Examples of GOP Leadership

..... I like it.
The funny thing about being a billionaire these days, when yer watching TV or surfing the web, yer just like everybody else who isn't so rich and doing the same thing. Many people spend their evenings the same way, rich or poor, living more and more virtually and less in the real world. There is an epidemic of loneliness and lack of community with so much for the individual to do, from hundreds of TV channels, the internet to vast music collections, we are overwhelmed by options and choices, every moment we spend with technology, is one less we spend interacting with other people. It is adversely affecting youth, those most connected to the future and technology, stress and depression levels are off the charts. It's been a trend for decades, in lock step with evolving technology.
The older I get, the less I feel like I need things. I've been very fortunate tho. I got everything I need, and don't owe anybody anything. It's the younger group I worry about. They feel like they need to live like thier parents RIGHT NOW! My old boss would say the same thing.. IWWIWAIWIN.
"I want what I want, and I want it now". ... this has led to financial crisis in Gen Y, Z. Which is why we're seeing such a rapid Fed rate hike. They really sat on it too long. They should have started a few years ago, and done .25 bias point increases to kinda pull the spending down a little at a time before a crisis hits. But hey.. I don't run the show.
JUST IN!-- DoubleA is announcing his run for the 2024 Election!.... Im counting on your vote.
The funny thing about being a billionaire these days, when yer watching TV or surfing the web, yer just like everybody else who isn't so rich and doing the same thing. Many people spend their evenings the same way, rich or poor, living more and more virtually and less in the real world. There is an epidemic of loneliness and lack of community with so much for the individual to do, from hundreds of TV channels, the internet to vast music collections, we are overwhelmed by options and choices, every moment we spend with technology, is one less we spend interacting with other people. It is adversely affecting youth, those most connected to the future and technology, stress and depression levels are off the charts. It's been a trend for decades, in lock step with evolving technology.
Yep.. the Ultra Rich can be just as disconnected, depressed as that guy in the tent village in LA. Money isn't everything. I've been the most depressed, down, and lonely when I was making the most money in my career when I wanted something, it wasn't a thought. I just did it. It was a very short term of satisfaction, then on to the next. I didn't have gratitude. I have that now after learning many lessons that money is a tool .... not happiness.
Yep.. the Ultra Rich can be just as disconnected, depressed as that guy in the tent village in LA. Money isn't everything. I've been the most depressed, down, and lonely when I was making the most money in my career when I wanted something, it wasn't a thought. I just did it. It was a very short term of satisfaction, then on to the next. I didn't have gratitude. I have that now after learning many lessons that money is a tool .... not happiness.
Happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves and others, after basic needs are met. Pleasure is ephemeral and does not last, it usually has an external source. Nature built us that way, if by having sex or eating you would have lasting pleasure, then you wouldn't have much sex or eat much would you? Furthermore, it is the anticipation of the pleasure that dives things, not the end result, the first cookie tasted great, but the tenth one not so much. The bright fruit on the tree across the river made your ancestor swim the river and climb the tree, the anticipation provided the motivation, attaining it can be disappointing. Addictions work the same way, craving is anticipation, and most drunks don't really enjoy drinking, though many imagine they do.
Happiness comes from our relationship with ourselves and others, after basic needs are met. Pleasure is ephemeral and does not last, it usually has an external source. Nature built us that way, if by having sex or eating you would have lasting pleasure, then you wouldn't have much sex or eat much would you? Furthermore, it is the anticipation of the pleasure that dives things, not the end result, the first cookie tasted great, but the tenth one not so much. The bright fruit on the tree across the river made your ancestor swim the river and climb the tree, the anticipation provided the motivation, attaining it can be disappointing. Addictions work the same way, craving is anticipation, and most drunks don't really enjoy drinking, though many imagine they do.
I get that. Out of all the stupid purchases, toys, etc that I've bought over the years, nothing can compare to "experiences". I've got to experience living abroad as a teen, later in the past few years, visiting The Vatican, Monaco, Pompeii, all over Europe with family.. and that is priceless. It's something I can talk about forever, and I spent that time with them. It's much better than buying a new F150, or a boat. Life is short... explore it if you can. Next stop is Greece 2023 with the fam....... if we haven't blown ourselves up by then.

