Examples of GOP Leadership

Kinda surprised me to see this map... Cali is next to last place in air quality... Oklahoma is ranked higher, but we don't have the population either.


Yeah - california’s CARB regulations are a joke as is the switch to “ winter gas blends “ - it doesn’t get that cold for vehicles here in the west coast for vehicles to benefit or improve from it. I have NEVER needed to “ winterize “ any vehicle i ever owned. I bring this shit up every time someone mentions air quality and pollution control out here in my neck of the woods.

It’s all bureaucratic bullshit.
Yeah - california’s CARB regulations are a joke as is the switch to “ winter gas blends “ - it doesn’t get that cold for vehicles here in the west coast for vehicles to benefit or improve from it. I have NEVER needed to “ winterize “ any vehicle i ever owned. I bring this shit up every time someone mentions air quality and pollution control out here in my neck of the woods.

It’s all bureaucratic bullshit.
Winter gas has to do with cheap but volatile hydrocarbons in the mix that bring up octane number but could boil in the summer sun, with smog consequences. Useta be I got 10% better mileage in winter, til the smart people who are smart decided to oxygenate in all seasons.
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NO! We never would have guessed! :lol:

He might as well use a wet sheet of toilet paper to stop a bullet.

Trump Motivated To Announce Candidacy By Fear Of Indictment Says Jon Karl

ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi weigh in on Trump’s expected announcement to launch his 2024 presidential run.
Man.. I wished some of you West Coasters could see how loose our emissions laws are here..... you'd lose your fucking minds. Stop light, .... a F350 diesel is idling in front of me... light turns green and Im covered in a "coal roll" at the green. Ironic eh? This is oil Country tho...... whatcha gonna do?
do you smoke ma'am??
start letting local politicians know you're fed up with that shit...let them know if they want your vote, they need to stop stupid shit like that. then vote that way, and encourage all your friends to as well. that is the average citizen's legal recourse, your power in government is your vote, and while one vote isn't that important to any politician, if you can convince your friends to say the same things to them, then they'll remember. one or two bitching about something is a couple of cranks, ten people in one town bitching is noticed, and ten people bitching in every town gets their fucking attention.
Kinda hard to do when that's what all the politicians drive is a F250-350 diesel. A lot of them also own ranches, farmland. Im very good friends with the County Commissioner, and If I ever brought up the subject, he wouldn't laugh, but he prob say "Are you fucking serious?"
Kinda hard to do when that's what all the politicians drive is a F250-350 diesel. A lot of them also own ranches, farmland. Im very good friends with the County Commissioner, and If I ever brought up the subject, he wouldn't laugh, but he prob say "Are you fucking serious?"
If they think that shit is acceptable under the law, then they are not fit for cutlery much less office FFS, we have this thing called civilization ya know, common decency too.
If they think that shit is acceptable under the law, then they are not fit for cutlery much less office FFS, we have this thing called civilization ya know, common decency too.
It's just 2 different worlds man... I remember early in my car biz career we would have to do yearly inspections and slap a sticker for the year on the vehicle... but we NEVER had smog tests. It was just horn, turn signals, headlights, brake lights, excessive windshield cracks, etc.. $5 bucks and 5 minutes later, you were on your way.... but they killed that program around 1990.
We have literally no recycling here. If it's not metal, I burn it. Boxes, plastic, cardboard, styrofoam, scrap wood, limbs, leafs. If it'll burn, we burn it. When my dad was here for the season, and we were both drinking quite a bit of beer, we'd toss out ~4600 aluminum cans a year. I drink wine now, and that's a lot of glass, but there's nowhere to take it.
The "coal rolling" is mainly in a class of rednecks in the 25-35 year old range who prob have small dicks. But amazingly, we have pretty clean air quality..... for now.
It's just 2 different worlds man... I remember early in my car biz career we would have to do yearly inspections and slap a sticker for the year on the vehicle... but we NEVER had smog tests. It was just horn, turn signals, headlights, brake lights, excessive windshield cracks, etc.. $5 bucks and 5 minutes later, you were on your way.... but they killed that program around 1990.
We have literally no recycling here. If it's not metal, I burn it. Boxes, plastic, cardboard, styrofoam, scrap wood, limbs, leafs. If it'll burn, we burn it. When my dad was here for the season, and we were both drinking quite a bit of beer, we'd toss out ~4600 aluminum cans a year. I drink wine now, and that's a lot of glass, but there's nowhere to take it.
The "coal rolling" is mainly in a class of rednecks in the 25-35 year old range who prob have small dicks. But amazingly, we have pretty clean air quality..... for now.
Oh, we've seen some changes alright, most for the better these past few decades in 1980 I never dreamed of the online world we inhabit today where knowledge is so available. For me the internet was like trying to drink from a firehouse at full blast!
Oh, we've seen some changes alright, most for the better these past few decades in 1980 I never dreamed of the online world we inhabit today where knowledge is so available. For me the internet was like trying to drink from a firehouse at full blast!
I know right.... If you would have told me in 1995 that soon we would have a device in our pocket that was a phone, calculator, GPS navigation, hands free voice to text and commands, real time stock market, weather radar, Social media, camera, mailbox, music store, instant news, remote home viewing of your security system, Facetime,and the endless apps with 164gigs of memory... I would have thought your were crazy. .... but here we are.
I was thinking about this the other day. ... almost everything improves over time. One thing I was thinking about was music. We started with cylinder rockers, vinyl, 8 track, cassettes, CD.s, MP3 downloads.. and now its just instant. I can say "Hey Siri, play some Fleetwood Mac".. boom... there it is. How much can we advance that?... sorry.. random thought.
I know right.... If you would have told me in 1995 that soon we would have a device in our pocket that was a phone, calculator, GPS navigation, hands free voice to text and commands, real time stock market, weather radar, Social media, camera, mailbox, music store, instant news, remote home viewing of your security system, Facetime,and the endless apps with 164gigs of memory... I would have thought your were crazy. .... but here we are.
I was thinking about this the other day. ... almost everything improves over time. One thing I was thinking about was music. We started with cylinder rockers, vinyl, 8 track, cassettes, CD.s, MP3 downloads.. and now its just instant. I can say "Hey Siri, play some Fleetwood Mac".. boom... there it is. How much can we advance that?... sorry.. random thought.
Live for 200 years with the body of a 20 year old and an endless supply of beautiful women to screw while sitting on a billion bucks. How's that for a start?