Examples of GOP Leadership

@cannabineer ... Here's a perfect example to your response. I have guns just about anywhere within reach. I train when the weather is nice, and I have plenty of that caliber of ammo. But one day, me and the Mrs. were coming back from out of town, and she needed to stop at the Dollar Store for something. I waited in the car for her. This truck pulls up beside me (pass side) gets out like he's going in the store and suddenly, he's in my front pass seat.... I wasn't ready. I had a gun in the console, but it happened so fast. ... Im ashamed to say I locked up. He looked at me and said "sorry, I thought this was my brothers car"... I just said "That's a good way to get shot". You almost have to have your head on a swivel ... which is no way to live.
exactly. I have a bedside gun, and none when I’m anywhere else. There is just no way I could stay sufficiently on top of the tactical situation.

When I walk the pup (he’s blind), the threat is the local pair of coyotes. I take a fixed-blade knife (of legal size) for a security blanket. So far they’ve kept their distance.
exactly. I have a bedside gun, and none when I’m anywhere else. There is just no way I could stay sufficiently on top of the tactical situation.

When I walk the pup (he’s blind), the threat is the local pair of coyotes. I take a fixed-blade knife (of legal size) for a security blanket. So far they’ve kept their distance.
Carry some mace... or Bear Spray... but yes, I always have a Benchmade on me too as back up.
Auto Striker here. I'd love to have an Infidel OTF, but they are pretty bulky, and hella expensive for a pocket knife.
Had to look it up. Mine is an ordinary liner lock type. The alloy (ATS-6?) is a tough chewy beast on the stones.

My impossible dream knife is a Carter FS1. This one has a handle that is dog butt ugly. But I have kitchen knives in blue steel (hand forged by grumpy old Japanese guys), and they take an edge so much better than stainless.

Had to look it up. Mine is an ordinary liner lock type. The alloy (ATS-6?) is a tough chewy beast on the stones.

My impossible dream knife is a Carter FS1. This one has a handle that is dog butt ugly. But I have kitchen knives in blue steel (hand forged by grumpy old Japanese guys), and they take an edge so much better than stainless.

Not gonna lie... that is one ugly handle. I've never carried a fixed blade. That one IS hella expensive!. .. I think I just like the compactness of a semi auto folding. I can open and close it one handed. Years of standing around a car dealership on a slow day, I had plenty of time to practice. I bet I've opened and closed that thing 40,000 times.
Here's the other problem with teachers and handguns. You have to be be very.. and I mean very trained to hit a target at even 20 yards with a handgun. Most people with "some" experience, can't hit the broadside of a barn. The "take down" zone is about a sq ft. Very few people can even do a double tap (chest/head). I only know 1 person who can pick up anybody's side arm and hit a 10" plate at 75y., and he's a CCW trainer. He prob runs 1000 rounds a week.
So, to put a handgun in the hands of a teacher is prob not the best idea. There's gonna be collateral damage trying to take down a target. So... Im gonna lean this way with you guys. I don't think it's a good idea now that I think about it. Im all about guns, but not in unqualified hands. I really don't know what the answer is on this. Kids gotta get in school, and anyone can pose as a parent and get inside I suppose. I graduated in 86', and this was not a problem that was even on the table, so I was just never really exposed to the possibility of it happening. I guess we could all go to virtual learning like a couple of years ago during the Pandemic, but then again, that creates social, emotional problems amongst young kids that will only communicate via the keyboard, and only further drive anxiety, poor self esteem., social skills.. just a long list of problems.
Texas laws allow teachers to carry guns on school grounds with little regulation
what a sad useless response, and what an unreasonable request to make of teachers...make people who love children and want to help them become better people carry a gun, because our representatives are bough and paid for by a corrupt gun industry...if there is a hell, they'll be in the fucking penthouse suite, along with anyone who sold their souls for children's lives...
The big problem I see is that it takes time to transition from teacher mode to fighter mode. Intensive training can shorten but not eliminate the delay. Any assailant is already in fighter mode; impossible to get the drop on him. Nobody but law enforcement should be allowed to have a weapon on school grounds. Trained security is expensive, and many schools cannot even afford textbooks.
why ask them to do that? why not hire real guards? why not get rid of the bought off politicians who allow the gun industry to flood the market with advertising that scares the fuck out of people to get them to buy more guns...the statistics on which are then used by the same fucking corrupt industry to scare more people into buying more fucking guns...
what a sad useless response, and what an unreasonable request to make of teachers...make people who love children and want to help them become better people carry a gun, because our representatives are bough and paid for by a corrupt gun industry...if there is a hell, they'll be in the fucking penthouse suite, along with anyone who sold their souls for children's lives...
Nothing new Roger... scare tactics have long been used to advance sales on products that are backed and funded by investors.... kinda like Big Pharma...... glad to see you're the same grouchy bastard i met here a few years ago. However, Im glad to see that you guys have not totally kicked me to the curb.. But see the conversation above... I actually agree with you.
GOP Wins House … And Celebrates With A Hunter Biden Press Conference
It’s nice to see Republican leadership in Congress getting ready to tackle the important issues impacting Americans.

What makes this even more disgraceful is the fact these are the same clowns who looked the other way while trump and his larvae where openly stealing from the American people.