Let's talk about a review of Trump's announcement....
My takeaway from this. .. The Repubs had 8 years of Obama, and I understand that bad things happen during every Presidency. America grew weary to make a change. Along comes Trump. It was a hell of a rally. He got everyone fired up again (myself included). We watched the debates, and really wanted to see some change. He did rally the Repubs, and created a lot of hate from the Dems, but the flash in the pan is gone Im afraid. We got a couple more years to see someone else come along that will put us back on track, ease International tension, open trade deals (that's good for everyone), and maybe,... just maybe blur the lines between this divide we have. We've never been more divided in this Country than we are now... and we need to stop that. We're all one. Here's to hoping that the future is a little brighter.
My point is that if I, or Roger, or DIY, or anyone else just met up at a coffee shop and started up a random non political conversation, that we would find things in common and get along just fine. It's another thing when we are keyboard warriors in our little space of digital shields. Things we say online would not be things we would say face to face. It's just a bunch of bullshit binary code that creates divide... unfortunately.
I know right.... If you would have told me in 1995 that soon we would have a device in our pocket that was a phone, calculator, GPS navigation, hands free voice to text and commands, real time stock market, weather radar, Social media, camera, mailbox, music store, instant news, remote home viewing of your security system, Facetime,and the endless apps with 164gigs of memory... I would have thought your were crazy. .... but here we are.
I was thinking about this the other day. ... almost everything improves over time. One thing I was thinking about was music. We started with cylinder rockers, vinyl, 8 track, cassettes, CD.s, MP3 downloads.. and now its just instant. I can say "Hey Siri, play some Fleetwood Mac".. boom... there it is. How much can we advance that?... sorry.. random thought.
In terms of quality of reproduction, vinyl was the pinnacle. Today’s digital is coarser.
My takeaway from this. .. The Repubs had 8 years of Obama, and I understand that bad things happen during every Presidency. America grew weary to make a change. Along comes Trump. It was a hell of a rally. He got everyone fired up again (myself included). We watched the debates, and really wanted to see some change. He did rally the Repubs, and created a lot of hate from the Dems, but the flash in the pan is gone Im afraid. We got a couple more years to see someone else come along that will put us back on track, ease International tension, open trade deals (that's good for everyone), and maybe,... just maybe blur the lines between this divide we have. We've never been more divided in this Country than we are now... and we need to stop that. We're all one. Here's to hoping that the future is a little brighter.
trump has been a shady motherfucker his whole career, and never made a secret of it...which is why many democrats didn't take him seriously, we couldn't believe the republicans, or anyone else, would be stupid enough to think for one minute that trump was qualified, competent, ethical, or decent enough to get elected...we underestimated how stupid half the country was, to believe a fucking self proclaimed conman who hung out with epstein and maxwell...
NOO...that bill does not say that....it says more of the same stupid shit that already exists..that states can do w/e they want, and that churches can continue to discriminate against them...read the piece of shit thing
I did make a joke about it with the post... I'm not familiar with the fine details of American policy and generally interest myself with the struggle for democracy and joking about things in our shared culture and economy. Basic human rights are of interest, like kids in cages, women's rights and those of LBGTQ etc. Domestic policy I try to stay clear of as much as possible, that's for Americans to decide, along with VP picks etc. I would not be that interested in American politics, if each election cycle wasn't a struggle between liberal democracy or fascism and I didn't live in yer backyard! I've been focused on Ukraine and the international situation to avoid American politics this election cycle, since Trump is not on the ticket, again American business.
This is all fun and I'd like to see Donald stick around and the civil war inside the GOP, but Donald has a reservation at the crowbar hotel forever and everybody with a brain knows it. It explains their newfound courage after their midterm ass whipping, Mitch knows Garland will soon have Donald off his back and in a cage. Merry Christmas Donald and a Helluva new fucking year!