher just watching iit haha


Active Member
PINEAPPLE EXPRESS by far is one of the best stoner films ever. Others include dazed and confused, blow and many more but these are just my favorites.